
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · ภาพยนตร์
140 Chs


[Vision POV]

"And you wonder why Ultron wanted to destroy the world."

They bristled at those words making me idly think whether they thought I was thinking about that. 

"You should think more about it before you make any decisions, but know this; as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing to think about."

Was there any point in continuing this conversation? I don't think so. Everyone's decisions depends on how they took it, and they didn't take it very well. 

Personally, after letting myself act on my emotions for a change, I stopped feeling anything towards this. Basically it all boils down to two things – whether I like it or not, and the actions I take are usually based off on which one of those two things I respond to. 

I left the room almost certain of the choices most of them would make. Unlike what most would think, apart from Wanda and Pietro, Tony was the one who reacted more violently though he hid it well under that calm façade and suave smile of his. 

Steve and Sam followed after Stark but unlike the latter, Steve was quick to accept what happened from the evidence presented. Natasha was the least affected which is obvious considering who she was. 

I really don't have the time to think about the Avengers so I better get moving. 

I wasn't playing the card of being a beacon of hope for the mutants. I wasn't interested in being their fabled messiah, anyone's for that matter. 

The reason was simple. The Avengers as they were left more to be desired. By the way they all appeared frazzled because of the Accords and Ross' death made that abundantly clearer. 

In a way you could say they only fought to protect the status quo and let everything run as they once did but that wasn't going to cut it for me. 

They either change or I kick them out. 'Hahaha, how funny is that?'

There were a lot of people out there who'd gladly fight for a change so rather than letting them sit out on the benches and watch everything go down to shit, it's much better to put the eager laborers to work. 

"Hey Vis, wait up." I turned around to see Pietro with a concerned look on his face. "Where are you going?"

"To do something, anything, for a change." I shrugged. 

"What are you trying to change? How do you think this change of yours will look like?" His voice was low as if he was hanging on my answer or something. 

I only raised my hands at his question and replied, "Who knows?" He blinked as if he didn't expect that kind of answer. 

"What do you want me to say? I only know that some things would be better if changed. Ask me how those changes will be but how the hell would I know?"

It's not as if being Vision came with a 'Go Pro' guidebook or a 'Master Planner' free crash course. I'm just winging everything as I go. Plans are only reliable if they are correctly predicted so I can't always rely on them. 

"I'm off if that's all." I turned around and left Pietro to himself and whatever it was that he was thinking. 

I don't know where the other Weapon X facilities are, neither Stryker nor Cornelius knew, so I'm kinda flying blind if I just go at it like that, but before that. 


[In an undisclosed location] 

A shock filled shout rang out in what looked like a laboratory as he received the ludicrous piece of information that he never expected. 

"Ross is dead! How!?" He shouted at the phone he held to his ears. 

His face only contorted more in anger at the plainly inconclusive report he was given. 

Not just Ross, but even Stryker and Cornelius were dead and the worst part was that they died at the bottom most floor of the base while being surrounded by a large number of armed soldiers but that wasn't the most ludicrous thing he heard from the blasted call. 

Apparently all the soldiers in the base passed out at the same moment and only woke up to find their database thoroughly wiped and all their research destroyed with the prospect promising Weapon H gone. 

He fought to control the tremble that coursed his body as anger and frustration clashed in his head. 

Ross' research was very important and if all the materials were destroyed like they said then how were they going to recuperate the losses. The materials there weren't simple things that money could buy. 


[Vision POV] 

After checking up on Davis one last time, I left the Compound to try my luck with one of the abandoned bases that Stryker was aware of but it looks like my luck this time wasn't that good since the base looks to have collapsed a few years back from a landslide. 

Now I really really regret killing Ross so easily. Having his memories in backup might have helped a bit. 

Well, I might have been a bit ahead of myself back there but it's all a learning process, no biggies. 

Since there was nothing here for me to gain, I left the abandoned base and flew back to the Compound. 


Days passed by and Davis' conditions continued to improve at a steady rate which meant it wouldn't be too long before he wakes up. I really hope he decides to stay and be a part of my team. 

I didn't stay idle during this time as I used my spare time when not busting up alien weapons trade to perfectly graft a set of Davis' DNA and that of Banner and cultured them against Vibranium. 

With this, I will be able to achieve the perfect fusion of my biological cells fully enhanced by Vibranium. I wonder how the Hulk's DNA will affect me, it would be a very interesting case study to observe. 

[Task completed] 

[Base found after searching for the vibrating frequency clusters that Adamantium vibrates at] 

'Would you look at that? How long until my improvised serum becomes ready? 

[Estimated time – 57 minutes] 

Hmm, quite a bit but I don't think anything's going to happen there if I wait to inject myself with the serum before leaving. 

It was finally time for me to become a real biological android and I'm quite expectant of the results. 

The reason I said real was because there will finally be a use of my biological side and it would no longer count as a flaw in my synthetic composition. 

An hour went by very quickly and the serum was finally done stabilizing. 

Unlike the normal green Hulk serum, this one was blue with small undertones of purple. 

"Not ominous at all."

My hands opened up and I inserted the vial inside and before-

"Oh shit!!" 

[Warning! Warning! Warning!] 

[The Mind Stone is violently reacting with the serum] 

[All mental and processing functions are forced into overdrive] 

[The Mind Stone is being influenced] 

Is this a bad time to say I should have been very careful with messing with the Hulk serum? That shit had always been known to be gasly but I blame my inquisitive mind. 

'Well, might as well mix everything together.'

I pushed in everything I had into whatever godforsaken vat was brewing in my body and just let it cook. 

On the off chance that I die, well I guess I'll just re-download my memories into one of the robots lying around in the base and start again. It really is hard to die as a sentient AI. 





You can find +10 chapters ahead in my patreøn
