
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

Shadow Rebellion

293 AC a year time skip the last chapter Ray Pov

'After the Greyjoy rebellion ended a few months ago I've had full control over the red keep. I was able to get extra men into the keep after the redcloaks got violent after being sent back to the rock but they soon left after half dissapeard over the course of a few days no one dared to cross my path or my mens after half of them went missing. The downside was that i've started to get a very ruthless reputation so alot of people have started to become scared of me i thought i was lonley before but now everyone whispers behind my back about goldloaks with blood on the capes at night but someone has to make the hard descissions i dont want to be ordering the deaths of people but they are all corrupt.'

'We found out that half of the people who have money are spies some of them now work for me to root out the others but most of them have been killed I even spread the rumors about extra deaths to scare the others away and to stop future enemys from rising too high but now i must attend the worst part of my day family dinner.'

"Come mandon we need to attend family dinner" I say as I walk down the halls as I walk the sevents flinch away well doing bows and giving weak smiles to me I just keep walking gotta keep up the act of impassiveness. I arrive at the family room which is way too big for our modest family it was built for jaehearys Targaryans family which was huge at the time now its just two exiles acros the narrow sea that ill have to deal with at some point "Hello family I hope i didnt keep you waiting for too long I had some reports to finish up nothing too important just food and a few dissputes but also I also spent time with the crownlander heirs and a few stormland and westerland heirs" I say as I take my seat next to the newest additions to the family little Tommen and Myrcella they are very young but they will be useful in the future.

"About time you showed up do you hear what the people are calling you!?" my father bellowed his calloused hand smashing into the table. I shake my head but I already know what they call me "they call you Raymont goldblood are the rumors true are you having people killed in the halls by your lackys!" .These so called "lackys" are currently in this room along the walls and the usual twenty that follow me .The only thing holding them back when it comes to battle and is that they havent been to war they have killed but not seen the horror of war not that I have but everyone says it changes you "I have done nothing of the sort father they must call me goldblood beacuse of all the gold I make" I say as a servant comes and fills my plate i call forward one of my goldcloaks to taste the food for me and taste my drink just to be safe.

"Look at you they do everything for you fight for you eat for you deliver messages for you" he continues to fume well my food taster nods to me and goes back to the wall after i give him and extra three stags for the risk "well i say no more im going to strip you of your rank as commander and dispand your little army!" after he said this i wipe my mouth and look him in the eyes and im disscusted at the sight red in the face wine running down his mouth onto his cloths and breathing heavy the only thing he has going for him is that hes still muscled but not as much as when he fought in the rebellion "well you see father if you do that people might start to go missing ive got their loyalty and their lives in my hands if I ask them to anything they will do it" I say putting a hand on my siblings shoulders when they started to get scared and nodded at my mother to take them away "Alyn,Gerion,Olyver,Mathis and Balon take esscort my mother and two siblings to where they wish to go" in responce i get a "yes you're grace" before they followed my mother out of the room leaving me with twenty five men in the room with me Joff was put killing bandits attacking my villages along the coast "you see father well you was out fighting i was having and army installed into the capital six hundred in the keep and eight thousand on the walls of the city .So you see i hold all the power here you could die in your sleep and no one would be here to stop me from taking whats mine so you have two options .You let me continue to fix the capital or you have a war on your hands the crownlands would rise for me the west would with grandfather being on my side and and by the time you call the banners i would hae married and so would Joff beacuse lets be honest he's going to pick me over you so whats your pick" I go back to my food thinking about giving the cooks a higher pay so their less likely to poision me.

"Your not my son no true Barartheon would do this and who would rise for you one kingdom and the crownlands not enough to win!" he fummed. "I'm sure that the Tyrells would love to have a royal marriage and Dorne are always looking for revenge so I would marry the Dornish and Joff would marry the Reach .The Riverlands would split as usual so the north and Tullys would have to go through the rebellios houses.So i could easily send someone to the mountain clansmen to cause havok so the only army you have on 'quick' demand is the stormlands this is what they call in those eastern board games checkmate." I say as I finish my meal and sip my wine waiting for his answer in reality im not too confident in the war i only have inexperienced youths and bitter oldmen to lead my armys and unless I have some millatary genius from my father it will just make the realm worse but i cant loose my position as commander.

"Damn you. DAMN YOU TO THE SEVEN HELLS YOU CUNT" my father stands making my men stand closer "fine keep your title but don't look to me for anything your no longer my son" my father says as his voice cracks and then he leaves the room and i'm sat alone again always alone.

I get back to my room and sit at my desk to start drafting letters sending one of the goldcloaks to inform me when my brothers party returns.

A few hours later the goldcloak returns to tell me a blacl lion on a banner of a golden satg bowing it's head is seen heading to the capital I nod and tell him to send my brother to me when he gets back the reason he chose that as his personal banner is beacuse it makes us look more united then we already dosince he bowing to me it means no civil war with my brother atleast.

"Brother you sent for me" my brother says as he enters so I fill him in on the events of dinner he just looks at me before shrugging "nothing can be done about it now not like you need anything from him anymore. But onto more exciting news the bandits have been killed and their heads have been put in the surrounding of the village just like you wanted i still think its a bit much though" he says taking a seat and pouring himself a drink "so do you enjoy the the nickname prince goldblood" he says with that cocky grin of his. He's the only person who speaks to me like im a person anymore it makes me feel more at ease knowing that somethings never change "I dont enjoy the name but it serves it's perpose of making people feel nervous around me" I continue to write as we talk trying to catch up on my work beacuse unlike the king I dont have people to do the job for me each vilage may have a elder but i still get reports and have to read them calculate how much that is a year then i have to plan incase im wrong then finialy send it to people so they know to buy from my villages a genius idea from my brother is to pay people to yell out the news in the city to keep people informed and control the flow of information to the masses to them im a hero who has their best intrest in mind which is half right.

"I talked with grandfather he wants you to visit him so he can see if you would be a good heir i want to to travel their within two weeks and be back as fast as you can you being lord paramount is very useful for my future plans Tyrion wont like it but he will have to deal with it and be happy with what ive given him plus he doesnt know im doing this and he never will to him this is all Tywins idea" I finish giving him a meaningfull look he nods and we continue to chat about things from the past,current events and the future its the only time that I get to relax and destress.

its midnight pitch black in the keep and as one man walks about hes grabbed and beaten bloody before being thrown out the window of the keep the men in gold clean the blood and continue to patrol the keep the man they killed was Ronnald Hill a man who works for the master of coin he was thrown out the window beacuse he was heard insulting the prince by the two goldcloaks the boy who gave them everything food,shelter,money,perpose and brotherhood for the twelve year old they would do anything beacuse before he came along one was a begger and the other was a hunter both just trying to live day by day and they were given the ability by the prince for that he had their lives and mind.

The man who they killed was then replaced by one of the men in the princes faction by the end of the week slowly but surely the powerful men of the realm were being put in the princes pocket of course some tried to tell on the prince but they were replaced and ended up at the bottom of the blackwater with the rest of the traitors .Many of the goldcloaks had taken to calling themselves goldbloods. It had started to turn into a fanatic organized army with more and more members joining it had gotten to the point where they had reached ten thousand the prince had refused to go over ten thousand saying people had already started to feel threatend by the amount that they had on hand he even devoted two thousand to going around the crownlands to kill bandits and wayward criminals at first lords didnt like this but after crime rate started to go down they changed their tune fast.

The next day I was in the small council room after collecting evidence about the small council but once person in peticular .The small lord of the fingers and no ones corruption runs deeper im not even sure that he found all of it I had only scratched the serface of it so before they finished he turned to the master of coin petr baelish and said "my lord you are under arrest and are in the custody of the goldcloaks for charges of corruption and robbery against the crown" I say nodding to the lord as my men grabbed him dragging him to the black cells "what is the meaning of this Raymont!" the hand yelled I turned to him and have him papers of my findings as he read it over he looked up at me "can this imformation be trusted my prince?" I nodded this caused the hand to sigh and sit down "i'll look into this personaly you've done your job commander" I nodded and left back to my room ready to investergate more into the small council members and replace them with my men or men who will be mine

(decided to write a chapter might not be the best it's 7 in the morning)