

I gave her everything she ever wanted. My only wish was she got to live and enjoyed the life the way she ever dreamt. I was brave but broken, brave but scarred. I was brave but wounded. Nobody knows anything about the saddened smiles. Isn't it funny how the one we called the safest place left us homeless? Funny how people have guts to do it. Killing the one they love and executed it perfectly with no atom of remorse. The bleeding wounds that refused healing. All my laughter says the same thing: This isn't how it supposed to be. All my grief repeatedly yelled out the same thing; this isn't how it supposed to be. How did she do it? How do she find fun toying with the feelings she said she cared and cherished more than her life? Did she find it amusing watching the one she loved go back and forth like a pathetic dog on a leash, awaiting freedom. Like a creepy freak, she discard me like a used syringe. She humiliated me. Leaving me in the darkness to fight off the demons she created. How did she do it? Writing lovely poems and not meant any single phrase? There are some kinds of pains that externally clung on us, like a stubborn stain on a white fabric they refused to wash away. They are scarred and bruised. Just when i thought i was feeling better, i felt myself falling again into the dark abyss. I will burn all the letters i wrote, i will burn all the poems i wrote about you, all the happy moment we spent together collecting wishful stars, dreaming and building our future together. I will burn every memories of us and I hope you follow the smoke, it will lead you to the heart you broken. I hope you realized how cruel you are to shred into pieces the only heart that cares and adores you. Was I right? The first time I saw you, you smelt like trauma awaiting to happen but I ignored my instincts now I'm lost in my light. I don't know the demon you are running away from, you better stop and face them because when they catch up with you, it won't just be you who gets caught up in the fallout.

Hobified_Bbensplen · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

CHAPTER 4: Runaway


My jaw dropped and the glass made a shattering sound that brought almost all attention to me.

I know this is a dream and I seriously want to wake up. I wasn't expecting it and I'm still in doubt. The Hobified Mind I've been hearing since these past years is who?? "HO-SEOK ??

Standing right here and watching him smile sends electric sparks down my spine, mixed emotions filled with pain, scared, and anxiety.

My hands quiver and I quickly hide it under my dress. This can't be happening. My past has come to haunt me. I can't believe it. I needed to snap myself back to reality but it seemed, I was the one doubting the reality.

Ho-seok is who?? Hobified Mind CEO??

I mutely slouched down on the chair and began to reconnect all the dots I ignored earlier. All those weird feelings crowding me since morning, those instant weakening of my knees and feeling tired was because I was going to meet the one I once called the love of my life.

I should have balled out and not bothered coming if I had known what lay ahead of me.

The two seconds of hypertension I suffered just seeing Ho-seok receiving the GPAA Award wasn't because I was jealous of him winning that, but because I never saw that coming.

My eyes were fixed on him and it seemed he was also looking my way, his eyes still that crystal clay that radiate rays of light and hope, his long pointed nose that always stands out, his charismatic jaws and cheeks bones that radiate determination; he still got his long silky hair that was packed in a man bun, leaving some strands to fall freely on his oh soo good and cutie face. His face card never declines.

His smile is still the same, that tingling sensation whenever he cracks that contagious laughter that sends chills down someone's spine and puts the person in a happy mood. Everything is still the same just as I remember.

"Will you stay and comb this hair forever??? His voice echoed in my ears and my eyes stung with tears as I remembered his engagement proposal.

I slowly lifted my towels and back-wiped the tears from falling, why am I feeling guilty and scared? It's almost five years now since I left him but why does it feel like I just got my heart broken? We choose to go our separate ways, so why these sudden emotions? I sniffed back the little tears, picked up a bottle of water, and took a mouthful just to calm my nervous system down, but huh! That didn't work.

I watched as he slowly walked down from the stage, the way he bore his body while walking down the stage mini steps, he looked dapper as always. I mean it's Kang Ho-seok the fashionista, never to be caught unaware.

I was so carried away with my thoughts that I didn't notice he was getting closer, then my eyes locked with his and I could read those eyes. He looked at me with a bored expression, disgust, regret, and mostly anger; and I could hear my heart leaving its system.

He stood there, his eyes fully fixed on me for a brief moment before moving back to his seat. I watched as he handed over the Award to the lady sitting by his side.

"Who is she? Probably his girlfriend.

I'm not in the right mood to know who is who now, the only thing I wanted to do was to leave this place right now and then because I can't stand it. My Ex being in the same room with me doesn't sound right knowing fully well how we ended up.

Did he declare me wanted?? Are the police waiting outside the building just to handcuff me once the show ends?? Too many questions pumping in my head right now. I wanted to ball out and I'm doing it right now.

The PAA Grand Award has already been issued and 'Thank you Mr. Kang Ho-seok for reminding me again you are still the boss." I quickly picked up my small floral purse, signaled to my manager and PA, and thank goodness they were already ready to go, and off we started moving slowly towards the exit door.

The cheers from my fans and supporters right now sound like a mockery to me, so I fasten my heels just to leave the Award hall.

I breathed relief immediately after I materialized in the hallways, and quickly, I rushed inside the bathroom to empty the sudden bowls and anxious thoughts that already clouded my system.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I masked up the courage to be myself and never let anything scare me.

"Come on, you are Kathryn now. Strong and determined as always. Don't be distracted. I spoke to myself before walking out of the hallways.

Walking out of the hallways with my Manager and PA side by side and me walking in the middle, we were gisting and laughing out on how the Awards goes when I saw the figure I was hiding from earlier walking majestically through the hallways in the opposite direction, facing me.

"Oh shit! The devil must be working extra hard today."

My heart went dead as he kept striding forward with his right-hand assistant and the earlier lady bearing his Awards. I almost tripped and luckily my manager and PA held me strong and helped me to my knees.




My heart couldn't contain how I felt receiving that prestigious Award, the sudden strength and happiness I felt was immeasurably. Standing there and purposely fixed my eyes on Bella, oh sorry now Kathryn, I could hear her heart and I could say she got an instant heart attack as she wasn't expecting to see me there on the stage.

The cameras were focused on me and I know I'm out again for the media and bloggers. Already giving them another reason to stay on my neck. The clout they have been chasing is out now, so they have to run along.

I thanked my giver and fans and they were cheering and clapping for me and immediately I started walking back to my seat I could swear I heard Bella's heart skip a bit and the way she flinched. I stopped for a brief moment and after observing her for a moment to make sure I wasn't dreaming seeing the way she quickly averted her face proved the answer I was looking for.

She was really RASHFORD ISABELLA. Sitting down right there with her name changed.

I went back to my seat trying to hold myself not to look back but since I wasn't brave enough to ignore it; I slowly turned around only to see her, Bella now Kathryn exiting the show in a hurry.

I immediately beckoned on Hwang-Min and Tae-Rin without letting them know my reasons and we went out through the back down through the hallways.

Truth be told I wanted to approach her, I don't mind if she denied knowing me but I wanted to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.

As I walked through the hallways, luckily I saw her Bella also advancing towards my way, luck was not on her side today. Maybe she wanted to escape but guess who got another shock of her life seeing me?

I sneered as I watched her assistants helping her to her feet, my presence must have disorganized her just as I predicted, she wasn't being herself again.

I nonchalantly strode down bearing my body elegantly, and I could see her flinched back immediately, fidgeting with her purse.

She ruined everything about us, she made a mess of herself and now she can't stand it. I thought I was the one who was weak on seeing her, seems I was wrong, she was also scared and frozen with fear the moment she saw me.

I know that the moment she saw me right there on that stage, the hairs on her body must have stood on their end because she wasn't expecting it.

We were almost an inch away from passing each other and I can clearly say, the peculiar air in the hallways lingered and slowly drew back as I pushed past them and I could hear her heart right from the moment I walked past her, the terror and instant popping lingered in my ears, coupled with her past waves of laughter which made me to halt.

I stopped which I knew I wasn't supposed to, but knowing who Bella was, I needed to remind her, I drew a heavy breath, my two hands inside my side pockets and I slowly turned my eyes and met hers; staring intensively at me.

Shock was written all over her, her lips quivering, I looked at HwangMin then at TaeRin, then at her two assistants, and said. "Nice meeting you too. ISABELLA."

I could hear her stomach erupt inside and I know she got instant butterflies as she speedily dashed off the hallways, with her assistants running after her, and I smiled satisfactorily.

One thing with her, she loves running away from issues.

I stepped out of the hallways, and that was when my skin felt another fresh air blowing all over me, however, before I could say Jack; the bloggers and Medias already bombarding me with their non-stop questions.

As if chased by lightning, I speedily dashed out. Thank goodness my bodyguards were there to block them and I made my way to my car.

Sitting inside my car for like twenty minutes, I gently whirled down to take a glimpse of the cameras surrounding my car, and there I saw Bella about to enter her car, the way she stopped and looked around like she was searching for something before shaking her head and entered inside.

I whirled up, tucked myself off my suit, and slowly loosened my long tie, all the emotions I overcame right there in the hall, came flooding on me like a mighty ocean gate. My heart pierced with pain as the memories of my past captured me and emotionally drained me.

I was right, the moment I saw her right there at Sound-Mind, she smelled like trauma waiting to happen but I was blinded by my love and ignored all those signs now I'm lost in my lights.