
The Unknown Bloodline

A 21 year old boy standing with a sword but behind a silver star

Kolawole_Lawrence · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


"Hey Adrian,wait up don't tell me your'e gonna awaken without me"said my friend ron.

"Of course i'm gonna awaken without you,just kidding but really i gotta find out my path,it's either a warrior or a bloodli"

Ron interrupted me in my moment of pride so i increased my speed.

"For a human you are pretty fast and yes i know your dad was a core warrior of the meins' and the meins' are not to be trifiled with"

"Whatever i hope i become a blood warrior or a last blood warrior"

"Adriian!wait up"

So at the awakening hall,the students were chitchatting on what they may chose

"First up,maen from the mein family"