
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · Others
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68 Chs


Glade was really getting intrigued. His wings were much larger than the other tiny dragons, so would he be able to do the same? A small competitive fire sparked inside him. Another breeze was coming and this time, he was ready for it.

His wings were open and ready to jump. Seem of the small dragons were amazed by the size of his wings. They were quite large and pitch black.

'Here comes the breeze!' Once the breeze hit the dragons up front, he sprinted off the cliff.

It got his blood rushing as there was no more ground to save him if he fell. But, he risked it. The breeze was pretty powerful and his wings and tail were still, and made him stay in place. The breeze got a little weaker and he bent back a little, pushing him onto the cliff.

'I did it! That was so fun!' Glade felt like he could fly a bit more if he flapped his wings. But for now, he was only going to glide until he was confident enough to start flying.

Glade had become so observed in gliding, that he didn't notice how dark it had gotten. This was partially also because of how he had no trouble seeing in the dark.

'I'm almost confident enough! Just a few more tests, and I'll definitely be ready!' He was excited to begin flying. It was like flying had attracted him to it, more than it did to the other dragons.

He was sleepy, but kept gliding, as the wind was stronger at night. He began to become more confident with every test glide. Just when he was finishing up, his stomache growled.

'I haven't eaten anything yet..!' He didn't have any parents that could give him fish like the others, and the other dragons didn't want to share any! He tried to sleep, but the hunger was killing him!

Glade stared down off the edge of the cliff. The waves crashed against the bottom of the cliff violently. He looked back at the dragons that wee sleeping.

'It's worth the risk.' He decided to try it for himself, since no one would miss him if he died.

His wings wings raised into the air, and he started off by jumping off the cliff, head first. It was terrifying. Glade was falling at an extreme speed. His wings were under the pressure from the wind.

'Argh! Just... get my wings to open...' Just before hitting the cold water, his black wings became steady and his tail also changed. Instead of falling, now he was gliding extremely fast just above the water.

But.... he didn't know what he was doing. He tried moving his wings to the side a little, but it only turned him a little. Then, instinct took over for him, and he controlled his tail, just enough to make a U turn and headed back. He wasn't ready for flying too long just yet.

However, the name of his species appeared in his mind, when he took flight.

'A Nightfury...!' He didn't get any food, but he finally found out what he was. Although, Glade was still hungry. Agh.. it was going to be a torturous night. He had tried falling asleep right on the cliff, to make it easier for him to get to training quicker.






It was probably noon by now, and Glade was awoken by the roars of the adult dragons. They started flying! He was confused. The other baby dragons hadn't mastered flying yet! All the adult dragons began leaving together in a giant flock.

The hundred of tiny babies chased after their parents on the ground. They definitely looked sad, but the parents would only slowly fly farther away from the cliff he was on! It was a swarm of tiny dragons rushing at him!

The dragons waited at the cliff but the parents started flying away. In desperation to keep up, the first few jumped off and suddenly started flying! Seeing that, the hundred of dragons jumped off the cliff and flew their way to the adult dragons.

'What! But.. I just can't fly!' By now, most of the dragons were already flying around, Glade was the only one of three dragons that didn't fly off. Besides him, there was a Terrible Terror and Hideous Zippleback.

'I just don't want to stay on this island!' He rushed to the edge of the cliff. None of the dragons waited, since most had already left.

Glade had to built up the resolve to fly, but what if he couldn't? The waves were less violent than before, and the other dragons had flown, but why was it so hard for him?!

He becane angry at himself for being ao incompetent, and without thinking, he jumped off the cliff and full speed. Just like before he straightened out his wings and tail, making himself glide. Then, when he lost a bit of speed, it was an instinct to flap his wings and push himself up.

Unfortunately, by the time Glade had figured out the trick to flying, he was lost. The entire flock of dragons had to pass through a thick fog, and that was when he lost track after reaching outside the fog.

'This is the worst! How did I even get lost?!' Now, he was in the middle of the ocean. At least Glade could continue flying for a few more hours, but the hunger was getting to him.

He used his fastest speed to find at least another island with some food on it. Glade was gliding just above the ocean waters and his speed was even pushing some of the water away! He also learned which different turns of his tail did. Such as flying silently or gliding up faster.

By now, Glade had been flying for around an hour, before he saw an island. It was was a rather large island, however, there were already things living on it. Big things made of wood and what he thought were 'Humans' that walked between the wooden things.

Glade flew up into the clouds, before diving down and then landing on top of a high mountain thing far behind the wooden things and humans. He looked at the thing with interest.