
The Two before All

Superhero7_8 · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

The Two Awoke

There's nothing. Why is there nothing? Nothing but muffled conversing and a string that hugs me. I can't see a single-



A light blue color can be seen slowly gliding in the distance. But still nothing. As the light blue color ignited, it crept slowly toward me.

What is it?



I reached up and out, grabbing the small but beaming object. It didn't have mass, it just was there. It was here. It was my friend. Something to treasure when darkness engulfs your environment.



Then, everything.

The light erupted with fluorescent colors. What I knew to be reality became a myth. The space expanded. The colors intensified. Within a millisecond of nothingness, everything was so clear. There were blazing clusters of light, magnificent structures of afterglow, and extraordinary novas. The very particles surrounding me alter and modify into unimaginable contrivances. It's so…beautiful. It's…

"Ma'am, it's a boy, you have given life to our family!"

"Give him to me", she said

The woman spoke in a melancholic tone though one could notice the uneasiness she had in her emerald eyes as she knew better than anyone that this existence would cause ripples within the world.

Light years away a similar existence was given birth.

In the darkness of the abyss on planet Cratos, a boy was being given birth to in a small house on the outskirts of a warring territory.

"Ma'am somethings wrong he should've been out by now!"

"Shut up and keep on looking!"

A woman with brown hair could be seen though if you looked closely you could see the red streaks that aligned her hair as she was frantically sweating as her very creation was slipping away from her.

"What is that obtrusive noise!?"

Unbeknownst to the two on the outside the very existence that was being considered to be dead actually gained sentience and was long aware of it's situation but chose to stay inside as it felt an evolution was undergoing inside it.

"Ma'am I'm sorry but I don't think-"

"It's a miracle he made it"

The woman on the bed was shocked by belief as she heard the cries of her newborn. Though as she looked at him she was reminded of the untimely death of her husband.

Back to the plant of Grodoxy


As the baby was held in the woman's arms, its features became visible. It had silver transparent eyes that scanned the room and gave chills to anyone glancing at them as for some reason the primal death of fear gripped them at their very core. Its hair was abysmal black. From one look, one could see that the infant was going to grow up and make waves in hearts.

"I'm sorry to bring you into such a world my child, this is a place where you have to go strong and evolve. Sadly the weak are not favored upon"

"What is she saying and why do I feel such a connection to her?"

The baby's brain wasn't developed but for some inexplicable reasons, it had the sixth sense of everything around him and could tell his environment was a cruel one.