
The Ultimate Solo Game Creator

One day Ace was an ordinary guy who love to play games, the next he started to make them. this is a story about Ace an ordinary guy making the dream of every gamer come true from FPS to RPG games.

kakalo720 · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

Chapter 16 : New Lands Taking over the World.

10: 00 pm Austin, Texas

while ace went to invite drew over asmond unmuted the stream, moving to a comfortable position asmond opened up a bottle of doctor pepper taking a sip asmond feeling refreshed.

" ahhhhh, now well start today's stream with a new game some of you may remember ace from S.C Studios last stream where he promised us a game and a early access, well to day his here to deliver. " 

opening up S.C launcher asmond entered an early access key while talking with the stream to demonstrate how to do it.

" well i'll post the key in stream title and as you seen it's easy to redeem if i can do it so can you so you guys who already downloaded the game can you use the key to get early access now after the launch of the game everything will rest. " 

saying that asmond started the game looking at the camera asmond continued " well, i'm waiting for ace to invite two people over one is JB another dev and Drew from what ace told me he has a youtube channel and plays mostly arma and dcs. " 

as asmond was talking the game started loaded into the intro scene a logo of S.C Studios with ace as the background after the animation was completed, a warning text came up talking over the realism of the game and how it's just a game people shouldn't treat it as nothing more than that along with it an age recommendation of 18+ plus.

watching the intro asmond felt existed " well boy it's looks like we're heading for a roller coaster." 

after the warning screen went away a trailer started introducing New lands with a Title along with a video playing in the background, major city's came and went from the west till the east, on a desert a few jets passed by, asmond didn't know what they are " chat what kind of jets are those. " 

reading the stream asmond was confused " F-22 SU-37 Su-57 F-16 J-20 now how am i suppose to know which is which. " 

" Ding, Ding. " 

two notification sound came from discord making it clear that someone entered the room ace was the first to speak.

" hey asmond can i do the introduction. " 

" sure, you already took over the channel i'm just here for show." said asmond jokingly

ignoring the malding asmond ace started introducing each party to one another.

" hello everyone i'm honored to be hosted here again, today i brought two people over for you to meet some of you may know one of them if you're into milsims and aircraft simulation he goes by operatordrewski a milsims youtuber and JB another developer from out studios. " 

" asmond this is drew and drew this is asmond and everyone meet JB he's a little shy. " 

asmond started welcoming Drew and JB into the stream after the introduction asmond was curious about how drew met ace started asking " so drew how did you know ace. "

" to be honest it was this morning, i was checking my email and found an invitation from ace for an early access with some features that i was interested in, at first i thought it was a hoax so i checked around the internet then i decided to take a leap of faith and jumped into discord where i met JB. " 

on the stream the game was already on the main menu in it were a few option :

New Lands Career mode 

New Lands game modes

New Lands Offline







" so ace are you going to introduce the options for us. " 

" yeah i really can't wait to get started. "

ace was happy, seeing that JB was quite from the beginning ace push the ball to him " i'll let JB introduce it to you guys. " 

JB who was shy decided to push over it after a little silence he started introducing the option menu " well hello everyone i'm Joyboy you can call me JB everyone does. "

" so for the first option we have the online career mode for New Lands think of it as GTA 5 RP but way better we have jobs fully working ones where you get to start from the bottom and work your way up from cops, firemen, doctors, manual labor, military, lawyers, thow i don't recommend the last one for people who don't have prior knowledge in it. " 

" so for an easy job people will take about a week real time to get it and maybe you don't. "

" so for the second option New Lands game modes, we have a few modes for players to spice things up first a zombie survival game mode where you'll be up against Zombies Npc and players players who survive the longest will get on the leaderboard another mode is tycoon playstyle car manufacturer airplanes boats among others which are all in the career mode but it's a lot harder to start. "

" as for the third option it's for players who find it hard or competitive to play career mode they can do it offline even with no internet. " 

asmond was over the moon but tried to keep it the enthusiasm to a medium " to each his own. " 

JB replied " well yeah we don't want players to feel constricted, after all no matter how good a game is people will get bored so we made other game modes based on New Lands." 

" asmond drew shall we get into the game we can try career first. " 

" Sure." 

" sure. "

saying that both people started making their characters amazed by the customization and option available asmond who was looking over the option was amazed by the graphics it looked precise facial movements that comes with every move mood changes while looking around asmond found the face simulation option so he asked ace about it. " hey ace how does the face simulation work. " 

drew who was looking over the customization found the facial simulation and opened it up.

a prompt came up asking for permission to use a camera for full facial simulation during game play or upload a photo.

ace started explaining to both of them " so we got two options for people who have cameras you can grant the game access it'll simulate full facial movement while playing the game for more immersion, if you don't you can always make your own or just import a photo and the game will try to simulate it. " 

hearing that both asmond and drew chose full simulation.

" you can chose a career to start with, drew you can pick an airforce pilot asmond you too, we are going for a ride to show what the game can do, everyone else pick pilots if you can as there's a limited amount of spots opened up at each day with player death or moving up the ranks. "

" when a player dies in career mode they have to start over think of it as HC wow, so everyone has to be careful very choice you make is important from crossing the street to an interaction with a player or npc if you piss the wrong guy they may hunt you down. "

" with that said let's start you can pick the Sheppard Air Force Base as a spawn point it's in texas i think both of you know it. "