
The Type-Moon Irregularity

An avid fan of the Type-Moon franchise is reincarnated into the World of The Irregular of Magic High School. When he realizes that he does not have the ability to manipulate psions like normal Magicians he quickly finds out that he possesses a Type-Moon System his fate begins to change. BS Magician? Your Element and Origin align, your an incarnate! Elemental Sight? That's Structural Grasp, the most basic of magecraft don't you know this? CAD's? See how they compete with my Mystic Codes!

MrMoist · Others
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45 Chs

Chapter 22 Jewelcraft

The rest of the day passed fairly quickly for Takemi and Kei. The former seemed to make a friend out of the latter and had quiet similar interests regarding magical theory and CAD development.

"Yeah! And if you change the original design's shape from a nonagon to an ennegram it completely changes the way, not just the Magic Sequence is cast, but the flow and direction of psions! They're both nine pointed diagrams, yet they have such drastic effect on the spell!".

"Really? I always wondered about the creation of CADs. and Magic Sequences I mean, most Magicians get a general purpose on to start off with, one's that usually have a large storage for spells but less firepower, and then progress to a specialized one once they become proficient with their Magic correct?".

Kei nodded.

"Then it must mean the the Magic Calculation Area, while apart of the subconscious and not possessing a physical body, is like a muscle. Most Magicians strength and power grow as they use more and more Magic, not just becoming proficient but actually growing stronger, faster, more efficient in spell casting and power. It is the very reason why Magicians can cast Magic.

The CAD just assists with the control over the spell. I mean, it is just what Modern Magicians use instead of mediums that Ancient Magic uses. The induction stones within them convert the psion signals that a Magician creates into an electrical signal which jump starts the Activation Sequence, which is sent back to the Magician to form the basis of the Magic Sequence.

The Activation Sequence is the basis of any spell. If you somehow managed to memorize the Activation Sequence and could execute it fast enough, would a normal person be able to use Magic?".

The couple that was sitting across from Takemi went wide eyed before Kanon laughed and said, "That's pretty funny Takemi-san! There's no way a "normal" person could do that! Even if they could, they wouldn't be able to manipulate psions the same way as us... right?".

She looked towards her fiancée and nudged him a little before he looked up and said, "It might be possible actually".

Kei cleared his throat and said, "If the "normal" person could think that quickly and remember the entirety of the Activation Sequence, there shouldn't be a reason why he couldn't use Magic. Psions and Pushions are particles manifested from thought and intention. If they could literally think fast enough and have the desire and will to execute the spell, theoretically speaking, they could".

Kanon gulped.

"But that's impossible Takemi-san. Even the most basic of spells have over a thousand letters of the alphabet. The person would have to split their mind into activating the Activation Sequence and inputting the variables into the completed Magic Sequence, all while focusing on what's around them. It would be impossible for someone to manually do that while in the field, or even in a lab".

Takemi didn't say anything but the corners of his mouth raised a little bit. He wasn't one to stroke his own ego, but when other people did it, even indirectly, he wasn't one to correct them.

"Anyway, see anything else you like Kei-san? Kanon-san?"

He pointed to the wide variety of open classrooms with various lights or voices were coming from. There was over two dozen courses for First Year Students and it was recommended to try at least half of them to see what the individual wanted to use their Magic for in the future.

Kei already wanted to work on his Family's Engraving Magic.

And Kanon wanted to help people with her Magic. Specifically during times of natural disasters. Her Long Range Solid Matter Oscillation Systematic Magic was useful in destroying debris. And it was either that or demolition work.

"Are you sure about your choice Takemi-san? I mean you can still choose to lessen your load and drop out of a few-".

"I'm fine Kanon-san. Although many might not see what I want to accomplish by doing so many subjects, I need it in order to achieve my dream".

She couldn't help but ask, "And what is that?".

Takemi smiled and said, "That's a secret".

Kanon pouted a little before sighing. She didn't expect for someone she just met a few hours ago to tell everything about themselves to her, but she did feel a little disappointed.

"Anyway Takemi-san, what are you going to do about the duel in a week. All the freshman are talking about it. How the number two in the entrance exams challenged the number one. There are a lot of rumors floating about, like how you cheated or Hanzou was jealous.... what are you going to do?".

Takemi took a sip of the drink in front of him and then replied, "Nothing. Actions speak louder than words after all".

Kanon grinned and nodded, "I like how you think Takemi-kun. But you should be careful. Hanzou may be a little arrogant, but his family is rather accomplished in both magical society and political. I hear that he is quite the powerful Magician as well".

Takemi nodded at her statement. He wasn't worried about the outcome of the duel. Most Magic form this Age wouldn't affect him due to his physical body, however he didn't want to expose the fact that he could punch through the armor plating of a tank so quickly.

He'd get attacked and shipped off to a laboratory quicker than he could say "Human Rights".

"It'll be fine Kanon-san. The timing of the duel works out for me perfectly".

She titled her head and Kei looked at Takemi with a little bit of awe in his eyes.

"I'm picking up my CAD less than twenty-four hours before the start of the duel. I had to call in a favor to get it made and delivered quicker than normal".

Kanon looked at Kei who had stars in his eyes and asked, "Kei, what are you doing?".

"I'm a little jealous of Takemi-san. He's getting his CAD from FLT, the home of Taurus Silver! Have you met him Takemi!".

Kei jumped up off his seat and placed his hands on the table while smiling at Takemi.

"I can't say Kei-san. All I can say is that the CAD that I asked for will be the best FLT has to offer".

Kei and Kanon both furrowed their brows at Takemi's statement. Although he didn't say that Taurus Silver was working on his CAD personally, Taurus Silver was the best FLT had to offer so.....

"Oh! I'll see you later Kanon. Takemi and I have a Theoretical Magic class to go to. I'll see you later okay!".

Kanon waved the pair off before sitting down and looking at the timetable in front of her.

"Practical Magic Studies... Physical Education... Biology.... oh? Combat simulation? Now that sounds interesting!".

The purple haired girl walked off in the opposite direction as Takemi and her fiancée, unaware of the changes to Theoretical Magic that was about to happen.

"Here it is Takemi-san. Room 431 of the Experimental Wing".

The duo entered the room and saw that it was different to their homeroom and all the other classrooms that they've used today.

It was set up like an old fashioned university hall, with a large number of seats, the furthest being the highest and the lowest. A modern look was added to the room and a computerized board and table was placed at the front of the room.

"Ah! Another two joining us. Please, have a seat".

Takemi and Kei nodded before the former's gaze locked with another's. They stared directly into each others eyes and glared before the bell rang and Takemi took his seat beside Kei.

The latter only shaking his head and muttering, "It's going to be a long year...".

The teacher noted this but didn't make much of it before starting, "Hello students. Welcome to the workshop for Theoretical Magic Studies. I am Tsuzura Kazuo, but just call me Kazuo-sensei. I will be your teacher for all of you that decide to pursue Theoretical Magic in your second and third years. First of all, I'd like to ask of all of you, what you hope to achieve by undergoing this class. It's not the hardest subject at this school nor is it the easiest.... yes! You there!".

Kazuo-sensei pointed at a petite orange haired girl and the front who went red under everyone's attention but said, "I-I-I want to develop my own CAD. I don't just want to program it, I also want to build it and and craft it with my own two hands! Theoretical Magic and CAD Engineering and Magical Engineering are all things I feel strongly about!".

The teacher nodded his head thoughtfully and smiled, "That's a great example young lady, please give her a round of applause".

Everyone clapped for young Nakajou Azusa who went even redder than before. Kazuo-sensei's flickered around the room before landing on Takemi and asking, "What about you young man? What do you hope to achieve by undergoing this class, Theoretical Magic Studies? Despite being the highest scorer on the entrance exams?".

Takemi was startled that the teacher would pick him and raised en eyebrow, "Before I answer I must let you know that I didn't pick this class in particular. I plan on doing every class possible".

The middle aged man raised an eyebrow gestured for Takemi to continue.

"My goal is very simple, it's actually simpler than Nakajou-san's.... I want to create a completely original System of Magic".

If Kazuo was holding anything right now, he would've dropped it along with his jaw. In fact, everyone in the room was speechless and the whole hall was even quieter than a grave yard.

"How arrogant!".

Hanzou stood up and slammed his hands on the table attracting everyone's attention.

"You really believe that creating a System of Magic is simple? Our current one was only created after nearly a century of war and destruction. Do you really think that "you" can do something like that?".

"Yes. I don't see why not?".

"Why not-!".

Hanzou wanted to blow a fuse at Takemi right now. Most of the people in the room felt the same way right now. The Four Great Systems and Eight Major Types was the core foundation of Modern Magic. Although many people had stopped practicing Ancient Magic and favored the variability of Modern Magic it was also something that people ad cemented in their minds as the "foundation" of Magic.

"So tell me Mikazuchi-kun, how you would go about this. Hattori-kun has a point you know. How would you create a new System of Magic?".

Takemi smiled and took a small clear crystal out of his pocket and threw it over to Kazuo who caught it with one hand and asked, "Is this supposed to mean anything?".

"Just answer me. Does this element appear anywhere on the Periodic Table? Or even in the Eidos? Have you ever seen anything like it before?".

Kazuo looked down at the crystal in his hand and frowned before asking, "Is there supposed to be an object inside the glass?".

"No. It was created that way".

Kazuo raised an eyebrow before chucking the clear crystal on the table and placing his hands on a touch pad.


A yellow wave of psions was generated from the table and circled the crystal before dissipating and the words "NO RECORDS" coming up on the table.

"What is it Kazuo-sensei? What is that crystal?", asked Hanzou.

Scratching his head and clicking his tongue he replied, "I have no idea. The composition of the crystal is similar to hydrogen, but that can't be right. It's a solid... Mikazuchi-kun, what is it?".

Takemi smiled before waving his hand and sending a burst of psions out causing the object to come flying back to him before returning it to his pocket.

"It, Kazuo-sensei, is the building block of my new System of Magic. I call it "crystallized mana" and it is none of your business".

Sitting back down he saw that Kei was looking at him pocket before he took it back out and gave it to Kei.

"Keep it. Although a bit of this size would worry my accomplice, I don't think he'll mind if one bit goes missing".

Kei caught the crystallized mana in his hand and examined the object before asking Takemi, "Are you sure? I think this might be really valuable, I mean if Kazuo-sensei has never heard of it-".

"It's fine Kei. Try cast a spell on it. See what happens".

Takemi crossed his arms and leaned back while Kei looked at Kazuo who nodded before walking to the front of the room.

"Is a basic Oscillation-Type Spell alright Kazuo-sensei?".

He nodded and handed Kei a general CAD how began to cast the Flame Spell directly onto the crystallized mana.

The moment the spell activated, Kei felt the control over his Magic Sequence slip before the psions produced by him dissipated, causing the spell to fail.

"Huh? What just happened...". Asked Kei. He tried to perform the spell again but this time caused the clear crystal ball to glow slightly, taking on a dull red.

"Takemi-san? What is going on? Why is the spell not executing?".

Takemi smiled before saying, "Throw the crystal. At something with that you don't want to keep anymore. You'll be in for a surprise".

Kazuo raised an eyebrow before pointing at a window that gave everyone a good view outside.

Kei understood the gesture and threw the crystallized mana out the window, making everyone except for Takemi follow it's parabolic arc.

"Is this supposed to prove-".


A ball of flames, only a foot wide exploded out of the crystal the moment it hit the ground scorching the grass beneath it before Kazuo took back the CAD and uses the basic spell Flood to eliminate the Flames.

After thoroughly dousing the flames, Kazuo ran up to Takemi and grabbed him by the shoulders and saying, "Do you know what you have done! This isn't just a breakthrough for Magicians! But for people everywhere!".

Takemi just swiped his teachers hands away before saying, "I know. My accomplice's and I have created a type of Magic Storage. More specifically, "Remote Activated Delayed Storage-Type Magic... although I call it "Jewelcraft".