
The True King Of Westeros

If you read my previous works then you might not expect much the grammer might not be the best but ill try I intend to redeem myself for my past works and this time on on a laptop so it should go smoother the premise of the story is that Robert and Cercie have a true born son he is the first born just 1 year older then this wont be a story where hes good at everything and always knows what to do by himself i dont like them hes going to listen to advice and also try to have trustworthy but also comeptent people around him His name is Raymont Baratheon first of his name im not gonna have OC's other then Raymont and if they do show up then they wont play a big part PS. i dunno about upload schedule ill let you know during chapters and converstaions between others will be more lax depending on the setting so some slang may be used but only ones i think fit into the story but in a formal setting then yes it will be more highclass like royalty should talk Okay strap yourselves in for a wild ride

Oliver_Richardson · TV
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9 Chs

New managment

one week after Robert left for war Ray Pov

The one thing people never tell you is how boring it is to hold court and there is a lot less to do since most of the people left so i only hold court for one hour but right now im doing one of the hardest things I will have to do in for a long time or i hope for a long time I need to tell my mother that i'm restricting her spending and the amount of guards that she can have in the castle three hundred redcloaks are far too many and they have been attacking my goldcloaks since they feel their job is threatend.

"Hello mother how are you today?" i ask genuinly courious since we dont talk much "Im fine but I would be better if you didnt have my guards killed in the halls" she says pointing me with a look of pure anger "your men started the fights my men arent greenboys you can push about for fun I told them it was fine to bare steel if anyone did it first" I say firmly looming over her by a few centmeters if i look forward then my eyes are forehead level i remember when i only came to her hip and she would pick me up and call me her black lion but i didnt become a black lion i became a stag she never forgave me for it just beacuse i was born with black hair instead of blond like my brother.

"You and your goldcloaks taking over this city that my father took with Lannister steel he's the reason that you have no one standing in your way of accension and now you kill his men MY men!" she shrieked "I only had thirty of them killed not all of them but two hundred of them have to go that leaves you with seventy redcloaks to protect you more then you need" I say not letting my emotions run rampent yet but i felt my heart pumping faster and my blood rushing through my body the way she felt so entitled to her power over the keep and the fact that no one has stopped her yet.

"How dare you be so ungrateful I pushed you out of me I bled for you and the thanks i get is you turning your back on your family what about your cousins and uncles that stay here where will they get their protection from!" she raged like a courned animal until she looks at somthing behind me causing me to turn to see my uncle Jaime standing there one of the only two kingsguard to stay behind staring at me with his hand on his blade in responce to this i clapped my hands twice making the door open and my brother Joffrey and six of my gold cloaks to walk in the room seeing the situation Joff drew his blade of course he has no hope against uncle on his own but with six goldcloaks and fourteen more ready to enter the room the odds are more then even I turn back to mother and motion for her and Jaimie to sit down at the table once they do i coninue where i left off "you shall have seventy redcloaks and most of my cousins and uncles arent actualy related to me we barely share blood but if you wish then you can always ask for my goldcloaks to help I am stationing four hundred here the twohundred in here now is only the beggining and im also cutting your spending" I say as Joff sharpens his sword not being able to make eye contact with them it was hard for him to choose me over mother and his favorite uncle but he chose me and i would never tell him but i warms my heart that he did.

"How much are you cutting my spending by?" mother asks looking at her hands "by half you dont need the ammount that you have currently" when she was about to respond in a aggresive way i decided I could let my emotions run for a bit "THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE MOTHER WELL IM INCHARGE THINGS WONT CHANGE!" I roar making her jump and my uncle to grab his blade again but he soon let go of it after the goldcloaks and Joff grabed their blades i turn and leave the room but before i do i turn and say "I want the redcoakd one by the end of the week if you dont do that then they will go missing" and with that i leave and head to my office.

I spend a few hours to work and then head to the small council room to begin the meeting

"Sorry im late my lords but i had matters to settle" I say taking my seat at the head of the table the only members here were Vary,Petyr,Renly and pycell they all give their polite responces and then we can begin "Varys how goes the war anything new happening?" I ask the bald man "nothing new my prince the war hasnt been going on for too long but thhe iron fleet have been seen near the reach I belive that they are going to attack the shield islands or atleast try to get past them" he says rubbing his powderd hands together I nod and turn to Baelish "how goes the finaces my lord?" i ask him giving him a discusted look "we are at war your grace so we are not making any money since alot of it is going to rounding up the armys but we also have been getting raided by the odd ironborne party so some lords are scared to send their taxes to the capital" he finishes looking through his book I nod and we all discuss matter of the state for a while before i call the meeting to a close.

as i walk back to my rooms i already hear people mentioning how dilligent I am some say that it will only last a small ammount of time but others are saying that its impressive to be so young and driven since father left their has been factions forming the one supports my father which is the older people in the court who remeber Areys the mad anf the faction who support me which is filled with the young or those who just want change and some who want to try and use me to expand their power.

I ignore most of the flattery since it wouldnt do to get an even bigger ego then the one I have its one of flaws but its also what makes me human even though im a prince and will one day be king im still human im still a eleven year old in a big pond but i love the thrill of court i love when i have control over a situation i love having the goldcloaks at my back ready to storm the keep if i asked and thats why i will never give up what is rightfully mine and if father has to die abit sooner for me to achive my goals then i would for the realm for the men who die for a just cause and arent rewarded for the mothers who work hard for their children just to be raped when a war starts and for the children who have to anything to scrape by but most importantly if also most selfish is the fact that i do it for myself.

(thats the end for now there will be a time skip next of a few month or maybe a year i never see a character take over the capital by having their own men stationed their its always political smarts that somehow win the day this is westeros a feudal society people dont care about blooding their hands or breaking deals)