
The Unfinished Stories

The Unfinished stories of novels that the author(me) has wrote but never published. [Keep in mind that none of these stories have been completely finished, but there are probably some chapters I wrote and didn't upload. The genre as well, it confused me on whether this should be a novel or a fanfic.] Neither the cover nor anything like characters from fanfic stories belong to me (unless it's an original character). It is alright if the original owner of one of the fanfics wants one of the stories to be taken down.

heheheHEHEHEH · อื่นๆ
68 Chs


"Sigh~! Bucket, go catch more fish! We need it for the freeze." Stoic threw two big barrels towards a short viking and a tall one wearing a bucket.

"We can't Stoic, it took us months to get that much fish. We can't possibly do it in just this little amount of time...!" The short viking quickly went away after Stoic had walked out of the trashed storage room.

"Dad! Listen... I can-"

"I don't care. I have a village to feed, those dragons have done too much damage!" The skinny boy was then ignored.

'Wait... Huh? Dad? Isn't Stoic, Valka's husband? Then.. that boy is Hiccup! How did I not realize! Valka's own son, I haven't seen him in so long..!' Glade felt like running up to him, but they seemed pretty tied up at the moment.

"Hiccup...! I want all of the dragons in cages by tommorow, or else..!" After that line, another man interrupted. He looked pretty crazy if you want to be honest. The wierd eyes and crazy beard.

"No no no! You gotta send the dragons away! Keeping them is too good for those pests!" The crazy old man waved his bone cane around and all the other villagers that gathered started agreeing.

"Sigh~ Alright, we'll send them off the island tommorow morning. Until then, they'll be caged instead." Stoic looked at Hiccup with a sorry look, and turned around to go on with his own business.


'They're going to get rid of a Nightfury? Not to mention, it seems that those dragons before were were a rider's dragons... How interesting.' Glade didn't care about what happened next, but instead took a nap, to make up for his adventuring, that took away alot of his sleeping time.


Luckily, it was already night when his stomache started getting hungry again. Glade extended his large wings and lifted off the top of the rocky mountain. He flew off the edge of Berk, and just above the rough waters.

After observing for a few minutes, a juicy fish jumped out of the water. That was when Glade dived down as fast as he could into the ocean. That one fish had been part of a large school of fish, and five of them immediately got caught in his powerful teeth.

Seeing as he could only fit five fish in his mouth, he flew out of the water and shook off the rest.

'Oh yeah, Hiccup was going to lock up the dragons tonight... I'll go and see!' He swallowed the fish, whole and glided above the village while looking around.

The Gronkle, Monstrous Nightmare, and Zippleback were inside a large stone cage thing that had a door. The five dragon rider's that were most likely the riders of those dragons, we're carrying torches and started closing a wooden door on them.

Just out of curiousity, he got closer and carefully landed on top of the cage thing. Just moments before the door had completely closed, Hiccup and the Nightfury came rushing in.

"We're not locking up the dragon." Hiccup pushed the lever back and the gate stopped closing.

"Did you change your father's mind?! Or... are you going behind his back... again." The girl's wearing blue, with blonde sounded pretty sarcastic.

"Nevermind that. I figured out that the frag onset are going to do whatever they do. But, we just need to learn how to use it to out advantage."

"So, what's this great plan of yours."

"Well get a hold of those dragons and train them to do what they do, somewhere else! It's a genius!"

'That's pretty clever of him.. but of course, he's Valka's son, so obviously.' Glade was becoming pretty biased towards Hiccup, since he used to play with him when Hiccup was still an baby.

He was still on the cage, but he unintentionally got closer to almost right behind Hiccup. The other Nightfury probably sensed that Glade was there, and shot a fast plasma blast.

Instead of dodging it, he shot one of his own plasma blasts, and they canceled eachother out. Unfortunately, Hiccup and the other riders were confused until Glade returned a plasma blast.

"A Nightfury!" 6x Everyone stopped making any moves, and tried to stay as still as possible when they saw him.

'Well, this is awkward, but if they're not gonna do anything...' He hopped down from the side of the cage, and safely landed infront of Hiccup.

Glade only looked at Hiccups face, before moving to the side and walking to the Nightfury. All the dragon riders, turned their heads slowly to see what he was going to do.

"So, what's your name, mine's Glade." He wanted to get along with this Nightfury, even though he blew up the red tail. Thankfully, it seemed that it was fixed.

"Um.. I'm Toothless...?"

"Well.. Toothless... if you ever need me for something, or just some company, I live on top of that rock mountain. Glad to meet you." After the greeting, Glade lifted his large black wings and flew to the very top of the rocky mountain, and disappeared from everyone's sights.

"Did anyone else... just see that Nightfury?" Hiccup and the others were in disbelief. Another Nightfury was on the island!

Although, Hiccup didn't have time to think on the matter, and began his plan on training the dragons.

Back with Glade, he was sitting on top of the rocky mountain and watching everything happen.

Hiccup and the other dragon riders rounded up some of the dragons and trained them above the crazy man's cabbage field.




Morning arrived, and it was a sunny day for both the dragons and people. Glade also woke up feeling refreshed. He did some stretches before looking over the village of Berk. The breezy wind was cool on his scales and the warm sun warmed him up after. It was almost a perfect day.

'It would be a waste to sit around all day like this..!' He lifted is wings and soared laps around Berk. Of course, Glade was just underneath the clouds like usual.

In a matter of minutes, a bunch of dragons, led by the dragon riders, went to different places and took care of different things. Far away from the village, he saw Gronkles doing what they needed to do on the cabbage field.

In the fishing boats too, a Monstrous Nightmare led other dragons to round up fish into the nets.

'Truly, a genius plan.' Glade was pretty impressed by everything that happened. The dragon's had improved the village after just one day of training. He saw Stoic go up to Hiccup as well.

Glade stopped making laps, and hovered above the arena that Stoic had brought the dragon rider's to. The other Vikings also watched from outside.