

"Tell me what I have to do to make you willing to be my warlord?" King Alventius stared intently at the figure of a man who was no taller than him, but more robust and charismatic than any general he had ever met. The man, Rendevis Oldernys, just stood still. He didn't give any answer. This was the umpteenth time, he had the arrival of royal dignitaries in the northern region. His ability to understand not only human language, but also animals, plants and the unseen world, makes him a target for great kingdoms who want to make himself their warlord, to help them become the sole ruler of the world. "What do you want? Treasure? How much do you want? Or women? I will give you new girls every day to satisfy your lust. Or do you want to be the leader of the generals? I will easily give it to you.” The persuasion of the dignitaries continued to be made so that the dashing and handsome man was willing to join them. Another day, the leader of the wizarding world came to visit with the same purpose. Until they offered Rendevis the elixir of immortality. However, the man's attitude remained the same, not giving any answer. He just listened quietly like a healer who listens to the complaints of his patients. “What do we have to do to get you to join our army?” The King of the Land of Water did not miss his part in persuading Rendevis. "There is no. I'm not at all interested in all of your offers." The same short answer that was always given after a long time he had been a loyal listener of those dignitaries. "Please go back to your country. I will not leave this place, unless there is a very urgent situation on earth." Who exactly is Rendevis Oldernys? What kind of emergency is Rendevis referring to? Who will succeed in proposing to become a warlord?

lavendermyname · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Rendevis looked around. One by one the cavalry began to approach him, encircling him and his troops. Rendevis didn't want to be rash. It's impossible just because he lives one kilometer from the northern and southern borders, the reason for the bloodshed in this area. What kind of ridicule will be received by a ruler directly bordering the northern region?

"Long time no see, General?" A baritone voice came from the right side of Rendevis. The figure then jumped down from the horse he was riding and stepped closer to Rendevis.

Rendevis once again squinted his eyes, trying to recognize the figure of the man walking toward him.

A stiff smile stretched, making Rendevis quickly recognize the figure. "How are you, General Mogelous?" Rendevis slightly lowered his head, saluting.

Mogelous hugged Rendevis's body. There was a little relief in the soul of the almost half-century-old man when he found the Rendevi's attitude had not changed even though they were mortal enemies. He never hated Rendevis but it was his duty that forced him to keep his distance from the man who had succeeded in becoming a general at such a young age.

Mogelous laughed. "Isn't that our job? Making war?"

Rendevis shook her head with a small laugh. "If that's the case, I'd rather be a farmer. Hoeing and harrowing the ground is safer than being a soldier who could die at any moment."

"Don't be so humble. Your fighting skills are above average, even though I still have to train hard to win from you."

"General Mogelous is too humble. I am nothing compared to the General. Even holding a sword isn't strong yet, let alone slashing it at the opponent."

Mogelous just smirked. He couldn't be fooled by Rendevis. He had witnessed how Rendevis lunge on the battlefield. The swing of his sword was so fast that without realizing it, the opponent was already lying helpless. Rendevis' arrows were so accurate. The young general was able to hit all of his targets.

"Enough of our pleasantries for today." Mogelous's face instantly turned cold, extremely cold. "What is the need for you to approach the south?" Mogelous's eyes stared intently at Rendevis as if they wanted to pounce.

Rendevis snorted in disgust. All because of Oubtree. If the invisible bearded man had not come to him earlier, he would not have been so unlucky. He cursed and kept cursing in his heart. He must be able to prevent this misunderstanding from turning into a short war in the region.

"I'm sorry, General. I was just doing routine patrols, nothing more."

"By bringing this many troops?" Mogelous stared at the troops behind Rendevis, with a look of disbelief. "Seeing so many troops behind you, makes me doubt your words." Mogelous walked around Rendevis who chose to lower her head.

Rendevis was thinking hard, what reason should he give to the senior general in front of him, so that his mission to scare the kingdoms in the south and also the water kingdoms in the west of the north, discouraged his intention to expand his power to the north.

"Should I honestly answer your question, General?"

"If telling the truth is the only way to prevent bloodshed in this area, then that's what you should do, General Rendevis," Mogelous said as he stopped his steps, exactly three steps in front of Rendevis.

Rendevis had no other choice. He had to take action immediately, otherwise, his sword would demand a lot of blood. "I have to go on patrol because there is news that there will be a meeting in the water kingdom, I don't know what meeting. I'm just on guard, lest an intruder or group of people infiltrate the meeting and provoke those present at the meeting."

Mogelous listened. His hands were in front of his chest resting on each other.

"Things will become even more complicated if the kingdoms in the north are consumed by rumors spread by an unscrupulous person."

"Where did you get this news?" Mogelous still doubted Rendevis' explanation.

"Forgive me. I can't tell you."

Mogelous couldn't do anything about it. He didn't have enough evidence to lead Rendivis and his troops into battle. Nor can he act rashly. Rendivis is not a person who likes to spread fake news, nor is he a sycophant like most officials. Rendevis's attitude of being very principled and always telling the truth is well known in all circles.

"Okay. I will not prolong this matter. But, it's good that you don't need to bring this many troops if you just want to do patrols. I'm afraid someone will misunderstand your actions," Mogelous suggested. The middle-aged man gave a signal for the cavalry he was carrying to prepare to leave the place.

"Thanks for the advice, General. I will listen to your advice but not when I am in a state of urgency," replied Rendevis, bowing his head again, saluting before the old general left himself and his troops.

Mogelous immediately got on his horse, galloping away from Rendevis followed by his men. For a moment Rendevis drew in and let out a sigh of relief. Whether it was true or not the news he got from Oubtree earlier, the most important thing was that he could give a reason that could slightly dampen the anger of the Neyrolous royal cavalry troops which one by one began to overtake their generals.

"For this time we can breathe easy," said Rendevis. He drew his sword and raised it high. "My sword is still asleep, not yet asking for a victim. If anyone feels unable to follow this long journey, I invite you to get out of line, and return to your respective families, because after this, there will be many obstacles that will hinder this journey."

The entire army fell silent. They chose silence and increasingly convinced themselves to stay in line, witnessing how their proud General raged on the battlefield. It will be a matter of pride for them, which they will be able to tell their wives, children, and grandchildren in the future, that they had fought together with the great talented general, Rendevis Oldernys.

"We are ready, General. We will follow you and be loyal to you." The voices of the five hundred soldiers chosen by Rendevis echoed throughout the Briem meadow, making the birds resting on the branches of a large tree-like a banyan tree with a height of about six meters, which was in the meadow fly aimlessly.

Along with the shouts of the chosen troops led by Rendevis, a strong wind suddenly blew and formed a circle like a tornado.

"What are you doing here Rendevis?" A hoarse voice echoed through the sky, making the soldiers cover their ears, for the sound was so loud.

Rendevis placed his sword directly in front of him, with the tip of the sword striking the ground, while his hands gripped the hilt of the sword tightly while gazing at the wisps of wind that swirled like a tornado, which were several hundred meters in front of him. Gradually the swirling wind took the shape of a spiral and the clouds and funnel descended, forming the silhouette of a man with long hair and a white beard holding a long silver staff in his right hand.

"Are you going to beat the drums of war?" Instantly thousands of troops of the same appearance holding sticks of various sizes stood behind the white-bearded man.

Rendevis swallowed his own saliva. He didn't expect that his patrol this time would be different from the usual ones. The man couldn't understand why the generals suddenly appeared in front of him? Was his action this time so conspicuous, attracting the attention of the scouts that they finally sent a message to their general, that he was sending a message of war?

"Sir Anggwen. It's an honor for me to be able to meet directly with you and your elite troops," said Rendevis, bowing slightly forward, saluting and paying respects to the white-haired and bearded man who was still floating in the air, not far from where Rendevis was standing.

"I'm not having guests here. But, why did you come with this much convoy? Would you like to propose to one of our angels?" Aggwen looked probingly at Rendevis and stole glances at Fardemis whose hands were now tightly gripping the hilt of his long sword.

Rendevis understood the subtle satire from the other side. It wasn't Aggwen's presence that made his brain think hard, but the chosen soldier standing behind the man caught his attention. Was what Oubtree said true? There will be a meeting in the water kingdom today? But if what Oubtree said was true, why had he not seen a single representative of the land kingdom moving to the meeting place?

Just as Rendevis was thinking about that, suddenly the ground he was stepping on fell about two centimeters, then moved like water, bobbing up and down like waves of water. Will the representatives of the land kingdom also confront me here? Rendevis muttered to himself.

Rendevis immediately jumped in search of a safer place, which the representatives of the land kingdom did not pass. He finally chose to stand near a tree that was smaller in size than the previous tree but the leaves were no less dense.

"Why you can be so careless, Rendevis?" There was a half-whispering voice right behind him.