
The Unfilial Boss Woman

Rated 18, Loveth Logan was employed as a maid to the Anderson mansion. The handsome boss fell in love with her and he slept with her, but his billionaire family found out, and they sent Loveth away, by refusing her afair with their son. Read to continue..

GoodnessChiamaka · สมัยใหม่
84 Chs

Admiring Her

"Thank you" Loveth and Nora both thanked Nova.

"You're all welcome" Nova responded and they sat on the bench and ate their jollof rice with beef in silence and after that they tidied the kitchen while Loveth stood up and washed out the dirty used plate.

Loveth later walked out from the exquisite modern kitchen to the living room and she meet the young master seated on the dinning seat and table, still eating with his mother and bride-to-be and their eyes meet as she stepped out.

Loveth swallowed and immediately stared downwards as their eyes meet and she felt their piercing gazes on her.

Willow was thru eating and as the Anderson family didn't spoke when eating, she stared to the beautiful young maid irritating as even in her father's house, she never accepted to any younger maid employed to her father's home, Even her mother plainly rejected and only old women were employed as maids, Women her father nor elder brother wouldn't bait an eye on.

She stared to Patrick and saw him staring to the maid as she walked passed the living room and going towards the elevator.

Mrs Eleanor cleared her throat as she was thru eating and she called Loveth back.


Loveth paused as the elevator door opened to take her up to the second floor where her room was and she stared backwards to Mrs Eleanor and carefully walked back to the elegant dinning room, with bright golden chandeliers hanging brightly above and the long golden dinning table with eight seats, adorned with beautiful flower vases on it.

Loveth walked to meet Mrs Eleanor and she subtly bowed, not wanting to meet the young master's gaze on her.

"Wait Loveth. I want you to prepare my tea. How's your footing now?" Mrs Eleanor asked and Loveth gulped and stammered.

"Is fine ma. Am good."

"Okay wait, you can clear all the plates."

Loveth quietly carried all the empty plates and Aria stepped out from the room she previously was crying and assisted Loveth in clearing the dinning table

"Son" Mrs Eleanor stared back to Patrick whom was already thru eating and he wipe the corners of his mouth with the table napkin.

"Son, I have noticed you're unusually quiet now that Willow is here with you. What's the matter son?."

Patrick stared from his mother to Willow whom stared downwards and he shook his head. "Nothing mom. Am fine."

"Are you sure son, Willow what's the matter, Are you both quarreling?. I know a lot of young lovers quarrels but that doesn't mean you both cannot settle your differences amicably."

"Mom" Patrick groaned and Mrs Eleanor stared to him, waiting for either of them to speak.

"We are fine mom. There's no problem between us" Patrick spoked and Mrs Eleanor sighed.

"Okay son. How about the marriage date?. When have you both agreed on going to officially meet with her family?. You know Willow cannot continue to live with us here, without you officially marrying her to become Mrs Anderson too?."

"Mom" Patrick groaned.

"Patrick" Mrs Eleanor replied and just then Loveth stepped out from the kitchen carrying the harbal tea carefully and she walked to the dinning table to placed it on top and she slowly served it in front of Mrs Eleanor and bowed to leave.

Willow stared to Patrick and their eyes meet and he stared away from her to his mother. Pretending to be staring at his mother, whereas he was staring to Loveth as she slowly bent, and her big bossom flashed thru the front view of her pink maid uniform, revealing her full boobs to his views and he gulped and stared downwards knowing Willow eyes was fully on him, like a predator staring at it's prey.

"Thank you Loveth. You can return back to your room to rest as there wouldn't be anything else for you to do" Mrs Eleanor dismissed Loveth and Loveth bowed and stepped away while she walked out from the dinning and slowly walking towards the elevator, as she tried not to apply her weight on her injured foot.

Mrs Eleanor drank her tea slowly, seeing her son didn't want to speak about fixing a marriage date. She decided not to press on the marriage topic again, believing when Patrick was ready he would officially chosed a date and maybe, he might even get Willow pregnant before then, especially now that Willow was around.

She smiled to her son as their eyes meet, and Patrick rather shook his head and stood up to leave as he stepped out from his dinning seat, and slowly pushed the seat to fit into the dinning table back and he spoked.

"Mom, Am retiring back to my room as am tired. Isabel spoked about Jane coming to visit us this weekend as she's on holiday and they will soon be moving over to join us too" he informed his mother.

"Oh that's very thoughtful of her as I complained to her the last time, before she finally sent Loveth to me. There's no problem then. I will be expecting their visiting" Mrs Eleanor smiled and Patrick walked to her side and slowly hugged and kissed her cheek.

"Good night mom" Patrick said as he stood upright to leave the dinning room.

"Wouldn't you be kissing your wife-to-be instead of me?, At least now that Willow is here?." Mrs Eleanor asked and Patrick only smiled.

"Have you spoken to your father on phone yet?" Mrs Eleanor questioned and Patrick stared ahead.

"Not yet mom. Am sure he's fine as I didn't remembered to asked Isabel about him" he replied.

"So what where you both discussing about asides Jane is coming to visit?" Mrs Eleanor questioned and Patrick groaned as he stepped down from the dinning room and walked into the living room and he saw Willow stood up to exit too.

"Mom, You should note that Isabel spends 30-minutes laughing on call and one minute talking."

"Oh" Mrs Eleanor smiled and she watched Patrick walked away from her view, as he entered into the Elevator that took him up to the fourth floor above

"Mom, Am going back to my room to rest too, Good-night ma'am" Willow finally said as she stepped out from her dinning seat too and adjusted it to fit in.

"Wait Willow. I want to have a conversation with you" Mrs Eleanor said as she was thru drinking her tea.

She was getting older, didn't mean she had a memory loss or didn't knew what was ongoing with her son, as she knew how Patrick was previously lovey-dovey with Willow and how his hands kept traveling all over Willow's body even to her view and his father. Patrick never hid it that he was in love with Willow, as he openly professed his love to her, and publicly displayed it too.

Now they were acting like strangers, not even friends, not to think of the lovers they previously were and she wasn't stupid not to note the changes.

"Okay ma, should I sit and wait?" Willow asked nervously and Mrs Eleanor nodded and spoke, "Take this cup first to the kitchen first as am sure all the maids has gone back to their rooms."

"Okay ma" Willow managed and carried the emptied tea cup away to the kitchen as she knew she had only Mrs Eleanor support to win Patrick's heart back.

Patrick clearly stated it that no matter what she did, he didn't wanted to have anything doing with her again.

She gripped tighter to the teacup and tray and took it back to the kitchen.

Even in her own father's house, she has never cleared her plates, now she has been turned into a maid, all because she wanted Patrick to forgive her and accepted her back.

She pushed the tray to stay properly on the cabinet top and she finally stepped out and walked back to meet Mrs Eleanor whom stood up.

"Am tired and the herb needs me to relax. How about we discuss tomorrow as am not going anywhere tomorrow or do you have somewhere you will want to visit?" Mrs Eleanor asked, as she stood beside the dinning table for support feeling dizzy

"Yes ma. I have some modelling shoot to do tomorrow by noon, but I will be home on time" Willow replied, as she stared downwards, not wanting to meet Mrs Eleanor's gaze on her as she looked so sad.

"Okay, that's fine then. I will see you tomorrow, goodnight." Mrs Eleanor walked back to her room and Willow sighed and wondered whether Patrick would ever forgive her.

She walked back to the elevator going upstairs to the third floor and she thought of visiting Patrick's bedroom on the fourth to try and discussed with him, and to see if he would've a changed of mind and probably take her back to bed in his chamber.

She remembered the last time she visited his home, after their engagement and he introduced her to his mother as she learnt then that his father travelled. He took her up to his chamber and she was still sullen then about the unexpected engagement ring as she didn't want to settle down with him then.

She hadn't taken off the ring yet and he never asked her to removed it either. She sighed and entered the elevator going upwards to the fourth floor to see him instead.