
Battle of Geneva

Time: March 3rd, 1 hour after the Manchester massacre

Location: 10 Minutes away from Geneva

POV: All-knowing

The four commanders sat silently in the car watching their Commander Mackensen analyse the battle map. A commander wanted to speak up when suddenly his neck hairs stood up straight, he looked at Mackensen who showed a stern gaze at him, causing him to swallow back his words. The war wasn't going in their favour, massive casualties to the garrison have led to half the city falling into Unionist hands. Currently, the proud Swiss 1st Army consisting of the 1st Armoured Division, 1st Mechanized Division, 2nd and 4th Motorized Divison and lastly the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade are moving swiftly from the Motherbase to Geneva under the Command of Mackensen, with the Airforce currently fighting for air superiority. The 2nd and 3rd Army stationed at the Northern French border were holding defensive positions.

''ENEMY PLANES INCOMING!'' A reconnaissance vehicle shouted over the Radio.

The faces of the commanders turned solemn, as this signified one thing, the Swiss air force has lost the Air battle.

The Anti-Air vehicles quickly deployed and started to target the incoming planes. The continues sound of the Anti-air firing and the Trucks engine noises brought Mackensen back in a trance as he remembered the 1st world war, the deep trenches, the artillery fire, planes fighting in the skies, it felt like he was back at the war to end all wars, a mighty Aurora started to spread from Mackensen's body as his old knowledge was forcefully pushed back into his brain. the tactics, every battle he fought, every soldier's face that died under his command, every attack, from the western to the eastern front, he remembers it all clearly.

Complete calmness surrounded Mackensen, ''I became weak,'' Mackensen said softly to himself before whispering, ''I tried to act tough, but deep inside I didn't want to be.

The commanders around him looked confused as Mackensen said this, Mackensen continued but a bit louder, sweat beads started to form on the heads of the commanders as they heard what he said, ''I cared about my reputation, I wanted my enemies to save face. What stupendous thoughts. Wars aren't won through kindness, mercy or forgiveness. They are won by those who crush their enemies merciless! MEN! I authorise the use of Gas VIII from the lab XII!''

'I will show the world that I am back!' Mackensen thought to himself.


Time: 10 Minutes until Mackensen's arrival

Location: Geneva Military HQ

POV: Local Commander in command

It was eerily silent in the HQ, 12 commanders surrounded a table off Geneva's HQ, many commanders were in their 50s and experienced the War to end all Wars. ''How...'' The commander swallowed his words, but another commander already answered, ''50.000''

The other commanders were praying for the dead citizens that died due to their slow response. The commander started to give out the orders slowly and calmly as he used the map to point out specific locations. ''As of now we have fortified the road crossings, tall buildings have been converted to observation posts, Anti-Air positions behind the Arve river have been installed. Besides that, we have already manned all bunkers build previously during the Great War. Our 8th panzer Brigade is currently being prepared for a push through the southern part of Geneva using the Route de Saint-Julien. While the 8th Panzer brigade is pushing through our reinforcements would have arrived, with which we will coordinate our plans together with. The situation is dire, half of Geneva is already fallen into Unionist hands, and due to our large anti-Socialist/Communist campaigns our citizens have fled to our part or have tried to fight back. All in all, it has caused 50.000 innocent people to die...'' The commander took a deep breath before continuing,'' Because of my incapabilities to defend the people I will join today's assault. I will transfer command to my second in command. If I die during the battle I will want people to know I have washed myself clean with this fate.''

The people just looked at their commander. He was in his 60s and seen all kinds of horrible things, but he has a clean consciousness which caused him to be unable to accept this blunder to be inept at defending the city the Marshall entrusted him with. The other saluted the Commander as he picked up his trusty rifle and walked through the door.

The Commander of the tank brigade was waiting for the Commander of Geneva, ''SIR!'' all men raised their fist to their chest. The sound of Anti-air firing in the distance could be heard, the constant shelling of artillery was seen from afar. ''Men...'' The commander started but stopped midway again. ''...Good luck.'' He finished, no inspiring speech, only the eery silence.

The tanks started their engines and drove through the still organisation controlled streets, making their way towards the Union-occupied areas. People were crying in the streets watching the tanks drive by, the commanders were out in the open as combat hasn't started yet. Kids were watching the Panzer IIs and IIIs speed through the street at 40km/h.

It wasn't long before they started to reach the disputed area. Gunshots could be heard continuously, shouting of men from both sides for supplies and medics, artillery barrages and even calling aeroplanes to attack. Nothing changed for 2 days, but today the Organisation decided to push through the south to cut off their rear before Union Tanks arrive.

'BOOM!' The tank third from the front was hit by an anti-tank weapon from the sides, causing the tanks behind to quickly come to a halt. The commanders closed their hatches immediately. ''FIRE!'' The commander of the Brigade shouted over the radio. Silence followed for 3 seconds before the sound of 3 Panzer IIIs firing their low-velocity 75mm Howitzer at the Anti-tank's location. In less than 4 seconds the position was obliterated, Infantry moved up with the tanks to support them and attacked the building the position was located in, quickly bogging down to a close-quarter combat.

The commanders were dumbfounded as they heard the reports on the Radio, ''Our Airforce lost?'' The Commander exclaimed softly.

Sorry for the late release, hope you enjoy, also I expanded our MC's character sheet on Auxillary chapter 1 :)

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts