
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

The Takeover Pt. 1

*double chapter today*

Prince Saul POV

"You created that?"

I can't believe it. Who is this man? If he's able to create something like this then he must be super powerful. Summoning beings from another world. That's something only a god could do.

"Yes, I made it. Now should we talk about what I want from this favor or do you want to ask me more questions?"

The man may have phrased it as a question but from his tone it was obvious what I should say.

"Please, what are the details of this favor."

All I can do now is follow him. If he can create a spell that takes things from other worlds then he can create anything.

The tall man proceeds on.

"Give me 50% of your people. Sell them to me. If you won't then I will help you take over the kingdom. I will make sure all the nobles take your side. With their strength, nothing can stop the king from refusing. In return… you promise me 50% of your people."


"I can't do that. I wanted to become king to protect the people. If I do as you say then I will be turning my back on who I am!"

"Who you are? Don't kid with me now! AHAHA! You KILLED your own kind to get stronger! You sacrificed their lives so that you could grow. What's wrong with giving up just bit more? Just a few more sacrifices, then you are a king! Isn't that great? Isn't that what you always wanted?"

'He's not wrong… but those were necessary! I need power to show the nobles that I can lead them all to glory. Sacrificing criminals can't be compared to the citizens! I have to stand by this!'

"What's wrong prince? This is hardly a favor from us anyways! We just want able bodies. Besides, I know the people who work in the palace look down on you. Don't you think the citizens do as well? They see Sunny as the true king already. Praising him in the streets, singing about his future riches and glory."

'They did do that… I trained hard to protect those people but they just looked the other way when something else came along. Everywhere I go in the Beast Kingdom, they talk about the crown prince. "He's perfect! He's smart! He's strong! He will lead us to a better future!" … RIDICULOUS! I WORKED HARD FOR YOU PEASANTS! YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!'

The tall man just waits quietly, allowing for Saul to take in everything he said. After sometime, he asks Saul once again.

"Now, my dear prince. Give me an answer. Will you take your rightful position as the true king with our help and in exchange, we buy 50% of your citizens from you?"

I look up at the man.

"You got yourself a deal. Help me take my rightful place."

With the tone set for the meeting, they continued into the night. How the takeover was going to happened was only known to them.


King POV

Saul has been distancing himself from everyone ever since Sunny began his training. I don't understand why. He was such a hard worker, constantly socializing with everyone. Building relationships, he would need in the future. Now he only keeps to himself and works in that prison…

Enough about him. I need to focus on Sunny.

"Dad! How was that?"

I've began overseeing Sunny's physical training since I realized how much he was like me. He was quick and agile like me. He understood his body and knew how to use it in a fight. It all came naturally to him. Under me he can gain some leadership skills as well. Sunny isn't too bright when it came to understanding noble relations and how to use them to your advantage. I really hope Saul can be his right hand and help him navigate this.

"That was great son. Why don't you go rest for the night? You have to do your book studies tomorrow."

"Alright dad."

Sunny looked sad but he knew he needed to study this the most to become an effective leader.

While Sunny heads to his room, I prepared to call it a night.

After reaching my room and cleaning myself up, my wife comes in.

"Ivory, how's Saul? Does he still plan to ignore me?"

"How many times have we been over this Leonard? I doubt he will forgive you. If you can't even figure out why he feels this way then you don't deserve to be called his father!"

Ivory and I have been arguing more. Ivory usual gets mad at me whenever I bring up Saul. Is it wrong to want to know what is wrong with my son?

"Why won't you tell me? It can't be worth all this arguing we are doing because of him. I'm sure that if you tell me then I can finally talk it through with Saul."

"Because of him?! I'm not blaming anything on Saul here, Leo. I'm not mad at him for ignoring you. I would ignore you as well if I was him. YOU'RE the PROBLEM Leo. You aren't the same considerate person I fell in love with."

Ivory then turns around.

"I guess I won't be sleeping here tonight again."

She leaves without looking back at me. It hurts me every time we do this.

'What did I do to Saul to make him hate me so much?'

Before I could think about it, a guard banged on my door.

"My King! We have a problem! The First Prince is missing!"


I opened the door and give out my orders to him.

"Have the army split into groups and begin searching the city. If he isn't found in the city then I want the entire kingdom searched. Make sure each group has at least one beastkin to help!"

The guard salutes and leaves.

What is this son of mine doing. He's running off into the night like a child.


Saul was later found at the gates of the palace. When he came, I rushed to see him.

"Saul! Where were you? You know that you can't leave the palace without your guards!"

"I just went for a walk. It's a beautiful night tonight."

A walk? I doubt that.

"Come on son, I-."

"My King, please do not worry. I will only leave with my guards from now on."

Saul quickly left.

'My King huh.'


After the incident with Saul, he continued to escape his guards. So, I had my personal guards begin to tail him alongside his regular guards. Their job is to protect him when he gives his guards the slip.

Within a month, one of my guards appeared before me, on the brink of death.

"My King, please listen to me! I don't have much time left!"

He proceeded to tell me about how he found Saul with a group of unknown people. They claimed to be from the Eastern Continent, a place that hasn't contacted anyone in a year. Not only that, they were strong people, but the strongest was a tall man. He alone killed the entire group. The guard before me was just lucky enough to escape to tell me.

I couldn't save the man that brought me the information but I promised I will use this information wisely.

I meet with my trusted general, Killian. He was in charge of the program that created the super soldiers for my secret guards but now he will be in charge of a different project.

Once he received all his orders, he leaves to prepare the facilities.

I can only pray now that everything goes well and we stop these strange people before they plan anything.


"My King! You must do something! The First Prince is out of control!"

It's been a few years since we discovered Saul's backing.

After they were discovered, I had the guards patrol increase. But I guess I was asking for too much.

The ones in charge after Killian left couldn't handle it and had the prison sent more guards to help them.

The prison allowed for their guards to help as long as the royale army and guards didn't intervene with how they run things. They agreed.

At first everything was fine but then the prison guards began arresting the citizens. They said that the citizens were under suspicion of spy work. It was beastkin at first. But eventually humans began getting arrested under the suspicion of being a spy too. After some investigating, Saul was behind all of it.

I don't know when but he bought the warden and now he had complete control over the prison. It was under his orders to arrest the citizens. We still haven't found the reason for this.

The one currently asking for my help was General Abe. He was General Killian's best friend.

"Abe, I don't know what to say to you. I can't intervene because of the agreement."

"But my King! I fear that the prince will do something to my family! He began accusing me of treason and even said I had plotted to kill him. You know where I've been the last few years! You must-."

Saul barged in with a group of guards.

"Arrest General Abe! Proof of a planned assassination on me has been found. You will be executed for this!"

Abe's eyes dimmed. No matter what now, I can't save him if there was "proof".

As Abe was taken away Saul bows to me and leaves.

'That boy didn't even look at me once.'

A few days later, I received news that Abe was executed already. I call for one of my guards and send the news to Killian.

As I get ready for the day, I receive news that I wasn't expecting.

"My King! Prince Saul wishes to speak to you."


"Please let him know that I will meeting him in the dining hall. We can talk over breakfast."

For the first time ever, my son Saul wants a meeting with me.


As I enter the dining hall, Saul was already seated. As soon as I enter, he stands up and greets me.

"Good morning, Father! It's good to see that you are well."

"Morning Saul, please sit."

After we both sit down, the maids bring in breakfast and we begin to eat and chat.

"What did you want to talk about Saul? It's been a long time since it was just you and I talking like this."

"Nothing much honestly. I wanted to make sure my old man is okay. You are getting older now."

"Getting older now, am I? I'm still young you know. I could beat you without even trying you know."

"Is that so? Hhahaha! Excuse me then…"

The silence takes over between us and it only grows louder.

"Tell me son. What are you doing with the citizens? You need to think of your image Saul. You will become Sunny's advisor you know. You can't be trusted if you treat the citizens like that. Return them all home, okay?"

Saul just sits there. Looking down at his meal. He sniffles and then looks up at me.

"Don't worry about them father. I sold them all as slaves."

"What did you say?... Why would you do that!?! We are supposed to protect them! What do you think you're doing?!"

I couldn't help but be angry. In the moment I unleashed and focused all my Death's Aura onto my son.

He only smiles at me, unbothered by the pressure.

"Those peasants need to learn their place father. They were meant as stepping stones for me! YES! With their sacrifice I can finally take what was rightfully mine! My rightful place as the ruler! What's wrong with using others? As long as I end up on top then nothing matters! So, what if we were supposed to protect them? They have never thanked me! All they can do is sing praise of the crown prince! The amazing crown prince who will take over as king! Oh, how great he is for helping the regular person! Oh, how great he is for thinking of the common people! Oh, how great he is and how under the GREAT KING he will surpass his father and useless older brother and become the GREATEST the kingdom has ever seen! Let me tell you father! What use do I have for people who don't even look at me!!"

Saul ends his rant with a shout. His crazed eyes, drool dripping from his mouth as he went on a tangent. I felt as if I was looking at a beastkin who returned to being just beast.

I slowly approach Saul and ask him.

"Son, please think things through. Think of the families you will destroy. Think about the consequences."

I didn't want this for my Saul. He was hardworking and cared for others. This isn't who he is.

Before I could continue, I feel my chest burn and then I fall over. Coughing up blood.

'What happened?'

I look up at Saul.

"The families that I will destroy? Why would I care? I'm destroying my own family already. I've already sold your little princess off this morning you know. She heard my plans and I couldn't afford for her to tell anyone. I wonder how she's doing now?"

I couldn't believe it, my little girl.

I try to call out but no one answers.

"Save your breath old man. I have my own people in the palace already. It was easy turning them over to my side. Are you sure that you were a great king? You were betrayed so quickly! How do you think I could poison you like this? AHAHAHA!"

I try to let out a word, the poison seems to be destroying my body from the inside out. Coughing even more blood, I let out a few words.

"… why Saul… why would you do this… we all loved you… how could you…"

Saul's face twist in anger. He kneels down to me and whispers to me.

"Do you not remember father? My dream? The only reason I worked so hard? The only thing that kept me going?"

I slowly begin losing consciousness.

"Look at me dammit! You're the reason I'm doing all this! I only wanted to be the perfect king! I studied day and night! Fought till my bones were broken just so that you would acknowledge me as a worthy candidate to be king! You even told me to work hard for it!!! BUT WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU GAVE IT TO SUNNY!"

He continues grabbing onto me. Tears in his eyes as he cries out his true feelings.

"You told me to dream! You told me to be the best! I did this all for you! But then you took that dream from me! You made Sunny the crown prince. You never once asked what he or I wanted at all! Now you think I will settle for anything less than King?! WITH ALL THE WORK I DID, I DESERVE THE CROWN! NOT SUNNY!"

Saul begins tearing into me but that doesn't matter. I try to give Saul a hug.

'Crap, my throat isn't working… Saul, I wish I could tell you how sorry I am. I gave you hope but then I took it away from you… I didn't know how much being king meant to you… Ah… now that I think about it… you changed after I announced Sunny as the crown prince… You were so caring… always smiling and looked towards the future… I betrayed you… I crushed your dream… I should have talked to both you and Sunny before… I'm so sorry… Ivory was right… I don't deserve to call myself your father…'

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