
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs


'How interesting this is...' He could tell that those wooden things were made by the humans, but he obviously didn't know how.

Hen something even more interesting happened. Glade's eye sight was amazing, he could even see what happened in the village. A Monstrous Nightmare landed in the place and started blowing fire. His ears could even pick up faint yells that warned about the Monstrous Nightmare.

"A MONSTROUS NIGHTMARE! EVERYONE, GET YOUR WEAPONS!" A man with a large beard had rushed out of one of the buildings and waved an axe.

Even more Vikings started grabbing axes and maces. Even children had carried a sword or knife. Seeing the aggression, both the Vikings and the Monstrous Nightmare began fighting. The Monstrous Nightmare killed two Vikings and injured three others. On the other hand, the same person with the large beard had sliced the dragon's neck in half.

Cheers went through all the Vikings and mourning began after that, for the two viking that died. The dragon's body was left on the ground, and one human in particular caught Glade's attention.

It was a woman who was crying over the dead Monstrous Nightmare. She had brown hair and was alot skinnier than everyone else in that village. She didn't seem too happy about the dragon being killed either.

Glade wasn't very mournful of the dragon, since they had no connection and it was natural for a dragon to die every once in a while, so it was fine. The woman got a pat on the shoulder by the man who killed the Monstrous Nightmare, and she had finally gone into one of the larger buidlings.

'Hmm... I'll pay her a visit..' He silently glided to the door of the building when everyone went to celebrate, and knocked on it a few times. Luckily, no one saw him since he was still only a few days old and pretty small.


"Yes?" The woman opened the door but she didnt see anyone there. Only when she looked down and little, did she notice the small nightfury sitting at her door.

"A nightfury!?" The woman quickly grabbed him and slammed the door shut.

"This is the first time I've seen a Nightfury in person!" Glade could tell she was excited to see him.


"oh, I'm sorry, one second." A child was crying in another room, and he had already assumed that it was the woman's child. He wanted to see what it looked like.

Out of curiosity, he ran after the woman into a room in the back, and a small baby was laying inside another wooden thing. The baby was the smallest human he'd seen. The baby was a little smaller than Glade, and seemed to be crying over nothing, even though it's mother was right next to it.

'I guess I can try something.' He walked to the crib and flew onto the sides of it. Then, he tried poking the baby's stomache. To his surprise, it worked! The little baby started laughing and chuckling. It almost made Glade want to make him happy a little more.


'I forgot it was hungry..!' The woman, who saw this laughed and went somewhere before coming back into the room with a fish.

He almost started drooling when he saw such a delicious looking fish. It looked fresh and juicy, he immediately jumped to catch the fish when the woman had thrown it to him.

"Your pretty funny, little nightfury." The woman had picked him up and opened a window, so he could fly off before he got caught.

'I'll see you next time!' Glade got what she meant and flew off before anyone saw him. He flew up, and onto the rock mountain thing again while watching what went on in the village.




Glade had been visiting the woman's house and played with the little child for a few weeks. In that time, their relationship got closer and they became almost like family to him. Obviously the other villagers were unaware of this happening.

Soon it became a habit, however, he had grown quite a lot bigger since his first few days after hatching. He wouldn't be able to sneak into the house while being unnoticed anymore.

A month after Glade had started visiting the woman, a disaster had struck the village. Dragons had attacked. Lots of dragons.

'Where's that woman?!' He flew down from the rock mountain and directly to the home of the woman he visited often.

He didn't even care about being seen in all this Chaos. The roof often the house was burned open, and there was a large four winged dragon on the wall, staring at the child. He was alarmed at first, but there wasn't any hostility coming from the Stormcutter.

Instead of acting rash and jumping in, he watched from the edge of the roof. He watched every that unfolded. The Stormcutter being kind, and the woman realizing this, and then the Viking with the long beard walking in with an axe.

'What a huge misunderstanding...!' When watching everything happen from the start, it was almost frustrating almost how huge this mistake was.

Although, Glade didn't expect the Stormcutter to carry the woman out of the building without any warning. All he could do was follow behind the Stormcutter to make sure that she was ok.

After the Stormcutter had taken the woman, the rest of the dragons began retreating. A few hours of flying and they arrived at a beautiful place. Filled with dragons of all different species, and even an alpha dragon. The Bewilderbeast!

When both Glade and Valka arrived together, it was a little overwhelming, however they would spend the next 15 to 20 years of their life in this place. Both of them had learned more about the world and themselves.

In the years that Glade spent, he learned about new things he could do, as well as training everyday in both speed and power. Even Valka had discovered that Glade's spikes on his back could split into two sets!

Valka had also become a dragon rider, her main dragon being the stormcutter, which she named Cloudjumper.

It was pretty fun, and Glade grew more powerful than any other dragon or nightfury out there.