
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · ภาพยนตร์
140 Chs



Screams of panic and terror sounded loudly as people ran for the safety of their lives as chaos went alive all around them with explosions and people being smashed through buildings. 

"Who let the freak kids out to play?" A man cursed in anger, except that the grin on his face as he pointed the alien tech on his hands at the mutant teens in front of him told another story. 

"Can't you guys take a break? We were on a semi-vacation before you bastards had to interrupt it." Bobby shouted while continuously erecting a wall of ice to protect him and the terrified civilians behind him. 

Feeling the barrage against his ice wall stop, he hurriedly led the people behind him to safety before turning back to help his friends. 

Scott clicked his tongue in frustration upon seeing the guy he shot with his lasers standing up for the second time with only bruises to show for it. 

The group they were currently clashing against had been escaping after robbing a bank and crashing a few police cars when he and his friends decided to stop them, only for it to turn out that they had alien tech. 

"We have to get those weapons away from them first." He said. 

[We kinda have to get closer for that to happen, you know]

Rogue's voice echoed in his head and he could do nothing but shake his head. Their weapons were annoying and dangerous. 

"Jean, the civilians?"

[No one in a hundred meter radius. Bobby just led the last group to safety]

Scott finally sighed in relief. With the civilians gone and reinforcements on the way, they could all finally focus their attention on taking them down. 

"Bobby, I need you to swap with me. My blasts aren't doing any good against this guy."

[More than happy to after I figure out how to get this guy off my ass] The ice man complained. 

"So much for a field trip." 

Scott, Jean, Bobby and Rogue were on their school field trip before they got caught up in this shootout, meaning only the four of them were here to fight against the group of five armed robbers. Extra emphasis on armed. 

Treating the scenario in front of them as another one of the simulations they've run in the Danger Room, they slowly separated the group and steadily closed the distance between them, well Bobby and Rogue did. 

With the regulators they hit from the Avengers during that political shitstorm, Rogue was able to use her abilities without outright putting those she used it on in catatonic states. 

She had swiftly copied Bobby's abilities before they jumped into the chaos, which only made the boy dizzy for a minute or two. 

With her manually regulating her abilities, she had to maintain contact for a few seconds to get a more comprehensive state of the ability she was copying. 

With the two ice users backed by Jean and Scott, they targeted the looser members of the crew and finally got to drop two of them before the panicking leader pulled out a really fancy bomb and threw it their way. 

"Rogue, watch out!" Jean shouted at her friend who was closest to the bomb's trajectory. 

Rogue frantically tried to put up a wall between her and the bomb but before she could make it thick enough, a web string caught the bomb and swung away from Rogue. 

"Too close, too close." Peter, currently as Spiderman, muttered to himself. He had to break from his school group on their field trip after they heard the explosions from blocks away. Luckily, their outing for the day was called off and they were hurried back to their lodgings which gave him a good window to hurry here. 

"Are you okay?" He asked the girl who was an X-Men and nearly got bombed. 

Rogue shakily nodded as he helped her up. She quickly realized that the barrier she hastily made wouldn't have completely saved her from the bomb after she saw the effect of it. 

"Aren't you a little too far from New York?" She asked after noticing how far the local hero was far from home. 

"I was in the neighborhood. Can't be the neighborhood Spiderman if I don't help out whenever I'm in a new neighborhood." 

Their chat had to be cut off with Peter swinging away after noticing that the robbers were turning tail. 

"Not today." He said as he closed in on robbers who had their retreat actively slowed down by Scott and Bobby. "Let's hope the prototype works." 

Peter commanded the built-in system of his suit and it rolled out a marble from his web shooters which he decisively threw at the robbers. 

"Yes, it works!" He couldn't help but shout in excitement as he saw that the shrunken EMP prototype that he had made work as it had effectively disabled the weapons the robbers were using. 

"Hey guys, I think we got off on the wrong foot. How about we properly introduce ourselves, hmm?"

They had the robbers quickly rounded up and in webs by the time the police arrived, where Peter had to remain behind as it seemed the others were in a hurry. 

They made sure to thank him for saving Rogue when he did before bolting as soon as they heard the teacher supervising their trip was doing a headcount and was contemplating filing a missing person's report if they were still unaccounted for in the next ten minutes. 

'Maybe I should've gotten their contacts so we can hang out sometimes. It's not like teen heroes are a common thing. Slow thinking there, Spiderman.' Peter thought, quickly regretting the missed chance. 

[>Mr. Stark: Come by the lab when you're back from your trip, kid] 


Vision found himself on Venus when he tried using the spatial coordinates of earth's solar system's in tandem with his quantum-shifting to fine tune any hiccups the method might have, and it did. 

From wanting to go to Mars, he had found himself on Venus instead but he didn't worry. It was obvious that making sure the quantum points corresponded with the spatial points he had were going to be an issue over long distances. 

It was a given fact since he wasn't using a spaceship to move between the spatial points. 

[Test 14: Failed] 

[Information updated]

'This is going to take some time.' He thought as the space around him changed from the barren grounds of Venus to the familiar surroundings of the Overwatch. 

"No problems coming back so far. Mostly because I'm familiar with earth's spatial points and quantum points."

After making some slight modifications to his calculations, he initiated another jump to Mars but this time, like a few other times, he found himself in the cold vacuum of space. 

"Hmm. I'm just outside Mars' exosphere." And again he was gone. 

He found the idea of fine tuning his way of universal traveling more important than working on the Time Stone. 

The reason Thanos didn't use the Time Stone and had it stored away was that he had no way of controlling the haphazard rate at which chronons, time particles, were released from the stone. 

The titan had tested it against some of his soldiers and the results differed - from them turning to cultured cells, turning to dust, decaying bones, or outright disappearing - and he had no way of reversing it. 

All Vision hoped was that having the Mind Stone would allow him better wield the Time Stone since they sort of acted as a balance to each other. 

After two more tries, he finally found himself standing on Mars' surface. 

"Now let's see if I'll be able to teleport to any location on Mars." Since he now had the general location figured out, the next thing was getting the smaller points sorted out. 

"I'll be going to Pluto next after I'm done with Mars. I reckon if I can move accurately anywhere on this solar system, with the amount of data collected, the equation should be applicable to the rest of the spatial coordinates I have." And once again he was gone. 


Erik was mostly a content man with how things have been happening lately. The hate was still there, humans don't change that quick, but the way forward has never been more clear. 

The challenges were there but in the coming years, he was sure that seeing mutants openly working in public places wouldn't be that much of a strange thing. 

Maybe getting political positions was an impossibility now, they already had plans for that. They won't let the humans dictate how they will move forward, whether they like it or not. 

"Who's there?" Erik called out, frowning slightly at the unfamiliar presence he was sensing. It was very faint but he didn't doubt his senses. "You'll soon come to find that I don't like repeating myself."

The room remained silent after that for a few seconds before it started shaking as long needle-thin pins floated behind Erik, all facing a particular direction. 

"I see that you're still a prick here, that's a good thing I think." The man hiding in the direction the pins were pointing at disabled his illusion and regarded Erik with a wry smile while Erik regarded him with a confused frown. 

"And you are?"

The man chuckled. "Now that's a question I haven't heard in a while."


Who's the new guy?