
The Ultimate Being System

Lucas Veridant is an orphan boy who has always been bullied since young and died. He wakes up in another body with a voice in his head calling its self the Ultimate Being System which will help the host become the strongest being in existence. Along the way his journey to become the strongest so he can never become the victim again he gains handsome companions who he can trust and confide like no one else before. A Handsome butler and summons who are loyal to him and handsome monster men who are obsessed with him. Lots of Smut Reverse harems Ps This is the first time I wrote a story so comments appreciated so I can improve on my skills Also I wrote this because I hope their can be more stories where are more BL harems stories with overpowered mc instead of the usual harems so I hope more of these stories can be made and enjoyed Thank you :)

Truckkunisbest · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Battle butler (R18)

"Hello my master."

The golden light slowly began to take the shape of a person. Once the light disappeared a man in butler clothes appeared before me. He was kneeling on the floor with his left knee on the floor and his right knee facing upwards, his left hand on his right shoulder. His head, which was facing downwards, rose up and I saw a handsome face with bright green eyes like that of fresh grass gazing back at me, emitting an emotion which is quite foreign to me. His nose was prominent and straight, his jaw was chiseled like that of a sculpture and his skin was white and unblemished which reminded me of untainted snow which contrasted differently with his long black eyelashes and black hair.

As I gazed at him I felt a sort of connection with him that I have never sensed before, like I could trust him with my life even though I have never met him before.

"Can you get up please? It's uncomfortable."

I was embarrassed because no one has ever bowed to me before.

"Yes my most beloved master!"

Beloved? Master? This feels even more embarrassing as these words sound something distant to me.

"Please don't call me master just call me Lucas."

"But your my master. That will make it as though I'm disrespecting you."

"Master makes me uncomfortable. I prefer Lucas"

"Yes Lucas!"

I think I see dog ears and tail behind him! Am I imagining things? He reminds me of a puppy.


When he stood up I could see his muscles protruding out of his well fitted suit. He looked like a model on a magazine with his looks, along with his height of nearly six feet which was a 1 ft taller then me.

"Who are you?"

"I am mast- Lucas' summon and loyal battle butler. I swear to lay my life for you are my only reason for living!"


Battle butler?

I feel as though I can trust his words. But why? I have never easily trusted people since that incident with Josh and other people in my life so why do I feel comfortable with him?

[The summon and host share a soul connection.]

'A what?'

[A soul connection is the bonding of two souls. This then allows the summon and host to have complete trust in each other as the other can never betray them.]

'So you are saying he won't betray me!?'


As I looked at the handsome butler in front of me I felt relieved. I have never been close to someone because either most people looked down on me or some always tricked me which always broke something inside me. So to know that the system granted me someone who I can trust and be closed to I felt happy that I can finally be close to someone.

Excited I began to talk to the man in front of me as he would be my first friend! I began with asking questions as I felt this would be easier due to never having talked to someone as a friend before.

"You said battle butler. What is that?"

"Yes Lucas! A battle butler is a butler who can fight. I can use cleaning and simple attack magic. I am also proficient in cooking, cleaning and in using short swords"

I can see stars in his eyes. Is he that happy that I asked him a question?

"What is your name?"

"I don't have a name."

"Then how about I give you a name?"

I quickly realised that I may have been a bit to forward in saying I would give him a name but before I could take it back he started crying!

"Lucas! I would be most honoured if you can name me!!"

He looked really excited so I decided should give him a name. After deliberating over it for a while I decide on a name.

"How about Hans?"

"Hans!? I love it! It is perfect just like you!"

I felt slight embarrassed by the compliments until the system said something which shocked me!

[The host must provide the summons with his life essence to sustain the summon or they will disappear.]

'Disappear! Life essence!'

I don't want him to disappear as he is the only person who I know I can trust!

[Life essence is the life energy in the host and the host must give it to the summon to make sure it doesn't disappear.

'How do I give it and is it dangerous?'

[Giving life essence is not dangerous at all for the host. The way to give life essence is to allow the summon to absorb the hosts semen, as it has the greatest amount of life essence, either orally or anally at least every once per week.]


[Yes. It is also best to provide it directly as more time it has been released the less potent life essence.]

I was shocked. Does that mean I have to either have sex with Hans or let him give me a blow job. The fact that he is a man doesn't bother me because I was gay in my previous life it just I always kept it hidden as I was scared to have more people coming after me.

As I looked at Hans who was looking at me

with twinkling eyes I decided that It doesn't matter as I know how important it is to have people who you can trust and rely on.

'When do I have to give it?'

[The host should do it today or the summon may disappear by the end of the day]

"Hans do you want me to give you some of my life essence?"

"Really!? Can I? I would be honoured!"

I nodded to him and took of my pants and exposed my penis which was still soft with small wires of black pubic growing at the top.

I lied down on the bed behind me. I could see Hans climbing up his green eyes staring at my cock which made me feel embarrassed as I have never shown it to anyone before.

Slowly he put his chiseled face near my cock and I could feel his warm breath transmitting on my member which began to make me hard. He then put his nose on my pubic hair and began to smell it!

"Don't smell it!"

"I'm sorry Lucas but you just smell so nice!"

Before I could say anything back Hans put his red lip on the top of my dick and began to lick the leaking precum from the tip. His warm red tongue sliding across my tip which made me shiver and involuntary moan due to my inexperience. Instantly my penis grew to 9" and towered over Hans face.

"Lucas you taste so good! I want more!"

Before I could prepare my self Hans took my entire shaft down to my base with his nose scratching against my hair. His warm breath surrounding my stiff dick and his slimy tongue rubbing across from the top all the way to the base. He bobbed his head up and down a few times on it intensely as though obsessed. He took my dick out of his mouth which was glistening due to all of Hans hot saliva.

I could see an intense, lustful gaze in Hans emerald green eyes, looking at my face which made my heart beat rapidly. He quickly moved his face down to by balls and enveloped them into his drooling mouth. His tongue rolling across it like it was his plaything while still staring at me intensely.

"Im gonna cum!!!"

As soon as I said that Hans took his mouth away from my balls and once again took my whole 9" inside of him. My tip scratching against the end of his throat which took me to my limit and I instantly came inside his mouth with a big moan. I could his intense eyes closing as I came. His throat tightening around my cock making sure no cum flows out and his tongue scooping up any that might have escaped.

After that blissful moment I could see Hans glowing in a golden hue after drinking all my cum. After the light faded away he took his mouth away from my glistening rod and looked back at me with happiness in his face.

"Lucas that tasted so good! I will always be by your side! Thank you!"

For some reason I felt as though I made the right decision as I looked at his face his red lips with hints of drool leaking out. As I looked down I saw his muscular chest heaving up and down through his tight fitting butler clothes.

My eyes travelled further down and I saw something sticking out in Hans black pants. I don't know if it was because of the lust or because of me being interested in seeing another's man dick, I moved over to him. My face near his crotch and I asked him.

"Can I do it to you as well?"