

"Tell me what I have to do to make you willing to be my warlord?" King Alventius stared intently at the figure of a man who was no taller than him, but more robust and charismatic than any general he had ever met. The man, Rendevis Oldernys, just stood still. He didn't give any answer. This was the umpteenth time, he had the arrival of royal dignitaries in the northern region. His ability to understand not only human language, but also animals, plants and the unseen world, makes him a target for great kingdoms who want to make himself their warlord, to help them become the sole ruler of the world. "What do you want? Treasure? How much do you want? Or women? I will give you new girls every day to satisfy your lust. Or do you want to be the leader of the generals? I will easily give it to you.” The persuasion of the dignitaries continued to be made so that the dashing and handsome man was willing to join them. Another day, the leader of the wizarding world came to visit with the same purpose. Until they offered Rendevis the elixir of immortality. However, the man's attitude remained the same, not giving any answer. He just listened quietly like a healer who listens to the complaints of his patients. “What do we have to do to get you to join our army?” The King of the Land of Water did not miss his part in persuading Rendevis. "There is no. I'm not at all interested in all of your offers." The same short answer that was always given after a long time he had been a loyal listener of those dignitaries. "Please go back to your country. I will not leave this place, unless there is a very urgent situation on earth." Who exactly is Rendevis Oldernys? What kind of emergency is Rendevis referring to? Who will succeed in proposing to become a warlord?

lavendermyname · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 1

"Would you be willing to step aside for a moment, Captain Antz?" asked Rendevis when he met a swarm of red ants that were crossing the same road as him.

"Good Afternoon, General Rendevis. With pleasure, General." The Red Ant Commander immediately gave a signal to his troops to pull over, giving way for the troops led by Rendevis to pass through the path.

Rendevis raised his right hand, giving the signal for his troops to continue on their way. Rendevis himself stood side by side with the Commander of the Red Ants.

"Where are you going, General?" The Red Ant Commander, Captain Antz looked at Rendevis with a gaze full of admiration. Great general known for his skill with swords, bows, and all other tools of war. His horse riding skills are above average. The man was able to subdue a wild horse with just one touch.

Rendevis looked back at Captain Antz. "Not for war, just routine patrol." That man gets sad

"Regular patrol? Why bring this many troops?" muttered Captain Antz.

"By the way, where is your general? Why haven't I seen him in these few days?" Rendevis rolled his eyes looking for the figure he just mentioned.

Captain Antz lowered his head for a moment. "He is sick. Maybe there will be a change of leadership, considering that he is no longer fit to take on such a big responsibility."

Rendevis nodded her head, understanding the current situation in the ant kingdom. "Okay. I must continue my journey. Give my regards to General Antez."

Captain Antz changed his stance into a perfect attitude and paid his respects to Rendevis before the man walked away from him.

"I believe, one day we will be on the same battlefield, General," said Captain Antz before the charismatic man turned his body.

Rendevis smiled. "Hope that peace will always be with us. If things go bad, then your wish will come true." The man then continued on his way, escorting his troops from behind before finally standing at the forefront.

When they had reached a distance of five kilometers, Rendevis suddenly stopped in his tracks right on a large oak tree. He squinted his eyes as if someone was walking toward him from a distance.

The troop commander, Fardemis walked closer to Rendevis. "General, should I rest the soldiers?" he asked as his steps stopped right beside his leader.

Rendevis nodded his head, agreeing with his men's proposal. The man then stepped and approached the big tree as an oak tree that was two and a half centuries old. He seemed to be conversing with an unseen person.

"How are you, Oubtree?" The man seemed to be smiling, his hand raised to shake the hand of a man with short hair with a bushy mustache covering his chin.

"Good news, Rendevis."

"I'm well?" Rendevis tilted his head back slightly, he doubted his friend's words. "If it's good news, why are you in such a hurry to come to me? Look! Sweat dripped down your forehead." Rendevis pointed at Oubtree's forehead.

The conversation that Rendevis was having was completely incomprehensible to his troops, including Fardemis who was standing right behind the General. They only saw their leader talking to someone they couldn't see, but overheard the conversation without understanding its contents.

Oubtree smiled wryly. He had been wrong because he had underestimated his best friend's ability to read the body language of his interlocutor. Oubtree took a deep breath and as if not sincerely, he exhaled slowly.

"Do you know?"

"What do you know? You haven't said anything to me yet."

"Tsk. You are!" Oubtree snorted in annoyance. His face turned very serious. "The Wind Commander has just sent me news, that there will be a meeting of the four great generals of each life element kingdom."

Rendevis's body stiffened. There would be no gathering of the four great generals of the four kingdoms if things were fine.

"Who's throwing a tantrum this time?" Rendevis put on a straight face. He didn't want his friend to know the true meaning of the meeting.

"I don't know for sure, but I heard they're in discussions to make a deal with you."

"Agreement? What deal?" Rendevis frowned.

"Do you know that you are a bone of contention for royal leaders in the northern region?" Oubtree felt very excited about his friend from another world.

Rendevis was beyond shocked. I? So the seizure of the kings? Who am I? Rendevis wondered to himself. The man was silent.

"Don't like to talk carelessly!" snapped Rendevis. He hates someone who likes to spread fake news.

Oubtree ruffled his short hair. He had repeatedly reminded his friend if his friend was the target of almost all the kingdoms in the northern region. Its existence is so attractive to leaders who have ambitions to rule the world. However, Oubtree didn't seem to have much to worry about. The fact that Rendevis didn't put too much desire in his life was a resounding answer for those greedy leaders.

Rendevis had no interest in the world. For him, the peace of the world where he stands is the most important thing in his life. Serving as a border guard for the northern and southern regions was more than enough for him. Nothing can divert him to another place or desire.

"I'm just warning you, General. You must always be careful and alert. Those who have lost their eyes will use any means to persuade you to join them. Not to mention from the wizarding world, even a herd of fairies seems interested in tying you in their ranks," said Oubtree at length as he chewed on the tip of the grass he pulled at his feet.

A sudden tap on Rendevis' shoulder made the man look back, followed by Oubtree's disappearance from before him.

"What is it?" Rendevis looked at Fardemis with disapproval. He doesn't like it when he's talking to someone or anything, no matter if it's an animal, plant, or nation from another world, being disturbed. For him, it was against his principles, not to respect the other person, even though he was having a big argument with the other person.

"General, isn't it already in the southern region there?" Fardemis pointed at the huge black rock that stretched a kilometer in front of them. The stone was used as a sign of the end of the northern region, one step forward then they had entered the southern region.

Rendevis gulped down her saliva. Oubtree's arrival had made him ignore the boundary sign. He almost brought his troops into battle just because he didn't pay attention to the boundary signs in front of him.

Unfortunately, Rendevis realized it too late. The galloping of the cavalry was heard in front of him, making him immediately raise his right hand to give the signal for his troops to be alert.

"Why are you just saying it now?" Rendevis glanced at Fardemis angrily. "How am I supposed to solve this problem at this rate, huh?!"

Rendevis tried to find the best reasons so they don't have to be interviewed by the guardian of the south boundary. Some of his troops got wondering. They didn't think that all of them would be involved in a war, a short war in this Sabana.

The sound of a sword being drawn was heard, bringing out its swish within each of Fardemis's subordinate soldiers. They exchanged glances with nervous faces. Will they be slaughtered here?