
The Ultimate Solo Game Creator

One day Ace was an ordinary guy who love to play games, the next he started to make them. this is a story about Ace an ordinary guy making the dream of every gamer come true from FPS to RPG games.

kakalo720 · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 15 : Character progression, game launch

after a week of hard work ace completed the crafting system, " so what's next. "

laying back on the chair ace replied " final touches, character creation, progression,  company, system, and last but not least the economy. " 

" so how will you do the character creation. " 

" so everyone starts at twenty years old from a current present npc, at the creation menu they get to chose a line of work doctor, cop, gangsters, army, airforce, so on and so forth, they start with a clean slate for a doctor they start as a resident with each diagnosis operation they upgrade their skills, cops start in the academy train learn then go on the job. "

" a week of training for each career should be fine people who chose a career they have former knowledge in can get ahead easier. "

" JB you can add an option to import full body dimension from height, weight, to body shape, for each player if they chose too, we can add an option to join a player run company. "

looking over the first draft for New Lands ace added " let's get the reputation system too, create game world factions and political circles. " 

" what about the economy. " JB was curios after all ace had no dealings with economics

" we're going to use the money we got from the stock market, how much do you think it would have gotten to by now. "

" if it goes as i planned it should be about 15 billion dollars. " 

" is that enough. " ace was rather sceptical for the plans about the economy 

" it should be, but how are you going to balance it out after all if it's limitless the game will die on day one. " 

" first we'll make a limit on how much can be exchanged in a day for example 10 dollar max for a month after all with an exchange of 1000 $ to 1 $ in game ten dollars can get very far. " 

" as for taking out money let's put it at 100 $ a month we should be able to cope with that much."

" also each character has no respawns if you die you have to start anew, with everything rest from companies led by players too in game companies, let's say if someone new sits at the seat of a CEO he'll have backlash coming for employee shareholders with it being weaker for companies started by players. " 

" okay let's start we only have one week left. "


624 Clinton St, Brooklyn, NY 11231, USA 

10:23 AM Saturday 9/9/2023

a portal opened up inside ace's apartment.

ace walked back into his apartment taking a last look back, " i'm gonna miss that view." 

walking toward the desk ace plugged the computer back, " JB are you there. " 

JB voice came from the cellphone on the nightstand " yeah i'm here, so should just launch it or we wait and hype it up. "

" no, i want you you to send a discord invite to someone, i have a plan for the launch event and we promised asmond and his viewers to get an hour early access. and i still have a few game mode i need you to help me with " 

taking the time to check his stats : 

Name : Ace worley

Balance : 16,000,999,808.74$

Bank account : 3.74$

Saving : 0.00$

Name : Ace worley

Creator level : Proficient 7.750.000/10.000.000 Xp

Real world currency : 10,001,000,065.99$

System currency : 7.732.753 Ep

Skills : 

Programming : Proficient 95.000/100.000 Xp

Modding : competent 0/100.000 xp

Designer :  beginner 0/1000 xp

Writer : beginner 500/1000 xp

Bag : 

X3  Medium Earth orbit Self propelled Server satellites 

X1  Day of simulation space

closing the stats and system interface ace called out to kuma " Kuma can i get out of the system space before it expires. " 

" yes, you can but the time left will be voided, isn't the game finished. "

" yeah but i need to add a few game mode a battle royal and a city level survival game. " 

" okay whatever you want. "

" JB you stay here and send the invite out, i need this computer you stay on the servers till i get back i should be back by 10 PM you can announce the early release on asmond stream on the launcher now add a trailer a view of each major city and some of the seven wonders from the game also allow pre download i'll add the mods when i get back." 


9 : 55 pm Austin, Texas

asmond was downloading new lands, opening up OBS he started streaming with full camera with the stream muted. 

the streaming channel was full of viewers the chat wasn't even working asmond had to enable slow mode with a hour between messages, there were about 4 million viewers.

opening discord asmond joined a channel with ace.

" i'm sorry for the trouble didn't think there would be so many people joining in. " 

asmond was annoyed " what do you mean you didn't think there would be this many, jesus ace your diablo alone has about 3 million people playing at the same time at minimum each day, but no worries all good i broke twitch record by 500K viewers. " 

" okay okay, i know your happy look at your smile, so as promised an hour early access to you and everyone in the stream i"ll send you a key put it in the title of the stream they can use it in the launcher to get early access, but everything will reset after an hour so everyone starts at the same line, also can i invite someone else more like two people. "

laying back on the chair asmond felt intrigued about who ace was inviting " so who are you going to invite. " 

" one you already know JB, the other is drew a youtuber. "

" what kind of content does he make. "

" well, he makes DCS a military Flight simulator and arma along with other games is that okay. " 

" yeah sure go ahead, i'll make the introduction on stream. "

putting on some music asmond unmuted the stream and started the introduction