
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Welp...hey there pretty little lady...long time, no see?!

Consuming the Hobgoblin's beast core would be a lie, if I didn't say it was a challenge. At the adventurer's guild, I had learned some important information about the way strength and power worked here. Highly strong beasts, both strength and intelligence wise, tended to drop these rare items known as Beast cores. These cores can either be sold or traded by adventurer's to gain funds or they could use it to strengthen themselves. Although consuming Beast cores was a process of hard work. A core had mana harnessed inside of it, which could be used to strengthen one's body and mana pool. It was basically a way of leveling up faster, you could apply the Beast core's mana in different ways and different parts of your body to strengthen yourself. The mana could be used to increase the strength and duration of your spells, or just to make your body stronger. But once you consume a core, it takes nine hours of meditation in a weakened state to harness the power. This meant having total concentration over your body and distributing the magical force throughout your veins to the different parts of your body. The mana in a core is a compacted energy that needs to be slowly released and concentration is key to achieving your goal, so many warriors tend to just let the natural world level them up. As they fight and grow stronger, the process takes years, they have a much safer option and a source of income!

But if you do decide to consume the beast core, patience is your key to greatness. If your focus is to shift even for just a moment, the core's mana force can combust causing an internal blockage of power coursing through you. This can be as simple as a few days of not being able to access your mana reserves to some serious consequences such as the whole body withering from the inside, leading to death. In my opinion and many others, neither of the options sounds like fun, especially since they come with pain. And my months of penance being locked up had given me an advantage. Many of the world's most powerful figures, such as my mother and father along with knights and rogue adventurers became this powerful because of their innate sense of patience. I needed to find a safe place to stay, so a forest isn't the best option. Returning to the adventurer's guild quarters might be the best option.

"Hello! Welcome to the Regnum Adventurer's Guild!"

"How may I be of assistance?"

The bright cheery voice greeted me, and I felt like I was about to puke. It was the same attendant as the one in the morning, when I had been given my identity card. She was what people would consider cute, with a fluff of brown hair on her head, and big blue eyes. She was the most innocent person one has ever seen. Yet, I felt like puking…Usually rainbows and sunshine are decptors who laugh at the weak and take advantage of the powerful! To my eyes, her teeth were so bright and white…that they seemed plastic. Such a fake world, it wouldn't be fair, if the Creepy Guy looking down from above, wasn't laughing at my fate. So much for a new life, depressing seemed to be a better option than standing one more minute with this overly enthusiastic lady.

"Is there a place I might be allowed to stay the night at?"

"Of course, young sir! We have one room open!"

"How much per stay?"

"That will be one shilling a night!"

"Thank you!"

"No, one second thoug…"


"You will be sharing the room with an another adventurer!"

"What the…"

And that's how I ended up meeting the person I dropped from the sky. Again.

Author's Note: Excuse me! Does fate not want me to be with that bundle of joy…Urm…I meant how gracious of the Gods. Our hero is still alive…although looking as gorgeous as before. She seems to have returned, I feel bad for the freak. Let's see what he does now! While he was a freaking depressed shady looking dude in his room, Sophie had actually been working out!


"Water Beast Guardian!"

"Icicle Strike!"

Damn it, I had really mnfmed it up this time! I literally had only half a second to react and close the door! As sweat trickled down the crook of my neck, the sudden influx in mana was frightening. Although she was innocent looking, the amount of mana she had just summoned was greatly terrifying. Even after my waking state, getting closer to becoming a powerful individual, I didn't have that much reserve. But noticing how rashly she had commanded the forces, I had an advantage of experience and skill. The icicles stuck out through the door, as I leaned away from one especially large one…which had torn a piece of my cloak onto it. Slowly once the icicles had melted, I opened the door…Only to be hit with a torrent of icy cold water. As I almost half froze to death, I made my way through the room. And there she was, Sophie, looking as gorgeous as ever. She seemed exhausted as she huffed and sweat formed on her brows, yet she was so pretty. The moonlight shone in through the windows lighting up her hair and her eyes glowed with silver flecks. Her beautiful blonde hair, long and shining with the light, looked silver in the moonlight. Her big blue eyes were furious, but she just looked so innocent. I wanted to wrap my hand around her, but she was my enemy. "The first rule to becoming a Villain is…NEVR FRATERNIZE WITH THE ENEMY!, " that was what my head was telling me…but I was drunk in my own emotions. So much for a peaceful night of meditating...my Beast core was reaching it's time limit, before I become mentally and physically disabled.


"Shut UP!!!"

"Okay, but sorry…"


Our conversation went on like this for half an hour. There were two beds in the room, she sat on her side at the edge of the bed. Sitting up stiff and her hands at her dual knives. While I made myself comfortable in the other bed, resting my back against the pillows. A dim lamp was the only thing giving light in this room, as I shut up and stared at her. Looking at her face in the shadows, I watched her profile. It would be to say the least, that the hero still made my heart go racing. Blood started to pump and for some reason my body reacted to itself and calmed down my hormones. She looked like prey at the edge of her bed, so dainty, the hero a small teenage girl beaten and furious. But all the same to me as a victim that escaped death…In that one night, I had gone through several phases and now I was just, startled to put it plainly.

"Teach me!"

"If you teach me and guide me, I will forget our first night spent together!"

"This is your debt to me!"


I stared her down, forcing her to look into my demonic eyes. Startled, she noticed the difference in my eyes. Fear washed over her, as she tried to hide it by standing up boldly. In that minute, I felt my body having a nuclear bomb. My emotions were reopening in front of her, while my brain was constantly attacking it to shut it down. It was getting late and I was getting impatient to start meditating, so I did what I did best back in my old life! I lied. I lied through a straight face, fully solemn, and all she could do was believe it downright.

"I will teach you, but my decision will be decided in the morning!"

"Right now!!! Let me sleep!"

As I pretended to fall asleep, I listened for her breathing to become steady. Sophie's body, after a while became rhythmic and I woke up like a creep. Staring at the shape of her body through the sheets, I blushed. But my goal was to focus right now, my only chance to meditate and gain my powers through the core. As I started the process, I got in a comfortable position with a pillow angled on my back and took off my shirt. It can get scratchy and distraction wasn't an option. With that in my mind, I firmly closed my eyes and went into a state of total concentration. As I sensed the pool of mana radiating from the Beast core, I had only a few minutes before it had consumed me…So much time had been wasted because of this stupid girl! The Hobgoblin core glowed green in the light, since it was a creature of earth element, as the powerful energy pulsed. I willed it to separate and slowly started the tedious work of breaking the mana core and distributing it evenly throughout my body. If I want to become the strongest individual in the world, I must have all my techniques and skills at their highest level! And leveling up one skill, might lead me to heavily rely on it…which in a fight could serve as a handicap.


The hero woke up to an empty bedsheet, she looked around the room trying to sense any sign of the teen, who had just been here with her last night. She had been duped again, the only chance she had to prove her worth as a hero to defeat the Demon Lord was him. And her only hope was turning out to be a bigger nightmare than the endgame. Why did he seem more cold, as if his presence brought a sense of doom. Sophie at that moment realized that Finn wasn't someone she could just "ask" for help. How powerful he was and how he had tried to kill her, made him her biggest enemy, a Villain, even compared to the monstrosity that lay in her fate. The only way she could now learn was to create her own fate. This powerful being would be no help to her in no way or form.

As Finn walked through the dim street, now lit up by the rising sun. A new era was dawning upon this land. People stared at the boy, who looked like their Prince, walking through the streets. He had these powerful strides of someone who had so much confidence in his skills, that fighting him would do no good for the enemy. He was truly frightening in a sense, the monstrosity of his gaze held so much pain, though! All dressed in black, handsome and chiseled, the crown prince of Regnum walked through the streets of the kingdom…And his eyes glowed red with power. He walked to the Gate at the end, and without any questions from the guards, took his dark blade out of its sheath and stealthily leapt off into the darkness! The bloodcurdling noise of beasts soon followed…

Author's Note: I feel like that this dude isn't a dude…I mean he is a dude, but how does he not want to help a poor damsel in distress, especially one that is an elf and cute as an angel…This guy, but it is not my place to interfere. Honestly, I hope she…the Hero…kicks his butt. Such a Villain, toying with her and lying to her face. I would NEVER do that, if I had a chance!