
The Ultimate Being System

Lucas Veridant is an orphan boy who has always been bullied since young and died. He wakes up in another body with a voice in his head calling its self the Ultimate Being System which will help the host become the strongest being in existence. Along the way his journey to become the strongest so he can never become the victim again he gains handsome companions who he can trust and confide like no one else before. A Handsome butler and summons who are loyal to him and handsome monster men who are obsessed with him. Lots of Smut Reverse harems Ps This is the first time I wrote a story so comments appreciated so I can improve on my skills Also I wrote this because I hope their can be more stories where are more BL harems stories with overpowered mc instead of the usual harems so I hope more of these stories can be made and enjoyed Thank you :)

Truckkunisbest · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 3: The starter pack

[Opening starter pack…]

When the system said those words about becoming the strongest, I began thinking about my past and how I was always looked down upon and bullied. Now I have a chance of becoming something with a bigger purpose then being used as a punching bag or a wallet.

I can become the strongest like I always hoped! With the systems help I will never become the victim and finally have the strength to protect myself!

Deep down inside me I vowed to reach the top and become a being that will be respected and can only be seen by others as a shinning star across the dark sky compared to my pitiful self of the past as an ant scuttling on a dirty road!

[Starter pack opened!]

[Would the host like to view the contents?]

'Yes!' I shouted in my mind without hesitation.

Then appearing out of nowhere like tabs on a computer screen, 7 tabs opened in front of me each with a different content! On the top of each tab looked there where categories of items were written on like armour and weapons. On the middle of the screen where pictures of the items and at the bottom were the items names and descriptions!

{Armour- Basic leather armour(+10% Health increase,+10% Defence increase,+10% Speed increase)

Summons- Random summons- The user will be given a chance to randomly gain a summon from rank F-SSS

Weapon- Basic Longsword(10% sharpness,50% chance of activating Bleed)

Skills- Appraisal Lv 1- Allows user to see the information of items and people. Amount of information varies depending on the skills level.

Inventory Lv 1- A different dimension with infinite space which allows the user to store any non-living items. The uses of this skill changes depending on skill level. Time still carries on inside.

Items- House Lv 1- 1 Kitchen,

Living room, Toilet and 2 Bedrooms.

Low level shield to protect from monsters from rank D and below.

The houses's rooms and use will expand and in every level up.

Access to system stores}


I stretched out my hand to the tab with the sword first and when it went through it I was surprised, because when my hand came back out, a silver longsword reflecting the rays of the suns came out! It had a silver cross guard with a sturdy handle wrapped with brown leather. On the sides of the sword their were strange symbols written on it which didn't look like any language I have ever seen before. The strange thing about those symbols is that they radiate a type of power that makes me feel as if I can cut anything apart with just one swing.

I turned towards the tab with the armour and after taking my hands out of it, like the sword, the basic leather armour came out,which included a black boxers, shirt and trousers with a brown leather breastplate,with leather leg armour which covers the thighs to the ankles, sturdy leather shoes and gloves. I quickly put them on to cover my naked body and when I put the boxers, shirt and trousers I realised that they fit me to the exact size as though tailor made. This also included the leather armour from the length of the leg armour which perfectly fit my skinny legs,my shoe size and gloves.

[The armour granted by the system has the function of fitting the hosts body no matter of the body size even if the hosts body changes in the future it will still fit.]

'I see' I though to the system while exploring the flexibility of the armour and checking how sturdy it is. What surprised me the most was how light it was with no weight pushing me down and it might be in my head but I feel slightly faster then before, but I'll have to check that out later. At a closer look I could see the same type of symbols as that of the sword '

'System what are these symbols on the sword and the armour?'

[These are enhancement runes which buff the items they are engraved on.]

'Enhancement runes? Buffs? What like magic!?'

[Yes. Magic exists however the hosts previous world did not possess an energy called 'mana' which is the fuel to create 'magic'. However in this world mana is abundant and through training the host will be able to utilise such energy to release phenomena which alters the natural laws.]


I felt as though my mind exploded as my ideas of strength increased and what type of strength I want. I want the type of strength in which I excel in all areas. I realised my views from my previous world is holding me back and I need to explore outside of it to gain real strength.In physical strength,swordsmanship, speed,magic. All of it so I will never be looked down upon again .

I then looked at the tab which had skills written on it. When I read the skills I felt as though they were similar to skills of those in games and skills that the people in novels have. When I stretched my hand out to the appraisal tab by body began to glow a dim gold colour and information about the skill began to flow into my mind like it has always been there.

Immediately I looked at the sword which was in my other hand and activated {Appraisal}. Then a screen similar to the tabs in front of me appeared.

[Basic longsword]

[Upgrade the Appraisal skill to gain more information.]

Disappointed at the amount of information provided, it seems as though the appraisal can only give the objects name for now and I'll need to level it up to gain more information.

I then turned to the inventory and when I put my hand through it my body began to glow like it did with the appraisal skill. Information flowed into my mind like a gushing river. I then held the longsword and imagined it going into the inventory.


It actually disappeared! In my mind I can see the sword that disappeared. It seems as though I can see the most objects stored I the inventory in my mind like you would items in a catalog. I focused on the sword in my mind and it instantly appears in my hand again. Excited I began playing with it for a while putting sticks and stones inside it and they all came in and out!

After calming down I looked at the other tabs and looked at the items tab and saw the description of the house. I quickly put my hand through the tab as I began to get excited as I had never had a house before. In the orphanage I always locked myself in my room, scared that the other kids would come and beat me. Now I finally have a house of my own!

Appearing out of nowhere a two story modern house made out of brown bricks with two windows at the top, a window to the living room at the bottom and a white door next to it. As I walked over to the house and reached the 5 meters mark I felt as though I walked through something solid yet gaseous at the same time. Most likely the barrier written in the description I thought. I walked to the white door with not a single stain on it and grabbed on the golden handle and opened the door.

Inside the house was empty with not a single item. The walls were covered in white paint and the floor were made of wood which stretched to the kitchen which was open to the living room and you could see what was inside. In the kitchen there was no cupboard nor stove only a white granite countertop to indicate that this was a kitchen.

In the living room on the left side of the entrance of the kitchen was a white door like that of the one I come through. I opened it and there was a single white modern toilet and white bathtub. I was slightly relieved to see this as a modern 21st century boy bathing and shitting in the wild would not exactly be comfortable for me.

I walked out of the bathroom with a satisfied smile and saw stairs in front of me which faced the living room window. As I walked up I found my self in narrow hallway which at about 2 people side by side can enter. On the left side of the hallway where two doors. I entered both of them and they had the exact layout of white walls and wooden floors and each with a window on top of a double sized bed.

[The host can buy more items for the house such as a stove or sofas by using the system shop which sells nearly everything the host wants form clothes to skills and even summons. To buy these the host must defeat monsters. By doing so the host will get points corresponding to the strength of the monster. These points can also be used to upgrade skill levels as well. Every day the host will gain a free lucky draw from the shop which will give the host the item chosen for free as it will help to make the host the Ultimate Being.]


Shocked I quickly activate the system shop and saw five categories to choose from:






With my heart-rate increasing every second because of excitement I looked at all the categories and was shocked to see items which go far beyond my comprehension, for example a suit of blue armour which was called Poseidon's Reincarnation which allowed the user to control all water in the entire world by using large amounts of mana. This blew my mind and so did the price which was over 1billion points. The others categories had the same cheat level items. Some basic items costed around10 points or so, depending on the usefulness like a water bottle was 2 points. I even saw some ordinary items like couches and stoves and items which looked like they should exist in the future!

I then remembered that I had one last tab left from the starter pack.

The summons tab.

Wondering what type of summons I would get I put my hand through it and all of a sudden a brilliant gold shone in front of me, covering the bedroom I was in!

"Hello my master."
