
First Job

After leaving the guild hall I took a boar carriage to Mt. Hakobe. Along the way I asked the driver what monsters live on Mt. Hakobe she said " a lot of monster make there home on that mountain the ones you have to watch out for are the Volcan's. They are body snatchers, you should also look out for some frost wyverns. If you look out those you should be fine good luck and happy hunting." She said as we arived at our destination.

Getting out of the carriage I felt like I stepped into a different world. The whole mountain was covered in snow. Eric thought "The dam system tricked me."

System: I did not! You never asked for weather conditions, you will have to complete the job in what you are wearing. haha this should be fun ice cold wind, snow, and monsters. Let the pain and suffering begin.

"I really hate you." Eric thought as he trudged threw waist deep snow.

System: You know it would be easier if you used magic

"you know why do I have a bad feeling about this." Eric thought as he activated his Transformation magic. his body started to smoke and then he started shift into the beast Form but it wasn't the same as last time no the pain when shifting was 10 times worse and this time he had wings and a scorpion tail.

"Ouch that hurt so much more than last time." Eric thought as he noticed every thing was different colors and he could see or rather sense every thing around him. This was going to be fun.

System's PoV:

The first day on Mt. Hakobe was to say in the least was challenging. first when he started to hunt monsters he ran into a pack of Dire wolves that chase him until he kill them all. next he found a cave full of Blue goblins. by the time he finished clearing out the cave it was night and that end the day.

The second day when much like the first one only this time Eric fell into a hole full of giant maggots and spiders. the nest easily had a few thousand creepy crawlies that had to be killed. as Eric was killing the monster he found that he wasn't getting tired and everything seemed to get slower. he continued to fight monster's for seven days. by the time he was done he looked like he'd been to hell and back.

Eric's PoV:

I don't know how long I have been fighting these monsters but it scared the crap out of me when i saw the small maggots were the size of small cat, it seemed like an endless wave I used my claws and tale continously until the last bug fell I had tons of little cuts and bumps all over my body.

"Thank god that's finally over!" Eric thought as he sat down next to the corpse of the final bug.



Poison Resistance aquired level 1

Each level of poison resistance increases your resistance to poison by 1%




Pain Resistance aquired level 1

Each level of pain resistance increases your resistance to pain by 0.1%

Due to annoying the gods your pain resistance will never increase




Ice Resistance aquired

Each level of Ice resistance increases your resistance to ice by 0.5%


System: Congratulations you survive I was trying kill with poison from the monsters. well I'll try harder next time

"You were trying to kill me? I thought you didn't want to die yet!" Eric yelled angrily

System: I didn't want to give you resistance to anything because it would be harder to kill you.

Eric was dumfounded, "Well at least tell me my stats!"


Name: Eric D Jackson

Magic: Transformation,forms Manticore, Chimera

VIT: 400

STR: 51

WIS: 17

INT: 21

AGI: 29

Luck: -99

Poison Resistance level 1

Pain Resistance level 1

Ice Resistance level 1


System: there are you happy now because I'm not.

"Great all of my stats went up" Eric said

System: LA DE FREAKING DA I don't care about you

Eric started to walk out of the under ground hole when he found a passage that he didn't go through yet. he decided to check it out. The tunnel was dark and damp as he continued down the passage he noticed a shimmering light in the distance. When he aproched the light he found it was a magic barrier.

" Hey System what is this barrier here for?" Eric asked

System: it's there to keep monsters out and keep people from seeing what's on the other side he said stubbornly.

"Should I see what's on the other side?" Eric asked

System: would you just die already I haven't got all day for you to contemplate whether or not your going to cross the stupid barrier.

"Okey!" Eric said as he stepped threw the barrier.