

In the year 2300, some scientists from Helios world finally found the way to travel faster then light. when this news spread wide and far, all the human on this planet started celebrating because finally they can explore the stars. During one of the test flight, they accidentally opened a different dimension. which brought Helios world to the ruin. even after many research and experiments they couldn't figure out the reason. can only watch as the humanity lost 50% of its population in the blink of an eye. but the appearance of a person brought a new hope for them , who could control fire like in the movies and novels. after certain period of experiments they come to conclusions that , when the air( virus/ different energy/ mana) from the different dimension leaked. it didn't only brought ruin to our world but it is also brought something magical. since then humanity took a different turn and started welcoming supernatural being who has the power to destroy a city with bare hands. this changes not only happened with the humans but the beast and plants aswell. Ethan our protagonist however was unfortunate and didn't awakened any superpower. making him a losser in the area he lived in. but one day ethan went to forest in anger and tried to hunt beast but unfortunately he had to run away with a grave injury. on the verge of dying ethen got a system which saved his life. but ethen was not happy because it was the weakest system in history. Ethan: if you think, my system is really the weakest then it's your loss. ( hello readers, if you want to read this book just persist until the 30 chapter and if you don't like the book even after that than I can only say sorry And if you like my book for it's story and then pls leave a honest review. no matter how your review is. i will appreciate it very much.)

UniverseM007 · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

19. Fairy Or Enchantress

After entering the gate, Ethan and Elaina both went to look for good inn to spend the night. He can't possibly bring Elaina to his broken apartment can he.

After the first round finished, host informed the last 440 winners to come back in the morning. Out of thousands of people only 440 people were selected, from this it can be seen how rare the grade C and above supernatural beings are.

As they made there way through the busy street. They found a moon lake inn, which has a 4 floors in total. But according to bystanders this inn is very expensive. At first Ethan didn't wanted to come but Elaina insisted on coming to this inn. So Ethan just followed her.

Going inside they directly went to receptionist to aquire a room for both of them.

Seeing them coming the receptionist asked with a smile.

" How may I help you sir and Madam."

" Hello miss, can you give us two rooms pls." Ethan asked as polite as possible.

" Of course just let me check a little."

After checking the availability of the room. Receptionist replied with sorry smile.

" Sorry, guest we have only one room available currently. Would you like to take it?"

" This" ethan was really helpless and just about to say no but Elaina cut him to it.

" We will take it. Thankyou." Hearing this from Elaina even the receptionist was surprised.

She had seen the boy take the initiative to say it but here is other way around. Ethan just looked like, he had seen a ghost. Mouth wide open.

" What are you so shocked about, it's not like I am going to eat you or something." He became even more embarrassed.

Receptionist just gave him a thumps up while handing over the key. Ethan just let out a hollow laugh while taking his step toward the lift.

There room was on the 4 floor. So it didn't take much time to reach there.

After coming inside the room, first Elaina took a nice and long bath making Ethan more anxious. Even he didn't know , why he was anxious about.

When Elaina came out from the bathroom with only towel on her. Ethan eyes started to become blurry and suppressing his wild thoughts. He promptly went inside the bathroom to take a bath next.

Outside Elaina let out a slight laugh while playing with her golden hair.

Ethan after entering the bathtub became a little sober and started thinking about the next plain.

After finishing his bath ethan wanted to wipe himself with a towel but then remember he forgot to bring one. So he called out to Elaina for one.

" Elaina can you give me the towel, i forgot to bring it."

" Ok" saying thet, she stood outside the bathroom with towel in her hand. And a hand suddenly stretched out from inside to take hold of the towel but Elaina quickly grabe the hand not letting go of it.

" Elaina what are you doing. I am naked here , don't you have any shame."

" Fine , take it . I am just teasing you. And I am already yours , so for me this is nothing."

At this moment system suddenly pipped in.

" I fill sorry for you , i have never seen a coward like you before."

" Just stay quiet like before pls. I don't want your teachings in this matter."

" Now , I am starting to doubt it, do you really have a ball or not." Hearing this Ethan s forehead started to throb.

" Then why don't you see it , I am standing in front of the mirror. It's a nice view you know."

" Just keep it hanging there, it's useless anyway." Now Ethan really wanted to beat the shit out of him. But was helpless.

" Pls just shutup ." Saying that Ethan started ignoring him.

After coming out all freshed. Ethan told Elaina to go outside to grabe something for lunch, and quickly agreed. And just like that a day passed .

At night on the bad Ethan was wide awake while Elaina was sleeping Beautifully, with a light snoring coming out of her cherry lips. Ethan really wanted to bite it . But he hold it in. Not giving into his temptation.

As the next morning came. There were dark circles around the Ethan's eyes for not sleeping whole night in agitation.

As for Elaina, she looks even more beautiful then yesterday. Looking at Ethan with a panda eye. She smiled a little.

" What are you smiling for." Ethan asked with irritation.

" Nothing, let's go for breakfast and after we can go for the competition." Ethan just nodded got ready in a minute while Elaina took whole 1 hour to get ready.

" Remind me in the future not to wait for Elaina again." Ethan said while gritting his teeth.

" Oh trust me , you will forget everything in just a minute."

" And why is that?" Ethan asked not sure what he was taking about.

" Just wait and see." Just as system finished talking,the door of the bathroom opened. And walked out a fairy in a white clothes, golden hair pin and some jewellery in her hand.

Ethan just stood there mouth agape. He can't shift his eyes from her. Seeing this Elaina thought.

'It was worth it. Silly everything I am doing is for you. I will be the best woman any man can have. ' there was love in her eyes. Don't know since when but even though Ethan is just avarage looking with slim body. He makes her heart beat faster.

' If this is not love , then i don't know what is. I will wait for you to accept me whole heartedly oneday.' thinking this Elaina walked in front of dazed Ethan and coughed lightly.

Coming back to himself, Ethan felt embarrassed. So without any talk he turned around and left the room. And shouted from outside." Aren't you coming, we are getting late."

Elaina just smile and followed him.

But they didn't know , someone is very angry at the moment and has been waiting for them for quite a while.