
The truth we face

Something unique and unexpected that can fill and break your heart.

Lilith_8066 · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter 1 introductions


my name is Angel Harson but I do prefer anna it sounds less cliche and less dramatic, I'm eighteen and doing my last year at high school. I have 3 close friends Hailey, Sarah, and Pelin, we are a tight group but to be honest I still have my doubts about us from time to time.

I am born and raised in California, and I'm not too fond of leaving my comfort zones, so I never thought about the topic.

I go to Whitney high school top-ranked and we have a pretty high graduation rate, I'm a top student I score no less than ninety percent in my work. Now don't get me wrong I'm not the introverted nerd that people would assume, I'm outgoing and extroverted, I make friends easily and I'm not one to judge the book before opening to the first page.

I could further into my appearance and some other minor details, but that would leave no time to explain the situation and why I'm lying in this hospital bed fighting for our lives.