
The villainess reincarnated as a commoner in another world

I am Mathilde von Donnersmack, the fiancée of the crown prince from Northrealm... Or so I was until he declared his intention on making a commoner girl into his fiancée, and sent me on exile under the accusations of harassing the commoner girl. Then before I could notice I was being run over by a merchant's wagon, only to wake up at a cold and bright place full of people wearing light blue... Yes, I was reincarnated in another world as a commoner girl named Kimiko Uehara, in a nation called Japan, that has amazing wonders such as anime and manga, but now I shall first reclaim my original stature as a noble!... Eh? What do you mean there's no such thing as magic?... Ouch! Why did you hit me!? Huh? That's not how I ask people?... What do you mean by calling me a weirdo!?!?!? TL;DR: Simply put, it's the reverse uno card to the reincarnated as an otome-game villainess, where the villainess reincarnates as a common Japanese girl Cover* source: 03_Bara_ [Twitter] *Between the ones I had, I found it the most fitting for what I'm "thinking" for this story

Lazy_Author_san · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 1

(A/N Notes: Welp, time to continue updating a story with an idea nobody did before [As far as I'm aware])

It has been 3 years since Kimiko was born, and now she was a lively toddler

*Hitting two building toy blocks against each other* <It has already been three years... I think, and I have not been sold as a slave, so that means... That I am actually someone from high society!>

Kimiko had finally placed down the toy block she was holding and made a proud face

<But I can not be satisfied with just this!>

Then she destroyed the thing she had build as she lifted her arms

"She's so lively"

Her mother was watching her little toddler daughter playing with her toys

Kimiko's view

"*Speaking Japanese*"

What did she say? No, I can not afford to sidetrack from my main objectives... First, I need to get back at that vile succubus woman who stole my fiancé. Second, I need to know more about this place. And third, I need to assert my superior position to those of lower-class... And for all that, I first need to learn how to walk!

Alright! I will start walking!


Kimiko then tried to get up, as her mother noticed that her daughter was doing something. Kimiko then lifted herself with all four and slowly lifted herself. She managed to get up... For a small moment, as she immediately started to fall down on her back, making her hit the ground

"Uuuuuuhhh Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!" <It hurts!!! Do something, woman! This great me is hurt!!!"

Kimiko's mother quickly got up from the chair, and gently picked Kimiko up

"There, there. You started great, dear. Just keep like that and soon you'll be walking on your two by yourself"

She gently caressed her daughter's head

<I feel sleepy...>

And Kimiko fell asleep on her mother's gentle embrace

A few months later

<... It looks like that my current body is not ready for walking yet... Okay, instead I will begin with talking! If I can explain to them who I am, they will surely bow down to me... Okay, here I go!> "Aaa... Bah... Abababba..."

"Hm? What's wrong, Kimiko-chan?"

Kimiko was on her mother's lap, and now she was trying to communicate with her

<I am Mathilde von Donnersnack, the only child of the current duke of Pressaia. And now I am talking to you lady that I do not know the name of> "A... Ana... Babrrrr... Ma..."

"*Gasp*! Could it be..."

<! She made a surprised face, which means she understood what I said! Alright, I can not lose this moment... Here I go!> "Aaaahh... Brrr... Na"

"You're going to say your first word!"

The two were way off on each other intentions

<*A bunch of gibberish of how great she is*> "Awaaa... Naaa... Maa... Ma... Mama..."

"You just called me, mama!"

And Kimiko's mother hugged her with great love

<... Huh? Why is she hugging me so happily?... Wait, do not tell me... That all that I said was misunderstood!!!>

Rather than misunderstood, her mother had no way of knowing she was actually saying something complex, and now she was way too excited because of her daughter's first word

A few more months later

"Kimiko-chan! Do you want mama, to read you a bedtime story?"


Kimiko could only extend her little arms to her mother and accidentally roll on her back

"I'll take that as a yes"

Kimiko's mother picked her up and put her on her lap, as she opened the children's book

<!!! T-t-t-this!!!... I can read it!!!>

Because of how the writers had written the background of the game characters to have them being able to read in Japanese, but talking in a different language that the player was hearing in auto-translate. Complicated? Blame the writers for not doing a better job at world-building

"*Reading the story for Kimiko*" <Oh my! She's really engrossed in the story and the characters, isn't she?>

Kimiko's mother confused her daughter's focus on her being interested in the story she was reading for her when in truth it was because Kimiko was doing her best on trying to learn the language with the help of the letters in the book

Two years later

Kimiko was now 5 years old, she had finally managed to relearn how to walk on her two legs by herself, and had somewhat managed to solve her language problem

"I order you to fetch me a drink!"

And now she was ordering someone who had around double her height


The person looked at her with an annoyed face as he raised his hand fully open



she received a karate chop on top of her head

"That's not how you ask people stuff, idiot"

"... *Inflates her cheeks as she tries to hold her tears*"

"Did something happen?"

And their mother appeared asking

"Mama! *Runs towards her mother* Onii-sama hit me!"

"Is that true, Daisuke"

"She asked for it"

"I did not!"

"I order you to fetch me a drink! *In a falsetto similar to Kimiko's voice* And you're saying that's not you asking to be hit on the head?"

"Yeah!... And my voice is not like that *Low tone*"

"Haa... Kimiko-chan, your brother is right, you can't simply go ordering people around"

"Then how else I make people do stuff for me?"

"You ask them nicely, of course"

"Ask nicely?" *Leans her head to the side*

"Yes, you ask them nicely, like this. Daisuke-chan, can you please get Kimiko-chan a drink?"

"... *Sigh* Fine, what do you want to drink?"


Daisuke then got up from the couch and went to fetch some milk for his little sister, and while he was doing so, she looked at the clock

"*Gasp* It's almost time!"

Kimiko picked the controller, and jumped on the sofa, as she put on the anime channel. Her mother looked worriedly at her

"Maybe I shouldn't have allowed her to watch anime this early in her life"

"Why is that? At least it keeps her quiet for almost three hours straight, that's a plus for me"

"That's because you're not the one worried about her future"

"You're completely right, I don't give a care!"

Daisuke proudly said so, as he handed the milk to Kimiko, and he sat back down on his usual spot on the sofa


Leaving their mother standing there as she watched them getting along in a way she wasn't used to

*Ding dong*

But she had to put her worries aside since the doorbell rang, so she went to see who it was

"Ah! Fumiko-san, good morning"

"Good morning for you too, Hanako-san"

"Let me guess, watch over Takashi-chan, right?"

"Yes, I'm deeply sorry to be always troubling you"

"Don't worry, it's always a great opportunity to have Kimiko-chan interact with kids of her age"

"I see, even still thank you for the help. Takashi, make sure to not give Hanako-san trouble"


"Sorry about him, he really liked a silent character of an anime he watches, and now he's imitating it"

"I can't say, I don't get it"

And Fumiko left her son in her neighbor's hands, Hanako then took Takashi to the living room, where her two children were at

"Kimiko-chan, look who came here!"

"Hm? Ah! Servant, I hope you brought me a tribute!"


Takashi approached her and handed her an empty cicada husk

"... ... ..."

Kimiko's brain stopped working for a moment, and when it came back


She threw the husk away as she fell from the sofa, making Daisuke laugh a lot

"Why did you put that thing on my hands!?"

"... You were the one who said for me to give you something"

"..." <I will never order people around anymore>

Kimiko learned and decided to never order people around in the worst way possible for her

(A/N Notes: Moral of the story: None, because I haven't thought of one)