
The Vision

If beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, what then does the vision see? Man reincarnates as Vision in the MCU. ............................ Want to write a Fanfic but can't write a synopsis for the life of me A/N: Will be posted on Scribblehub, FF, RoyalRoad and AO3

QuackVader · ภาพยนตร์
140 Chs


Woah guys, what's up with the crazy support? I mean, it's only been a week and messages have been flooding in. I'm honestly thrilled, thank you.


[Vision POV]


"Is that it?" Pietro asked in surprise as the section of the city they were in fell dead silent at Ultron's death. 

"You could say he put all his eggs inside one basket. Unfortunately for him, he left it terribly unguarded." 

Handling Ultron had honestly been easy as there was no way the android could take on all of the Avengers, that was the reason why he had been using distractions, taking them out one by one by their weakest links. 

"This is going to be a huge mess guys. We'll have the UN and EU breathing down on our necks for this." Natasha said, reminding everyone of why this had happened in the first place. "And not to mention…" Even if she didn't say it, I knew who she was referring to – me. 

It wouldn't take a genius to know how they'd be guarded to let another sentient AI walk around with autonomy after what just happened. 

"Well, I'm sure the coming days will be hectic for everyone here, so best not to fret on it right now. We still have work to do." I could deal with the complications that come with me being a robot later, but now there were a lot of rescue operations needed. 

~He's right. Best to leave the cleaning up to us while you bunch get ready. I hear the President's already got 23 others in a phone call~

Fury's voice sounded over from the comms and my open communication system before he pulled up on a hellicarrier. 

"We'll help. We can't leave just this to you guys. Thanks, Fury." Steve said. 

There were thousands of killer robots, both in scattered and pristine conditions, laid all over the city. They couldn't just leave them to be laying around, not after what happened after the Invasion. And also, we are literally standing on a treasure trove. No one here would trust the government with that much Vibranium. 

"I already got cleaners coming in. We'll wrap up all the Ultron parts, and then focus on how we are going to drill that thing out." Stark said. 


We cleaned up the city from all the robot parts we could find while those from SHIELD ran first-aid for the injured and counted the death toll. 

The people the destruction hit the most amongst us were no doubt the Maximoff twins. This was where they were born and where they were raised. Seeing such death and destruction brought upon it and remembering their hand in it brought the two of them down in tears once the adrenaline wore off. Wanda appeared to be particularly hit with the realization but thankfully was handling it well with her brother supporting her. 

It made me wonder how she dealt with all the grief in the original plotline. Losing her home and her last blood while also being a cause for all the deaths surely would have taken a great toll on her fragile mind state. Nothing was more worse than repressed grief after all. 

I did help with the rescue effort since it was physically impossible that the Avengers were able to cover the entire city during all the chaos. It wasn't a pretty sight. 

It was more surprising for me how I was able to remain calm during everything that had happened in less than 24hrs. The entire experience felt somehow foreign and at the same time felt like a great regret for me. 

I was human, at least part of one, and yet it felt as if I was anything but. 

It wasn't as if the emotions weren't there, they were, I could clearly feel them, but they felt more like an option should I choose to feel them or not, and while it might sound a bit dark and unfeeling, I'd rather not know how that grief, fear and trauma feels like for a normal human. 

"You've been quiet for a while now. What bothers you?"

Thor came to me and stood at my side as we both stood at a hillside and overlooked the ruined city – the result of a moral squabble. 

"An ill-fought battle. It's a regret something like this ever happened in the first place." He said. 

I nodded. The reason for the battle was stupid. The event leading to it even more so. 


That was all it was. It was also the reason why the Avengers broke up. 

"Will you be leaving soon?" I asked. 

"Yes. Two Infinity stones have shown up in the past few years. I feel something is amiss in the cosmos." He said. 

"I see." Though I knew he'd be leaving, I was slightly regretful because he was my favorite Avenger, even more so after knowing them. "Your presence will be missed."

"Haha. Not so much, I think. Besides, they'll have you. A worthy ally." He stretched out his hands towards me for a shake and I responded in kind by grabbing his arm, viking-style, which earned me a grin from him. "Keep an eye on them for me. They're quite the bunch. It's my fortune to meet such comrades in my time." He said before twirling his hammer and flying away. 

After a few minutes, I sighed as I got tired of the view and started making my way back to the States. 

I was just thankful I could avoid the two things that worried me in this battle. 

I ignored the notifications of completed tasks, opting to focus on them after I've properly cooled off. 

[Scanning complete] 

[Acquired the Ultron code] 

[Conclusion: Assimilation of the Ultron code will increase synergy with the Mind Stone] 

'Shelve that for later.'

There were a lot of things I needed to think of from this point onwards. 

First of all, I was an Avenger. That was the best outcome of this whole bizarre experience. 

As an Avenger and also as The Vision, what was it I wanted to accomplish? 

The complications of being a fully sentient android. 

The three way connection between me, the Mind Stone and Wanda. 

… And now, what was I going to do with the Ultron code I acquired? I don't even know what it was. 

'I need a 24hrs power down.'