
The Witch Of The 7th Mountain

Yakumi_Somokuri · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

A Familiar?

From the outside Arya was just lying there idling around. She was breathing slowly and looked almost like a sleeping human.

Craw! Craaaaw!

The crow that was sitting on a branch began to jump down to the floor. The gliding created swooshing sounds. It landed in front of a gigantic body.


Meanwhile Arya who was lying there had trouble figuring out what to do.

"OK, I am here. I shouldn't move… and…"

Her head seemed to be empty as she was unable to grasp any clear thought. Currently she was trying to get out of her entanglement with the Sticky-Silk-Grasses.

Brute force was no option for her. She had not enough strength at the moment. She also had non of the required anti-skills.

[Sticky Silk Vines]< LvL. 33>

>>> Current attack: Sticky Entanglement

>>> Effects: [Restricting Movement] + [Hindering flight]

>>> Skill needed for counter: [Any Slippery move] ; [Any Slimy properties]

"And now! What do I do?"

[Get out, use strength!]

"I tried that before… It didn't work!"

|| —— 5 minutes earlier ———||

"Ok on the count of 3." She said out loud only to her a retort.

[Won't work.]

"Really? And how do you know, system?"

[Too weak. Needed strength + 44 skill points.]

"Huh? What's up with these skill points?"


"Huh? So are they like EXP?"



Arya gnashed her teeth and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway. On the count of 3! 3… 2… 1… Pull!"

Arya pulled her whole body with intensity upwards. She tried to push herself away with this force but it backfired instantly. Instead of being free and running around, the vines and grasses began to wrap around here. New seedings germinated from the ground shooting more sticky silk at her.

She tried again despite the increasing pressure. If she couldn't make it in one step she would take many small ones.

[Warning! Pressure Increases.]

The system warned her but she ignored it and continued to use movements to free herself. With every move more plants bound her down. If she moved her hand, plants would immobilize it. Same with her foot, her arm and her butt.

"Nooo! How will I get out of this?" Arya was frustrated. She had nearly spend 2h glued to the floor. But she wasn't sure about even that, since the 5hick white canopy prevented sunlight.

"Hey System, you here?"


"How do I get out of this sticky situation?"

[Increase stat strength need to be 60.]

[Check stats for more information!]

"Open Stats!" Arya said out loud and instantly a window with an assortment of stats popped up.


>>> Regeneration: 10

>>> Energizing: 10

>>> Strength: 10

>>> Defense: 10

>>> Speed: 15

>>> Stamina: 5

>>> Perception: 5

>>> Agility: 15

>>> Mentality: 25

>>> Resistance: 15

>>> Charm: 20

[Skill points: 104]

[Lifeblood stats to apply: <Glacial Blood Bear (50 SP)>]

Arya scammed through the window and was elated that she already had ten strength points. This meant she had to add less to achieve her desired number, 60.

"Ok. I See. Then add 50 skill points into strength."

[Added +50 SP into Strength <60 >]

[Skill points: 44]

Instantly Arya felt a huge increase in power. She could feel her muscles bulge up and the pressure of the plants decreasing.

"Ok then, here we go! On the count of 3."


It took her by surprise to see the system counting down this time, she cracked a smile and waited for the next message.


Arya tensed her muscles and got ready, she focused on one arm at first. Since she wasn't sure if she could be able to pull her whole body up at once.


This time the system displayed a '!' to showcase the beginning of the pull. Milliseconds later Anya pressed her arm upwards with force. The sounds of tearing strings were heard. One after another she tore the sticky shackles apart. Her arm hung on the air, out of reach for these herbs.

Her face brightened as she proceeded to tear her second arm out. She pulled her torso up and sat there with her upper body freed of these fetters.

Craw! Craw!

A crow exclaimed upon seeing her sit up. It was the Apex Crow, its eyes wer black as the night with only a faint crimson glow.

Anya ignored it and began to untangle her legs. Her thighs bulged and she brought her body into a standing position.

The ice-bugs had gathered back in the area lighting it up. They were glowing a bit too bright, but this was to be expected since they emit thrice the light after a shock.

Her feet were stuck in her black buckled-boots, which were stained white. The silk-plants were hanging from her turquoise riding coat like lichens.

Arya who was covered in lichens sight. Her face switched to a more-or-less disgusted look.

"Great. Now I have ruined another good pair of clothes."

She rubbed her right sleeve with her hand, trying to get the threads off. Her hand touched the stings who were still sticky but at least they had stopped to multiply.

Her hand would go over the lichens but instead of being peeled of it was more like they glued themselves to her hand and stretched out, like melted cheese on a pizza.

"Oh great! Just come off! I don't want to buy another set of clothes!" Arya was almost screaming.

Craw! Craaaw, craw!

At the noise Arya turned on the spot. Her hair fluttering because of the sudden movement. Without her notice she had turned her feet, despite all the restraining grasses.

The crow was looking right at Arya and Arya right at the crow.

Arya smiled brighter upon seeing her savior. She tilted her head sideways, which led to the fact that her hair slid down her shoulder.

She closed her eyes with a smile.

"Thank you! You really saved me back there. If there is anything you want, tell me! I'll be sure to try my best to acquire it."

Craw! Crawww!

Suddenly the crows eyes lit up in a bright crimson again.

[External force detected!]

[Soul Communication]

[Mentality and resistance for block: 20 / 20]

[Conditions not met! Attack proceeds!]

Arya was wondering what was happening, she guessed that it was the raven that did this she just didn't know why.

"Uh, what is this soul communication?"

"Helps the communication. Basically every monster, animal or human up from LvL. 60 can do this." A familiar deep voice could be heard.

"Huh?! So you can talk to me now?"

"Better, you can talk to me. And I can help you. I mean at your pace, your going to stand there 'til midnight."

"Really! How awesome! Why didn't you do this earlier?"

"Let's say it costs loads of EP and certain conditions have to be met.


"Yes. Most abilities have conditions."

"I see… so what are the conditions?"

"You sure ask a load of stuff… I need direct eye contact and you must be within my perception range."

"Ok… and how much is this?"

"2000 km? Roughly. But now enough. It is draining my EP to keep talking."

"No! Please. I thought you wanted to help me!"

"Yes. But not like this. We will form a contract."

"A contract?"

"Yes, a familiar contract. So be ready. I'll leave it to you!"

"Huh? But I have no clue how this works!"

"Look at your quests regarding familiars!"

"Huh! How do you know about the system?!"

"Shush kid. Talk later. Bye!"

The crows eyes began to stop glowing. It was now starring at me with its raven eyes.

"Quest regarding familiars open."

[Regular Quest]

>>> Tame one familiar

[1] Make contact.

[2] Acquire blood.

[3] Proceed with bond.

[4] Give a name to complete the bond.

"Oh so this works as well! Conditions for search!"

[Hidden quest completed!]

[Try an advanced search]

<x > + 10 Skill points

<x > Chat Upgrade [LvL. 2]

>>> Can now be used without opening the chat.

Aryas face lit up. She had eyes as big as saucers and was baffled.

The crow who was watching her tilted its head, and let out a slight chuckle.

Cra. Cra. Craw!

At the noise Arya turned around, focusing on the quest. She read through it. A shiver ran down her spine.

"Ok so it says I should make contact first."

She began to walk over to where the crow was sitting. The crow kept quietly looking at her.

Only her steps and the buzzing of the ice-bugs could be heard.

A moment later she stood in front of the crow.

"I will make contact now." She explained while stretching out her left hand.

Abruptly the crow moved to the side.

Craw! Craw!

It seemed to shake its head, before proceeding to hold out his left foot and point at her right hand.

"You want me to use my right hand?"


"I'll take this as a yes." Layla stretched her hand out once more, this time her right hand.

She placed her hand gently on his feathers. Suddenly a soft crimson light started glowing. Her palm was turned downwards so she didn't know what was emitting the light at first.

"Now it says I need your blood, how do I…"

Before she could finish the crow had raised its claw and was currently piercing it into its feathers. A drop of blood dripped out of the wound. Arya realized what it was doing and placed her hand below the dripping-point.

She now saw what was glowing on her hand. It was this weird star like pattern imprinted on her skin. She saw one point glow especially bright.

[Blood for bond acquired]

[Apex Shadow Crow]

>>> Species: Monster

>>> LvL. 240

>>> Rank: S

[Will use up 20 EP and 100 HP]

{Does Host wish to form bond?}

{Yes / No}

Arya smiled and replied with a friendly heartfelt "Yes. I wish to.", even if it was a lot to pay 100 HP.

[Bond established!]

[Please name your familiar!]

"Hmm… so he is black and white… sometimes his eyes grow crimson… right now they are black…" She thought to herself when she heard something complaining.

"You better give me a good name!" A crow's voice was heard.

"You black hearted crow!" She thought while having decided.

"I'll name you Negro!"

(A/N: Negro means black in Spanish for male. Negra for female nouns.)

[You have formed the bond.]