
The Villain is OVERPOWERED!

"Tonight I am born! Not God or Fate can decide what I become. I accept who I am, and will conquer this world! She is just a killer like me and the Demon Lord is just like me. Rather I take this world for myself and challenge the wrath of God himself" And with that, I dropped the Hero from the height of a two story building. Hoping that she wasn't dead, but at the same time letting go of her and my feelings. I had become a shell of a human body. A machine which could only reason and execute, that night on my birthday, I truly became the Villain. As I looked down at the crumpled heap of the beautiful elf girl on the ground, blood flowing from skulls, and her eyes were finally open. *Make sure to post reviews and helpful comments to help improve the quality of this story!* -Please help fund this in any way or form you possibly can! -Ask others to read! -Add it to your collections, etc... These little things help motivate me to write! Your support will be appreciated! Chow and try not to get dropped by your boyfriend or girlfriend from a building!;)

S3lus · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Depression is not good for health?!

Another day comes by, another night goes by…every night since my birthday all I can do is stay up and meditate. The betrayal on her face shattered me from the inside, yet my mind kept willing me to stand up and walk out the door. It wanted me to kill her, but my heart said I was an idiot. For a month now, I had locked myself up in my room only to come outside for food and water. In this dark place, I had given up. My parents had stopped even attempting to console me through the majestic iron doors. As I meditated, gathering mana, my body grew stronger and stronger with each mana infusing my bones. So much mana was pouring off me into the chamber, brightening it up like daytime. But this wasn't stable mana pouring out, I sensed my anger and frustration in the mana surrounding me. The light radiating off me was hot and turbulent, flashing in different colors and bursting out at places like the Sun. As I meditated, something different started to happen to the mana pouring out of my body.

The room steadily started to get darker, I closed my eyes and meditated even harder. The dark shadows crept around engulfing the once turbulent light, with an ever-swirling ink of darkness. I had finally broken, I could feel my mind taking control of my heart. What I had done for my own goals, had suddenly crept on me and I felt it slowly taking over me. The darkness within me expanded and finally achieved what it wanted. With my eyes closed, I felt the power of the shadows. It coursed through my veins, rewriting everything inside of me, my bones became fused with the shadow as they grew stronger than steel. My brain became filled with the dark mana as it poured in its sharp wit and intelligence. Even my skin tingled with the sensation, as it took on a pale dark glow. The power radiating off me was godly, it felt as if I could take on the whole world by myself, but what was it?

As I meditated even harder, the power kept pooling off me as it turned completely dark. Darkness overtook my soul, as I opened my eyes. Looking through my eyes I noticed every little detail. If I wished I could see my own hair, or for that matter see for miles with acute detail as to what was happening through my window. Everything was becoming clearer and more stable than ever before. Emotions were just a hindrance for progress, to progress I must give it everything and become the strongest.

This world is mine for the taking and only I can achieve it. Living a luxury life, with polished princely buttcheeks, wasn't going to help me. I needed to get out of this crappy mood and start training like never before. I needed to fine tune my techniques with a blade and become a powerful shadow mage. Showing them the true power of darkness. And that can only be done through movement…Looking in the mirror, I witnessed as my irises turn red and glow, demonic eyes fiery with pain and revenge. While the rest of my face had become black, they really are right when they say eyes are the windows to a person's heart!

Author's Note: This dude is really pissing me off…I mean who the hell does he think he is. First he starts off as an overpowered, perverted, dude with no life whatsoever and now he has become the embodiment of a cold hearted Villain. Still, I got to say red eyes look great on him, absolutely majestic…I feel a bit jealous.


Looking into the distance, I noticed the shadowy movements of the beasts. It had been two weeks since I had departed from my princely abode. When I had finally decided to step out from my self made confinement, my mother was crying with tears of joy. My father was away on some important agendas, but the messenger told me how overjoyed he was. Seeing my mother again in a way was weird…In that month I had learned a lot about humanity. Through my meditation I could sense that my presence had become very grand. Almost as if people would avoid me because of the sense of doom that seemed to follow me. My irises had officially become red and would glow, whenever I felt troubled. Whatever emotions I had felt before, seemed to have been locked up in my hollow heart and used for fuel. A fuel to help my demonic nature grow ever-more dominant. Mother, father, brother, sister, lover, and even kids had no significance to me. Sensing emotions had become difficult and I just felt this desire to grow stronger.

I left as soon as possible from the castle, not knowing where to go…but to keep my feet moving.

"Finn! Please come back and see us soon!"

This was the last thing I heard, as my elf mother with her bright silvery hair and her beautiful silvery eyes, filled with tears, looked at me with betrayal. I knew at that moment that she knew I was far too gone. Not being their son to begin with, since I was summoned by the God of Creepiness, I had no regrets! Now deep in the woods, I rested my back against the trunk of the huge tree. There was a stream nearby where I had left my clothes to dry on the rocks. The place could be considered beautiful, a nice place to have a picnic, but I had no such intentions. I was here to train…and the first course would be to train my body in sword skills. The blade I had gotten from my parents was something that was beautiful and priceless, but with practice it could become lethal…more lethal than any weapon in this forsaken world! For a while now, I had been tracking down a beast. To be precise a Hobgoblin, king of goblins, had left wreckage in its wake to do whatever it had wanted to do. And I had been tracking the trail for quite some time. The adventurer's guild had given me as there first task of completion, although a hassle to get stronger, this was the only way I would be allowed to enter monster grounds. Until I get stronger, I must suffer and bid my time.

Looking down at my stats on my id, given by the adventurer's guild, I could see that although I was strong…there would still be others stronger. Standing up, I put on my cloak and boots and started sprinting through the wreckage. With my demon eyes activated, I could see the mana flow of the Hobgoblin. I could see the mana getting thicker, as the shape of a massive body came into focus. A being truly astounding, compared to its henchmen the goblins, this creature was truly terrifying and I liked it! In my last life, I was a desperate loser, who was constantly preyed on and bullied! In this life, I would become the apex predator. No matter the amount of bloodshed! The closer I got to it, the more excited I got…Bloodlust, war, and fighting made my nerves on edge. Adrenaline pumped in as I felt the rush of excitement wash over me. The Hobgoblin finally heard my quick footsteps and turned around, in that moment I was a psycho with death as his goal.

"Shadow Shield!"

"Soul Flame!"

I used soul flame to strengthen my dark blade as it glowed with eerie fiery blue flames. Mana shield made of shadows activated all around me, encompassing me with a dim darkness around the outline of my body. The Hobgoblin and I circled each other like animals, waiting for the first predator to strike. Assessing its movements, I noticed the spikes on its huge club. One hard hit to my head and I would be crushed, helpless. The main objective would be to attack it just underneath its chest, where there was a spot which wasn't covered in armor. A quick stab to his diaphragm will cause him internal pain from constant movement, at which moment I can rely on the sharpness of my blade to cut through the neck. A quick slice near it's adam's apple and I would have defeated my first beast.

Moving in fast and quick, I danced on my feet dodging the huge club. All that training in the courtyard by my father was coming in handy. Though to get to his abdomen, I would need to get closer. And the Hobgoblin was doing a great job of playing keep away, another opening and another deflection by the beast. There was only one way to attack it now, although it would mean taking a direct hit from its club…though my shield should be able to just withstand it. My movements slowed down as I cast a spell.

"Dance of the Soul Arrows"

As the arrows rained down on the overgrown beast, I took a huge hit to my stomach as the club smashed into my ribs. I went flying six feet backwards and landed on my cheeks. The shield had held up and luckily I wasn't hurt, but I had to attack now. As the dark fiery arrows rained down on the goblin, piercing it and giving it cuts, I sprinted at him with my sword. My tungsten blade as it glowed with dark energy and stabbed him at his diaphragm. The Hobgoblin let out a shudder, as it stumbled backwards, though not dead yet the pain must have been colossal. Every movement had become slow and jerky, as I closed in dodging the wide attacks by the prey in front of me. In a second I leapt and closed the gap, closing my eyes, as I took a clean slice of its neck. As I landed on the other side, there was a loud thump of a body falling to the ground. I whipped my blade, as the green blood flew off it in an arc, and placed it back in its sheath on my back. The Hobgoblin laid there as it poofed out of existence leaving a Beast core behind. Turning back, I picked up the Beast core and…ate it.