
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · อื่นๆ
45 Chs

Chapter 21 Arrangement

"Well at least that's over and done with...", said Takemi with a sigh. It wasn't the most original speech, nor was it the best one, but at least he didn't stutter or stop midway.

The other students seemed to enjoy it and those in the freshman uniforms seemed to clap louder than the rest of the school.

"Ah! Mikazuchi-san! That was a pretty great speech you gave".

A voice rang out through the courtyard, turning Takemi's head to two figures that were walking towards him.

A short, dark purple haired girl holding the arm of a young man... or woman? The second figure had a rather androgynous face so the only thing that told Takemi he was actually a "he" was that he was wearing a male uniform.

The purple haired girl spoke, "That wasn't what I was expecting from you Mikazuchi-san. I thought you'd be a lot more harder to approach".

"Kanon, that's rude... ah we haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Isori Kei and this here is-".

"Chiyoda Kanon! It's nice to meet you".

Takemi gave the two of them a nod and said, "Mikazuchi Takemi. I guess you two are first years as well?".

The both nodded before Kei asked, "I don't want to sound too impersonal, but have you signed up for any classes yet? We might be in the same class".

"No I haven't. Although I do have something in mind I have yet to see the workshops this school has set up".

Kei smiled and asked, "Maybe you'd like to come with us? Only if your comfortable with it though".

Takemi thought about it for a moment before nodding and following the two to the first year notification board surrounded by students; some familiar to Takemi.

'...Hmm. So the mandatory subjects like Maths and Japanese are still here... ah! There, Magical courses. Theoretical Magic Studies, Practical Magic Study, Basic CAD Development, Magic Sequence Creation, Foreign Magic Study, Ancient Magic Study.... wow, this is really extensive...'.

Rubbing his chin while memorizing the location for each class's workshop he felt a tap on the shoulder from Kei who was pointing to the homeroom lists on the board.

"It seems like we're in the same homeroom... although Kanon...".

The in question had watery eyes as she saw he name beside Kei's... in the other homeroom's column.

"It's no fair! Why world... why!".

As Kei tried to calm his fiancée down, something that Kei didn't know that Takemi knew abut him, the three of them walked towards the freshman building and with a teary goodbye, left Kanon at her class.

"Please don't mind her Mikazuchi-san. She's always been like this".

Takemi waved it off and said, "It's fine. I know someone just like that. And besides, it's not a temperament that I hate".

The image of Musashi crying anime tears while waiting for her dinner came to Takemi's mind before quickly disappearing as he entered the room.

He was in Class 1-1. Their was no information on who was in his homeroom until he stepped through the door.

Hattori Hanzou.

Kirihara Takeaki.

Nakajou Azusa.

'It seems like this will be the center of attention this year...'. Thought Takemi.

The moment he looked to the front of the board, he saw that the teacher had already assigned seats to everyone. Takemi frowned when he saw that his seat was the one directly in front of the teachers stand.

Although it lessened slightly when he saw that Kei was sitting directly behind him. School's hard when you don't have friends to hang out with. At least this way he wasn't completely alone.

"Mikazuchi-san can I have a-".

"Everyone take your seats!".

Takemi's body stiffened when he heard the second voice ring out. His back straightened and a cold sweat appeared on his back as he sat down in his seat.

'Please no. For the love of God, please no'.

The door opened and a beautiful silver-white haired woman came through the door. She was wearing something that a secretary would normally wear, and on a side note, something that was very familiar to Takemi.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mikazuchi Musashi and I will be your homeroom teacher for this year- ah?".

Musashi blinked rapidly as he gaze locked with Takemi's. The former's smile growing by the second while the latter just banged his head on the table in front of him.

Saber, despite her personality kept her cool and smiled to the class, "I think we should start with introductions.... how about... you young man!".

She pointed at the seat directly in front of her and Takemi gave a sigh before standing up.

"My name is Mikazuchi Takemi. Just call me Takemi as to not be confused with Mikazuchi-sensei. I'm thinking of taking every class that First High can offer in hopes that I can realize my dream... is that satisfactory, sensei?".

"Umu! That's fine Takemi-san. Please sit down... next up is you....".

Takemi kept one ear open to memorize the names of everyone in his homeroom. He only thing that he could think about was,

'How the hell did Musashi get a job as a High School teacher! At a Magic High school at that! She hates magecraft, why did she- she didn't...'.

He looked up and saw that his "Aunt" winked at him, causing Takemi to believe his newfound suspicions.

'She just wanted to spy on me!'.

The rest of homeroom was introductions and a brief overview on how today was going to work. There was no classes for the rest of the week for the freshman as it was the tour of the workshops for each class. Each student had to decide what they wanted to do over the next 3 days which, to someone like Takemi who already knew what he wanted to do, was rather boring.

Just as the bell rang and Musashi left Class 1-1 a student came up to Takemi with a suspicious look on his face.

"You're the student who got first place on the entrance exam correct?".

Takemi replied, "Yes... your Gyoubu Hanzou right?".

The short light brown haired young man nodded and narrowing his eyes, "How did you get a score like that? 0.0001 is ten thousandth of a second! It would literally involve activating the Magic Sequence as you read it, while at the same time inputting variables and the amount of psions the spell utilizes. How did you do it!".

Everyone in the class went wide eyed at what he said. Although they were aware that Takemi got the highest score out of all freshman, that score baffled them and they started whispering amongst themselves.

"I don't understand the question. Did you want me to tell you all my secrets? Are you willing to give something up in return?". Said Takemi with a cold expression on his face.

Hanzou's face went a little red at the reply but he didn't falter, "I think you cheated".

Everyone in the room gasped at his accusation. They didn't want to believe it as the examiners would check to cheating and foul play, but the score seemed a little... too good to be true?

"That's a big "I think" Gyoubu-san. Are you sure you can back it up?". Takemi stood up and meet Gyoubu's gaze with his own. Takemi was taller than Gyoubu by a couple inches but the desk between them didn't emphasis the difference in height.

"I don't believe that you could cast a spell as quick as that Mikazuchi. I'd like to but-".

"Takemi-kun! I'm here for- ara? Am I interrupting something?". The Student Council President slammed open the door and walking in without excusing herself and saw Takemi and Hanzou facing off against each other.

Hanzou raised an eyebrow before shouting, "Kaichou! I don't believe in the validity of Mikazuchi's test score. It's too exaggerated and I don't believe that someone our age can cast a spell in ten thousandths of a second".

Charlotte tilted her head before asking, "So what did you want me to do about it?".

"I believe that it is my right, and the right of my fellow students that we expose this fraud what what he really is. I ask that you make him redo his exam".

Hanzou's tone was justified and righteous. To many of the other students he sounded correct, however to a few, like Kei, he sounded rather pretentious.

The white haired girl closed her eyes and rubbed her chin before asking, "And if you're wrong? You've already slandered someone who has yet to be found guilty. What will Takemi-kun get in return?".

"I will give a formal apology to him in front of-".

"I want to to enter Course 2".

Takemi spoke up making everyone, except Charlotte shocked and appalled.

"What! That's outrageous! Why should I have to leave the most prestigious Magic High School Course in the country because of a-.

"It's because you offended someone you shouldn't Gyoubu-kun. If I slandered you would you seek retribution?".

Charlotte interrupted before sitting down on Kei's desk with a smile while nodding her head.

"In that case I propose an idea!".

She ignored all forms of integrity and stood up on Kei's table, while the window was open making her hair and skirt flutter in the wind.

Even Takemi had to admit she was gorgeous.

"That the two of you duel and however is the winner will be able to make one request of the loser! Whatever it is the loser must abide, otherwise....".

Charlotte cracked her knuckles and giggled evilly.

"There will be punishments of the highest order.... is there any questions you two?".

Hanzou spoke up, "Are you sure this is appropriate Yuukihira-senpai? Is it not-".

"I am the Law! The fight will be in one week! No maiming or disabling your opponent! Hand-to-hand combat is not allowed. The school will not supply CADs! This way, both parties will have no doubt that their CAD has not being tampered with! Any "actual" questions?".

Both Takemi and Hanzou gave the other one last glance before nodding.

Charlotte smiled and pulled out a massive flag and threw it out the window, with remarkable force, and landed directly in the center of the main sports oval. It was the one that all students must pass in order to enter or leave the school.

'Where'd she get the flag from?', thought everybody.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head up and was about to speak before a voice shouted out.

"You irresponsible princess! Get down from there! You're setting a bad example for your underclassman! You should be ashamed of yourself!".

Tsukuba Yuuka came into the room and tried to slap her President on the head, but ended up running out of breath as Charlotte jumped out of the window.

"I'll see you two next week- oh! And Takemi! Report to the Student Council starting tomorrow! I have big plans for you!".

Like clockwork, the bell rang several seconds after and all the students left the room. Everyone except for Kei and Takemi were left standing in Class 1-1.

"Takemi-san? Are you alright?".

The aforementioned young man started to shake uncontrollably before looking up at Kei with a giant smile on his face.

"Nothing! Everything's perfect! Literally! Everything is just great!".

The timing for his CAD to be ready coincided perfectly with the fight date. He wasn't sure if Charlotte knew something about that but frankly, didn't care. He supposed it might take a while to get the school to accept a public event like this and Charlotte had to tell them beforehand.

"In seven days Kei, I'm going to show the whole school something amazing. Believe me, you won't want to miss it".

Takemi looked out the window and made a note to go to FLT this afternoon. He needed spells. And he knew just how to get them.