
The truth we face

Something unique and unexpected that can fill and break your heart.

Lilith_8066 · Teen
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3 Chs

The beginning of the end


Congratulations are for the girl before me, as I watch Hailey walk with Erin down the corridor hand in hand. This season shows how the determined girl got her bad boy, I watch, that's all I can do right before they rounded the corner.

Right as they left the voices of the crowd began to echo out and fade into the setting

the pale blue hallway that made the world seem smaller, the morning rush to get to class on time and not be late on the first day back, it goes by the second and I watch it.

As I entered the class filled with students that had so very little capacity for knowledge, we locked eyes, and for that split second, I knew he knew what was being thought.

" what are you looking at.....ann...you okay?" Hailey asked with concern evident in her eyes " y-yes...sorry I got lost for a second." I tried to laugh it off. " mmm..okay but you will never guess what happened, well I'm sure you do"

she continues h a story I know all too well...

cause it was mine, to begin with.