

When Yami is out of everyone's sights, he goes into his realm.

'Its been a while since I have been here. Well, I should get to work. But.. how?' Thought Yami

[Well, what do you want to start on?] said Alfred. In Yami's inner world, Alfred has a body and can read Yami's mind

[I should start with my Indura form. Since when I complete it, I will probably get a hint into what the Tenshi form is. How can I train my Indura form?] says Yami

[The best way to train your Indura form is to expel all energy's out of your body besides your dark one. Once that is done, you should fill up your energy with only Darkness. Then, activate your Indura form and try to keep that Dark energy in. If you fail, the dark energy will leave you and you will get out of the Indura form. You would then have all of your energy replenished and then you will have to start over again.

If we were to rate your Dark, light and Saiyan transformation in numbers, the Assult mode would be a 4, your Indura mode a 7, Angel mode a 3, Tenshi form an 8, the Yami form a 10, the Hikari form an 11, the Yin-Yang form an 21, and your Origin Saiyan form being a 45. Obviously, you haven't gone into your Origin Saiyan form, so it would be stronger if you did.

To add on, you should start to develop your own techniques or get some useful ones like Kaioken so you can strain your body and make it stronger. Things like Kamehameha's or Rasengan's will be useless if you don't add your own energy in it, and If there are not any variations. These 2 moves can be used with your energy, and it has variations, so you should try to merge the 2. Also, things like the 8 gates can be merged with Kaioken, so when you activate one of your gates, you can increase that gate with Kaioken.

Theres a lot of different combinations, so keep an open mind. Like the Indura form, the Tenshi form has the same way of controlling. That is expelling all of your energy and refil it with light energy. Also, when you get the chance, you should make a clone with exactly half your power and spar with it. Making both you and the clone half of the original powers. Going on this, if you can make a shadow clone variant, you can get the clones to refill their energy so they become full power, then they can spar and you will get the expierence.

So, what you should work on now is to find the variation of the shadow clone Jutsu and then use clones to do all of the other things.] Explaines Alfred

[Ok, makes sense. But is there a.. I don't know, a Origin Super Saiyan form? Cause if there is, everything is going to loop again.] says Yami

[Yes, there is an Origin Super Saiyan form, its just you can't go beyond that, unless you accept your inner self. Things like hate, lust, greed, and all of those things are your inner self. The max form that a Saiyan can ever get is a Mastered Chaotic Origin Super Saiyan. The Chaotic is because in this form, you wont be able to get out of it unless you control your energy, which is Chaotic.

In order to do that, you need to Master it, that's why the mastered part is in there. You can get Chaotic Origin Super Saiyan with stat points, but not the Mastered version. You can upgrade your comprehension to get that faster, but you cant actually do it. It's like, you haves the memory of doing something, but you don't have the muscle memory of that anymore. Take for example swinging a sword. If you die and reincarnate somehow, and you were a master swordsman in your last life, you would know how to swing a sword, but your body hasn't.] explained Alfred once again.

[Makes sense. 2nd Last question. How would I cultivate? Is it like Tales of Demons and Gods? Or is it like Against the Gods?] Questions Yami

[Well, for this one, you can do all of them. If you want to cultivate like in Against the Gods and you want to get Demon spirits, you can do it. In fact, you can cultivate how ever you would want to with just a thought.] says Alfred.

[Can I teleport to other dimensions like purgatory with my teleportation paper thingy?] says Yami

[Yes, but they have to be related to that world. For example, you can't go from Purgatory to the after life of Dragon ball Z. But you can go from the after life of Dragon ball Z to Zeno's place if you want to. Which is highly in-advised until you have enough power to stop the Grand Priest. NOW GET TO TRAINING!!] said Alfred as he screamed the last part.

*Yami Pov*

So, I did. I sat down on a flat serfase and started to expel all of my energy's except my dark one. It felt like a second but in reality, it had already been a month of me expelling all of my energy besides my Dark.

'Now that that Is done, its time to refil my energy with only dark energy.' Thought Yami

And so, I did. This time, it was easier since I rejected all of the energy's except the dark one. Casually, other energy's tried to enter my body, but I got rid of them. Once again, it felt like a second had passed. But really, half a month had passed. Luckily, before I started to meditate, I set the time difference to 1:9999999999999999. Meaning, a day outside, is 9999999999999999 days inside, meaning that a second out there is more than 300 million years inside. So, in less than a second, I will be back there already with all of my powers refined.

Continuing on, I stand up and activate my Indura mode. I start to grow many dark arms, legs, and a few distracting features. Trying my best, I try to pull my energy back, but it feels like someone else is pulling it too. Slowly, the bottom of my arms and legs start to sink back into my body along with every other disturbing feature. Finally after a few days, all of the energy was put back inside of me. I won the tug of war on my first try. Just when I opened my eyes, I see Alfred.

[Not bad, you got it on your first try. Now, you aren't in Indura mode, so release your energy on your body. Try to not let it out too much. Make it like it is cloths with high defence.] says Alfred

After hearing what Alfred says, I proceed to try and make a thin layer of darkness all over my arm. When I do that, all of my veins go pitch black, as my hand is covered in a dark glow. I try it with all of my body besides my head, which makes my veins go pure white, while the dark glow intensify's until I'm in Assult mode with a dark purple glow.

[Whoa Whoa, easy there, if you go any further, you will enter Yami mode. Do you not want to go into Indura mode?] says Alfred

[How did I even get close to entering Yami mode?] questioned Yami

[Well, for starters, to merge all of your forms, you will need to activate them all at once. You see that purple glow? That is the Indura mode. Though it looks like light, its not. It's actually a shield that is nearly as strong as your hardest energy shield. The darkness cloths is Assult mode. If you put Darkness energy in your head, It will form the Mark. Once that is done, All of your Dark energy will go into one part of your body. To be more specific, It will make a core where you will keep all of your Dark, light or any other energy used in a transformation like this.

After that happenes, the energy will automatically spread evenly throughout your body. When that is done, you would have entered Yami Mode. If you want, you can also go into seperate forms within Yami mode, its just that now in your status, it will only show Yami form or mode instead of Assult mode and Indura mode. The same will happen with your Hikari form.

Judging by your form, you should be able to absolutely destroy the 5 races man with ease with you Yami form, but you are currently half the power of the half dragon half Demon boy. If you activate your Origin Saiyan form, you could fight him evenly. Now, enter Yami form and start to adapt to it. Once you have done that, get your Tenshi form and your Hikari form, then your so called 'Yin-Yang form', which is called Akuma-Shin form, but you can call it Dark-light form. DL form for short.] says Alfred

[Got it.] says Yami, as I started to send some dark energy to my head. When I finished, a mark formed and suddenly, all of my darkness energy left me. More specificity, it move to inside my 2nd heart. When it was inside, the heart decayed, which made me spit blood. Soon, you could see a purple Orb replacing where the heart is. When the Orb was done, Dark energy came out and like Alfred said, evenly spread throughout my body, making me enter my Yami form.

A small smile grew on my face, as this power was stronger than me using One for all with amplify at 100%. This is like 9000% without even concentrating on a single part of my body. If this form was a 10, then I cant wait for an 11, further more, I haven't even gone into my Origin Saiyan form. The only word I was able to mutter was "Amazing".

[How do I deactivate this mode?] says Yami

[Put all of the dark energy back into the orb.] Says Alfred

[Can I help Demons achieve this as well?] questioned Yami

[They cant achieve the Yami form, but they can certainly achieve the fully controlled Indura form. If you break their 2nd heart and concentrate all of their dark energy there, they will be able to go into Assult mode if they are weak, or if they on 10 commandment level power, they could probably enter the fully controlled Indura form. As Meliodias is right now, he will be able to go back to the Assult mode. But, I don't think the world laws would accept that.] says Alfred

[Ok, that makes sense. For my Hikari form, would the holy orb replace a heart?] says Yami

[No, usually, well, not usually since no one has found it yet, but if an Angel were to find this, they would need to put it on their spine, where their wings are, but since you have the Demon bloodline, you can put it either in your 3rd heart, or you can merge it with the dark orb. Making it merge with the dark orb is definitely better, but it will be many times more difficult.] says Alfred

[I got an idea. If I merge them, and I use all of the orbs powers, then I replenish the orbs powers, then I use my forms to make a new orb, would I get double the strength?] says Yami

[Yes, you would, but that would be like taking water from a glass, then filling it back up, then putting back the taken water. It would double the power, but it would be insanely hard to control. If you can get a better control of your powers, then you could make the cup of water get bigger, but then you would need to merge 2 orbs that have 2 powers in it. Making it several times harder than trying to do it the first time.

The way to control your powers more is by using them more. If you only keep dark energy in you for a year, the right side of the cup would grow, but the left side would stay the same since you aren't practising the holy element. You can use both at the same time, but not only will it be harder to control, you would be getting a slower progress, but it will grow evenly.] says Alfred

[Then, I will do just that. I will make my fused core then before I make another one, I will keep both energy's on for 10 years, making both of those energy's extremely controlled. While I am doing this, I will try to get the theory of a few moves like the Kaioken or 8 gates. Since the last gate uses the heart, I proberbly have like 48 gates, minus 8 since there is a core there.

I should also try and get the variety of the shadow clone Jutsu. I can have like 50 clones doing both light and dark energy, so I can get my second fused core faster. I can also do a few theories and tests I have always wanted to do. It's time to get the Tenshi form. This is getting exciting!!] said Yami, as I starts to once again sit down and try to stabilise my form.

Tune in for the next chapter!

Big boi chapter has returned with 2214 words. Hope you enjoy!


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