

In the year 2300, some scientists from Helios world finally found the way to travel faster then light. when this news spread wide and far, all the human on this planet started celebrating because finally they can explore the stars. During one of the test flight, they accidentally opened a different dimension. which brought Helios world to the ruin. even after many research and experiments they couldn't figure out the reason. can only watch as the humanity lost 50% of its population in the blink of an eye. but the appearance of a person brought a new hope for them , who could control fire like in the movies and novels. after certain period of experiments they come to conclusions that , when the air( virus/ different energy/ mana) from the different dimension leaked. it didn't only brought ruin to our world but it is also brought something magical. since then humanity took a different turn and started welcoming supernatural being who has the power to destroy a city with bare hands. this changes not only happened with the humans but the beast and plants aswell. Ethan our protagonist however was unfortunate and didn't awakened any superpower. making him a losser in the area he lived in. but one day ethan went to forest in anger and tried to hunt beast but unfortunately he had to run away with a grave injury. on the verge of dying ethen got a system which saved his life. but ethen was not happy because it was the weakest system in history. Ethan: if you think, my system is really the weakest then it's your loss. ( hello readers, if you want to read this book just persist until the 30 chapter and if you don't like the book even after that than I can only say sorry And if you like my book for it's story and then pls leave a honest review. no matter how your review is. i will appreciate it very much.) because of some family issue i would only update 2 or 3 chapters a week. thank you

UniverseM007 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

20. Heart Of A Normal Girl

Walking out of the room, they made there way for the lift through the corridor. After waiting a little, lift came up to them. After getting in, they reached the ground floor.

Asking the receptionist for the way to restaurant, They made there way there.

For breakfast they just ordered some milk and bread with a slice of chocolate brownie. After finishing their respective breakfast in silent mode. Both of them made there way toward the city gate.

On the way, Elaina couldn't help ask Ethan." Did I do something wrong, why aren't you talking?"

Ethan stopped hearing Elaina, after taking a deep breath. He said." Elaina, you are beautiful, beyond my imagination. But for just tring to touch you , you cut off his hand yesterday. Then why do you keep behaving like this in front of me. And don't say that you are returning the favour because what my father did to you."

Elaina listen quitely on the side without intrupting him , and when he finished talking and looked at her for answer. Elaina replied." Ethan,you are very avarage looking guy, "

Ethan couldn't say anything about it, she is right afterall. As he kept walking toward the gate while listening." Since young, you have been through alot, no normal person can come close to you in that respect. But , there is still fire in your eyes. That means, you haven't lost all hope.

You know for almost a decade, I have been to many places but only mat with disappointment, betrayel and greed. Some wanted to take me for there own and some for others.

I saw darkness, that has been covering this land. But in the midst of my travel I also saw some light few times . But a light like your father, i couldn't find any.

When I saw you the first time, I only had one thought and that's to give you a happy life just like your father gave me. But staying with you , I saw that light again which attracted me towards you. And started to like spending time with you. Staying around you makes me happy and slowly started to like you aswell."

The whole time she talked, she was looking down but at the end she looked into eyes of ethan and said." I like you Ethan, and I can give up anything to be with you. "

Clap_ clap_ clap_ clap_ clap.

" What a lovely proposal, i really hate to disturb you "

Just as Ethan was about to say something , they heard a sound of claping . Turning around they saw a middle age man talking to themselves.

Confused Ethan looked at the person and asked." Sorry, but do I know you? And why are you blocking our way."

" At first, I just came for the girl. But now that you have a very close relationship with her. You have to share the same fate as her."

' hey system, which language is he talking about, why can't I understand it.'

' beats me, there are all types of weirdos out there. How do I know which language, he is talking about.'

" Is there some kind of misunderstanding, we don't each other so why do you want to hurt us."

Elaina just listen quitely on the side, she kinda understood what's going on but stayed silent.

The middle aged man let out a laugh and said." I think, you misunderstood something, I am not going to hurt you ,no, no, no, I am going to make you both feel like you are in hell in the world of the living. For what you both did to my son , I will make your life hundred no thousand times painful."

" Wow! Quite the imagination you have there but sometimes imagination can get you killed you know." Ethan also wasn't afraid, because he knew Elaina's strength so he just spoke what came to his mind.

" Courting death " the person was so angry that his vains started to throbe wildly. Taking a step forward, he just punched out in thin air. But the shockwave it's created was anything but normal.

The shockwave was fast and it was going to hit Ethan straight forwardly but at the last moment Elaina came between them and stoping the shockwave with a wave of her hand.

Elaina at this moment was very angry, she looked at the person like dead man. Suddenly she waved her hand upwards and from the ground below the middle age man , multiple green vines sprang forward like there is no tomorrow. And tightly bound the man.

No matter how much he struggle to get out of it, he couldn't break the vines. Elaina step by step walked towards him, Murder in her eyes. And said." If you had come after me , then your end would have been little nicer but unfortunately you choose the wrong target. "

Saying that she commanded vines to become even more tighter. As the vines became tighter , the man was having a hard time breathing. But instead of begging for mercy, he started to laugh loudly.

" Hahahahaha....."

" Death is already in front of you but you are still laughing. I think, you are going mad."

Taking a deep breath the man said.

" mad? No, no, but you are going to be mad in a while if you don't release me this instant."

Hearing this a sence of alartness increased in her heart while looking behind her.

At this moment, a stranger was standing behind Ethan without his knowledge. Who was Fully focused on Elaina.

Just as Elaina turn around, the another man brought his hand forward and shot out a white beam of light. It was so fast that Ethan didn't even feel anything behind him. But as the sence of danger came it was already took late.

At the last moment Ethan had only one thought.' am I going to just die like that. '

But suddenly, in front of his vision a person materialized. And it was non other then Elaina. Who was facing ethan and said " i wouldn't let you die."

And the light beam hit her from behind, making a cough out a mouth full of blood. And all the blood dropped on ethan.

With a slight smile, Elaina knelt down on the ground. Looking at her beautiful face stane with blood. As he touched the blood on his face. Suddenly he heard something inside him break.

Thump, thump, thump....

His heart started to beat like a drum inside his chest. Slowly his eyes became pure white without any pupil. His hair which was normally black suddenly turned white, all over his body, the blood vassals started to show itself. Which started pulsating with white energy like a electric circuit.

As Ethan just stood there, and kept watching Elaina , and the transformation happened silently.

" Roarrrrr....."

But suddenly ethan let out a loud roar like a dragon's roar with a strong shockwave. Which spread throughout the city.