
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Today is the Day

*thank you b_cobb and SnuxDax for the continued support!

I was doing some shopping before I left for the Forest of the Elves. May also insisted that she tag along.

"Excuse me ma'am! Could I please buy a years worth of these ingredients! As well as a years worth of flatbread! Also could you get me a years worth of this beef. If you can, could I buy 6 full barrels of sweet tea."

The lady looked flustered. I just bought out all her stock she had for the year. It costed me 500 gold coins but that was worth it. I went ahead and put everything into my shadow storage.

"Why are you buying so much? Are you going to eat all that within the year?" May was surprised as well. I told her I was buying supplies but she didn't know about all of this.

"Yeah. It's for Kat. She said she really like this sandwich specifically. I thought I would pack it for her."

"Is that so?" May paused for a second, she then said to me, "You would make a great father some day Atlas. Please hurry!" She sounded like an excited mom, expecting to see her grandkids soon.

"I will think about it once I can finally settle down."

May and I continued on. I wanted to buy her some gifts for her new home since most of it was finally finished.

"Come on May. I will buy you some things for the new house."

"Will you really? Are you sure? Shouldn't you keep all the money possible?"

"It's fine! Let's go." I had to practically drag her around. We went to different furniture stores. After a few hours, we finally bought enough to fill out the new house.

When we returned home, it was just us. Everyone else was out for the day. May and I spent the rest of the day rearranging furniture. Once we finished the sun was about to set. Looks like the others will be here soon.

May sits down on her new couch and I sit with her.

"Atlas. Please take care of my sister, I know that you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe but she can be needy at time."

"No worries, I will make sure she stays safe."

"That's good. I shouldn't say this but you should know that she-." I knew what she was going to talk about. I've known Lucy long enough to see her feelings.

"I know. Don't worry. I will make sure to speak to her about it when I'm ready."

May just smiles. "Good."

She didn't bring up Lucy again after that. It looks like her main worry today was her sisters happiness. I make a promise to my self again. A promise to make sure Lucy stays happy.




Atlas POV

Today is the day. I'm going to be traveling to the Forest of the Elves to find this Ancient God.

March just began. After months of meetings with King Dan and the guild leaders, it looks like everything is settled. Both sides know where they stand and they know what boundaries should not be crossed. As long as they respect those boundaries, everything should be okay.

Currently I was going through the small city one last time. I know the future is no longer guaranteed, I want to ingrain as much of this city into my mind as possible.

I see many things that brought me happy memories. I walk through the town square. Noel and I would always stopped by here after our quests. The adventure guild and the commoner's guild. A place I spent a lot of time in. Ior has always been helpful as well, even though we were complete strangers.

The ruined church. I walk around back and clean Sister Samantha's gravestone. The three girls had her grave moved and put a proper gravestone there. I then go to the Blue Soul to pick up my lunch order. I walk pass the playground I helped design and build. I remember bringing Noel, Kat and Casper here all the time.

Returning to May's home. I have one more lunch with everyone.




Princess Eva got us a carriage and a horse from Ivory. It turns out the horse was the same one that Noel and I took when we first left.

The horse greeted me when we saw each other. He rubbed his head against mine.

"Hey buddy. I'm glad you made it safely back home." The horse neighs in response to me. I had no idea what it is saying but I like to imagine that he welcomed me back too.

I saw the horse scanning the people in front of him. It looked as if he was looking at the details of everyone's face.

"Sorry. Noel isn't here right now. I hope you can see her soon." The horse once again neighs at me. I return to our little group. May and Jennie were saying there goodbyes to everyone.

"I leave your Uncle in your care Kat. Please make sure he's okay." May was talking with Kat. Kat was listening carefully to her. She showed a determined face. "Hm! No worries Auntie! I will make sure Uncle stays safe." They hug it out one more time.

May went to talk with Princess Eva and Zen too. Jennie talked with Kat this time. "Make sure you keep Uncle in check. Don't let him burn the Forest down okay?"

"Hm! I will make sure! Uncle would be lost without me!" Jennie laughed and gave her a hug as well. Eventually the two of them had to say bye to Lucy.

"May… Jennie…" Lucy has always been a person of few words. She had many things to say even though she has a hard time speaking her mind.

"No need to say goodbye Lucy. We will meet again. You hear that?" May was holding tightly onto Lucy. This will be the first time these two sisters will be apart for an unknown amount of time. "Make sure to visit me when you get the chance okay? I'm also expecting good news once you return." I saw her glance at me as she said that. I will try my best May!

"I'm going to miss you partner. We spent so much time together as adventurers but now we are going on our own adventure." Jennie also hugged Lucy tightly. These two spent their entire adventurer's careers together. Now they will also finally go their own ways.

May came over while those two finished up. "Please take care of yourself okay. Don't overwork yourself. You still have Kat and my sister Lucy to care for. I won't forgive you if you make them sad." She gave me a long and stern lecture. I just nod and go along with everything.

"I will remember that. Please take care of yourself too. When we return, I'm hoping to see a kingdom worthy of being called the home of the Hero."

"I promise this kingdom will live up to it!" With May and Jennie, the Nova Kingdom will finally be a safe place for everyone.

It was Jennie's turn now. She came in for a hug and held on tightly. She whispered some rather scary things in my ear. "I'm going to kick your ass when you get back. I need my revenge for our last fight! Once you get back, the guild master work shouldn't keep me so busy." Scary. The only muscle head I know and it's the pretty Jennie from childhood.

"Don't be so sure. I'm still stronger." I felt her pinch me out of annoyance. Hahaha! Childish.

"That's hurts haha." I wanted to ask her something. "How's Freeman?"

Jennie once again whispers to me, "He is okay now. I will keep visiting him every week. I'll also help him so he can get the courage to talk to May again once he leaves."

"Hm. That's good. They seem to have a thing for each other back in the day right? You better make sure that they are married before I come back." Jennie and I share a good laugh. She steps back as I go over to Kat and Lucy

"Come on you two. It's time to leave." I turn to Zen and Princess Eva as well. "Let's go you." They follow behind and get in the carriage. I sit up front with Kat and Lucy.

I wave goodbye to May and Jennie one last time as we set off.


Arc 1 has finally concluded. This arc was a test run for me. I think I know what I need to do to make this story more interesting and I know what aspects of my writing I want to improve on now. The character sheet will be released once I finish it. I will be moving onwards with the story.

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