
The Wandering Kolozzal (Dropped)

A video game company suddenly announces a beta version VR game that was said to revolutionize how the gaming world would work from simple adventures to being able to create relationships with npcs to players to becoming a god, one can only imagine how many people applied for the beta version. As the beta version was coming to a close and the real game was about to be launched, the game company asks several of the participants if they wished to participate in a new device that another company asked them to test out. With rewards that no sane person could say no to, they agreed and had their brain waves copied and put into a machine. Little did they know was that their brain waves was snipped and combined together to create a AI that acted like a living being and was fully aware of its existence. The gaming company soon put the AI into one of the most powerful species in the game, the Kolozzal. A creature that was so close to nature and so strong that it was said that it was the true apex of the world before the first God was born. Of course they didn't expect that the AI that was generated with human thoughts would not use its godly strength to dominate the world or wipe all life from the planet or overthrow the gods like the rest of its species, but instead live a comfortable life with a small village of players expanding on its back.

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The First Player Part 3

"What the hell was that?" Goliath said as he saw the last player get mauled to death and the antibody running to another part of the jungle. "We're my antibodies that are strong" Goliath said as he saw the antibody find a player and instead of attacking them, it began to stalk them. Following the player for minutes until they made contact with a group of players before massacring them.

As Goliath saw this scene he remembered that there was not just one but four more somewhere on his back. Goliath quickly looked for them and saw that three of them grouped up together and were killing the creatures and the other one was moving to the edge of his back. "Should I help them, but if I do, won't I be letting them win this event easily" Goliath thought as he tried to figure out what his next move had to be. On one hand his antibodies were killing the players quite easily and were much smarter than any other creature, but on the other hand if he didn't intervene then he would have something to watch as he was walking through the ocean.

"System, what is the average level for those antibodies?"

[The average level for the antibodies would be around level 50-70]

Goliath sighed out as he knew that the players had no chance of killing those antibodies and that they would need his help. As Goliath was thinking about killing the antibodies he noticed that there were a ton of players rallying up at the almost built village. "What are they planning on doing?" Goliath thought as he saw the giant rally split up into three groups, two probably had about 10 to 20 players in them while the last group had about 40 to 50.


After the defeat with Storm's group it didn't take long for almost every party that went out of the village to face the creature that they had faced and fall to its might. Storm, as well as other players that died, returned back to the village to regroup and plan. But as he got closer to the village he received a global message from a player telling everyone to head back to the village.

Once he got back to the village he could see a whole crowd of people waiting at the village. As he and the players that followed him joined the crowd they heard a voice shout. "Thank you for answering my message, as some of you might know there is a creature that has been killing anyone who entered the forest, if you have not then now you know. So to combat these creatures me and several other players have decided to create a joint attack to wipe these creatures out and before you ask about how we're going to do that, then allow me to explain. For three groups, two of them shall act as scouts that will look for those creatures, while the last one will act as the main force that will eradicate those creatures. And before you say that they will respawn, we already checked with a player that has an observation skill and were informed that they do not spawn here, but somewhere else. Where that place might be, I don't know. All I know is that if we kill those creatures they will disappear forever, so let me ask you all this question. WHO IS WITH ME!"

Most, if not all, of the players cheered out loud as they brought out their weapon and raised it into the air. "Alright then split into three groups, those who have good tracking abilities or are fast go into the scout groups and those who are heavy hitters or can tank a lot of his will go to the main force."

Soon everyone began to move to their indicated group and after everyone was where they were supposed to be, they finally moved out.

"Man, how much longer" a player that was in one of the scouting groups said. The group had been walking for a total of ten minutes and still had not encountered the creature that they were sent out to kill. He wasn't the only one who thought this since those who had never encountered this creature didn't fully believe that it existed and were just thinking that them being out here was a waste of time.

"Oi, did you find a clue yet" the player said to a player who was using one of their skills to look for clues. "I've found some clues, but most of them just lead to dead ends" the player responded as he stopped in front of a tree. As the player looked at the nearby surroundings to see if he could find any sort of clue where this creature could be, most of the group decided to sit down and relax.

"Man, I can't believe I'm resting in this god forsaken jungle" a player said as he plopped onto the ground and pulled up his stat window. "Yeah, we usually get killed within five minutes of entering this jungle, heck if we're lucky it would be ten" another player said as he leaned up against a tree.

"But do you think that creature is real? Cause a creature that is able to drop your stats by half and make any armor you wear basically act like air sounds a bit far fetched" a player said as he rested his bow onto the ground in front of him.

"Oh it's real alright" the player that was using his skill to locate the creature said as he stood up and looked up at the sky. "And what makes you say that? '' a player said as he and several others looked at the player. "Because it's right above us' ' the player said before he was stabbed in the chest and dragged into the sky.

Everyone quickly looked up thinking they were going to see a creature from nightmares, but all they saw was just leaves and branches. "Oi don't do that you bas..." before the player could finish he saw the tracking player's upper body inside the mouth of a white creature. The player paused for a couple seconds before falling onto his butt and was pointing at the creature with horror in his eyes.

The creature dropped the dead body before staring at the players who finally noticed it. "Message the main force" a player shouted as he pulled out a pair of daggers, but was suddenly impaled by a boney spear and launched towards a nearby tree. "Shit, shit, shit" a player said as he messaged the main force and pulled out his bow.

He fired several arrows at the creature, but all bounced off the creature body as if it was a toothpick being thrown at a brick wall. The creature stared at the player before shooting out a green liquid at the player. The player didn't have time to react and was hit by the liquid. "Aaaaaah" the player shouted as he began to melt as if he was ice cream left out in a hot sun.

"Prepare for combat" a player shouted as he charged at the creature with a metal staff in his hand and launched an attack at the creature.

[Pain Enhancement]

The player staff soon turned purple and when it made contact with the creature body the purple color seeped into the creature skin. "I increased the amount of damage it will take, so attack it now" the player shouted before he was stabbed in the head by one of the sickle tails and killed instantly.

"Alrighty then, attack" the players soon charged at the creature and began to launch a volley of attacks at its body. As they fought wounds that would usually be a small cut or just swallow a wound were instead giant and deep cuts. The creature cried out as it backed away from the group of players. "We might be able to kill that beast before the main force gets here" a player said as they charged in.

The creature soon took a deep breath before launching an earth shaking roar.

[User has been affected by [Kolozzal Antibody Roar]]

[All stats will be halved and user armor defense has temporarily been nullified for five minutes]

The player soon felt sluggish and weak as he looked at the beast's hate filled eyes. "It was holding that skill back" he thought before he was decapitated by the creature's jaw. The one sided battle quickly changed as players were getting killed left and right.

[Wind Blade]

A player who wore a wizard like clothing shouted as a blade of wind flew towards the creature. The blade of wind made contact with the creature body and a big gash was made on the side of its body. The creature howled a mighty howl as it instantly lunged at the player who injured it. The player was soon pinned down and was face to face with the creature that they just injured. The creature opened its maw and began to tear at the still alive player body before crushing their head by smashing it with its front paw.

"Ah we're fucked" a player said as he realized what type of situation they were in. "How long until the main force gets here?" a player asked as she dodged a fatal acid spit. "We sent that message about three or four minutes ago, so probably in ten or so minutes" a player shouted before he was torn apart by the creature's claws.

"How many of us are left?" a player said as his hand was ripped out of his arm from a bone spike that was aimed for his chest, but was redirected by an arrow launched by another player. "About nine of us are left," a player said before he got hit with acid.

"Make that eight" another player said as they, as well as everyone else, moved away from the creature. "So should we just run around and just focus on not trying to die by that creature instead of attacking it" a player said as he dodged a bone spike that was aimed for his head.

"At this point, it is quite literally our last option" a player said as he and everyone else began to run around and avoid attacks sent by the creature, hoping for the main force to arrive just in time to help them.