
The Two before All

Superhero7_8 · Action
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The Start of it All

Makyr Zol, aka, the Being of Warfare, is an alien with supernatural abilities that have almost no limits. Starting from the beginning of time, Makyr's alien race, the Xerein race, was far more superior to other living organisms. The reason behind this is because their planet is the first to support life. This planet is known to be E001 (Grodoxy). With the Xerein race similar to the standard human build, they went through the same struggles and accomplishments as the early humans did, with only one difference. As their very existence precedes time itself animals did not have time to go through any dramatic evolutionary change. This made hunting and catching animals very common. This exposure led the Xerein race to live for millions of years without any problem of starvation, corruption, or too little food. Over the millions of years, the Xereins started to realize that different living creatures were changing. Some grew bigger, some grew smaller, some grew stronger, and others grew faster. It is at this moment that the Xerein race was introduced to evolution. With this groundbreaking discovery, scientists, business people, and government associations came together to create the Orbital Selective Evolution Association. What made this organization different from the others was their test subjects. Instead of selectively breeding cows for more milk, they tested Xereins. Different families volunteered to go through this process of evolution; these families include the Thysis, the Ball, the Horluh, the Reiy, the Heimann, and finally, the Zol family. Makyr being a part of the last living family and still going through millions upon millions of years of selective breeding and evolution, became stronger, quicker, and smarter than the perfect Xerein. With Makyr being a Zol, he was already destined to become a force to be reckoned with.