
The White Rose by Raa_d_ruu

This is a tale of an unwilling soldier who escapes war and finds a new family in an unlikely ally. The soldier gets more than he bargained for when his life is bombarded with new responsibilities, friends, family, love and a war within himself

sahlraaid52 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The beginning of the end.

Slash Parry Block Duck. That was all I could do in this battlefield. A single distraction might cost my life.....and it almost did when Joe, bored of the monotony of the cycle suddenly said  " who's genius idea was it to be a soldier?!!. . Oh I forgot to introduce Joe didn't I ? Joe is my mind voice and no I'm not crazy. It's just that when having arguments with my self I find it easier to imagine the opponent. And that's Joe my mind voice and a pain in the 'you know where'.

That tiny moment of distraction gave my opponent an opening. He feinted a high cut and in my distraction I fell for the otherwise obvious feint and raised my shield and waited for the jarring blow which was now all too familiar. The moment I realized my mistake I rolled back but even with my quick reflexes he still got me across the torso " Shit! Now I'm good as dead! "Joe you moron! Now I'm gonna die and its all because of you" I thought at Joe. " Can't you wait until we are safe to be sassy? Look what happened to us now"  Joe was uncharacteristically silent.

I looked up at my assailant expecting to see the glee of a madman who loves to kill or the relief of a soldier who lived to find another day. But all I saw was pain and torment. Here is a soldier who has understood the true nature of war. I looked at my assailant a little bit closer. If I'm dying I should at least know who killed me. A strange notion but I really felt the urge to know his name. But I had a bigger problem; how to address this guy. Should I go with Sir? Dude? Rascal? Or Murderer? The last one sounded too mean so I went with the safest option. "Ummmm..... Sir can I know your name?" The man looked around for the source of the sound with a bewildered look. It was probably the last thing he expected in a battlefield. All we hear in this god  forsaken place is cries of pain , groans and curses that would make a sailor proud. So to hear something polite that must have got quite the shock! Finally he figured out that I was the one who spoke.

"I..I...Ivan" he stutterd clearly in shock. " Why do you ask this when you are in the brink of death. And I'm not being rude or anything but .... uh....by all normal standards you should be cursing the shit out of me" That forced a laugh out of me and a shearing pain spread throughout my body. " You are in no condition to laugh my friend. You are quite the fellow aren't you. Laughing when death is literally in front of you. Most of the ones I killed uttered the names of their closest loved ones." Ivan said with despair filled tone.

"I have no family and no friends and definitely no lover. And id rather a see a smiling face than a grim one.....even if it was the face of my killer." I told him with a pained smile. "You are a good man. May I know your name young man."  It was a real pain but my mother had hammered good manners into me. I extended my hand and with a curt nod " It's Ryan".

"Well Ryan, it's an honour to meet you and I really do hope you understand I had to injure you. It was either you or me. And I have to go back to my family. I really am sorry" I really did understand him. Here was a man who didn't have any choice in coming to war and regretted every second in it. " Awww come on Ivan I thought we had something special. I'm hurt you cast me aside that fast." I said with a mock hurt expression. A clear laugh cut through the area and for a second everyone just stopped. They all looked at us like we were crazy. The one who was looking to get behind Ivan and stab him turned away..... probably embarrassed to death. It was getting colder now and it was reassuring to know I have freed a man from guilt. Now I can die in peace." Look mom, I know you are looking at me from heaven. I have saved one more person. I hope you are proud of me" and for a split second I heard her voice " I am proud Ryan and you are the best son I could have hoped for". I might have been hallucinating but dam didn't it feel good. " Ivan can you do me a favour?" "Anything my friend. I owe you. What's it you want me to do?"  I took a deep breath the pain was almost unbearable and a numbing coldness was engulfing my entire torso. " Just stay with me here. I don't want to die alone.... please" tears were running down my face. I couldn't hold on to my mask any longer. I just let everything go and screamed a scream of pain, frustration and pent up fury. This was probably my last breath so I can't keep up my façade. I'm done living for others, this is my last moment in life I'm gonna live it for myself. I screamed and cried out years of pain I've been dealt with and finally I stopped. I'm ready to die now. I looked one last time at Ivan, his eyes were full of sorrow and guilt. " Don't feel guilty Ivan, it's not your fault it's the dam wars.  Just keep my memory alive for me" I said closing my eyes." I will" came his soft reply when suddenly the loudest sound I have heard in my entire life sounded all around the battlefield.

That's it for the first chapter guys please comment, vote and follow if you liked this chapter. I promise you won't be disappointed.