
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

The Story of the Prince Pt. 2

* I once again apologize for any grammar or spell mistakes. *

Prince Saul POV

When I returned to the capital, I pretended like I was attacked by a giant beast. Telling the royale guards how the other four stayed behind to protect me. Even if they go look for the bodies, the beast of the forest should have eaten them by now.

I went to my room and cleaned myself up.

'How can I keep raising my Death's Aura without anyone finding out what I am doing.'

After some thought, I could ask mother to allow me to work as a guard in the prison. That would be the easiest way to raise my Death's Aura without being caught. I prepare what I want to say. I then call for the maid to let my mother know that I wanted to speak with her.

The next day I met with her.

"Saul! I'm glad to see that your safe!"

My mother ran over to hug me. I guess the guards must have told her about my story.

"I'm fine mother. But I think I won't be leaving to train in the forest anymore."

A look of hope appeared in her eyes. Maybe she was hoping I would take this chance to go to the academy and build relationships there. She's brought it up before.

I don't need to build any relationships. Relationships are meant to be used as stepping stones in life. However, with power, I can use everyone as a stepping stone.

"I was actually thinking about working in the prison as a guard. If I can't be king, I want to at least be able to protect this kingdom some other way."

My mother seemed to think about what I said. Who knew what she was thinking.

"Okay, I'll allow it. But you have to work with another guard at all times alright? Besides the fact that you're the prince or that you're underage. You are still my son. You must keep yourself safe first, okay?"

I see, that's what she was thinking about.

"Alright. Thanks mother. I promise you that I will find a guard to be with me the entire time there."

"Of course, now sit down. Tell me everything that you've been doing."

With that, I sit down and talk with her for some time.


It has been about a week since I've asked to work in the prison. Today I will be meeting the guard that will be with me while I'm on the inside.

I woke up as usual and prepared for the day. I head out by carriage to the prison in the capital city. It had no name, no reason to when it's the only one.

When I got off, there was already someone there to greet me.

"Good morning, Prince Saul! My name is Ryan! I will be your partner and guard while you work here."

(Just a random thing that adds nothing to the story. Ryan and the general that attacked the facility and was killed by Atlas is the same person.)

I'm greeted by a human guard. He seemed rather enthusiastic to work with me. Most humans in the kingdom are descendants of the original humans who came here seeking shelter from the war occurring between human kingdoms years ago. They were welcomed and treated fairly but most humans were still terrified of the beastkin, who were much stronger than themselves.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ryan. Let's get along from now on."

I walk in and take in the building. This is where my new training will take place. I must find a way to lose Ryan for a few minutes a day. Maybe then I can raise my Death's Aura.

The day was filled with what you would expect. Ryan showed me around the prison. The prisoners were all here for horrible crime. Some for murder, rape, kidnapping and even fraud.

'So? If I use some of these people to raise my Death's Aura then no one will care right?'

I look at Ryan. Today is only the first day but maybe I can try it?

"Ryan, could I ask you a question?"

"Of course, sir, what would you like to ask?"

"Who is the worst prisoner here?"

The man looks at me. Probably wondering why, I would ask such a question.

"In my opinion, that would be the inmates in cell R-18. They are a two beastkin who killed and ate a man because he wouldn't hand his wife over to them.

'Damn, that's messed up… So, it'll probably be okay if they both died then, right? I won't be doing anything wrong right?'

"Oh man, that's disgusting. Let's move on then. Why don't you show me the rest of the place."

I walk ahead of the man but I could see a hint of confusion on his face. I did just ask him a question without elaborating further but he can't just question me.

The rest of the day goes as normal. Once the day comes to an end, I talk to the warden to allow me to stay in the prison for just a bit longer.

Once he leaves me alone, I head to Cell R-18. There I was greeted by two beastkin. One being a wolfkin and the other being a snakekin.

The wolfkin speaks when he sees me.

"Oh, are you the new guard, right? What are you doing here all alone?"

I don't say anything and unlock their cell. Both of them just look at me with confusion. I walk in and face the two. The snakekin speaks now.

"Whatssss happening here? You aren't sssseeking death, are you?"

I grab the snake and slam him into the cell bars. I kept slamming him until he didn't move anymore.

I checked my Death's Aura.

It had gone up from 14% to 15%.

"Heehehee, HAHHAHA! I'll do it! I can do it!"

The wolfkin was terrified now. He may have killed but he knew when someone was stronger or crazier than him. He knew when to bow down. That was his beastkin instincts kicking in.

"Siirrr… may I ask why you attacked him? It will be hard to explain this tomorrow."

I look at the wolfkin. Is he stupid? That's why I left him alive.

"He threatened me of course. I just took him out before he could do anything to me."

The wolf now wondered who this person was. It doesn't matter how much they insulted guards. The guards weren't supposed to do this.

"But sir, my cellmate is dead now. They will think I did."

"PRECISELY!! You got it. You will tell them that you killed him."

The wolf was taken aback. He had to take the blame? But killing a cellmate would mean a life sentence! The wolf was now pissed. If he was going to be imprisoned for doing something he didn't, he might as well take out the guard that did it to him.

Running on only fear and adrenaline. The wolfkin looked up at the guard and extended his claws out, ready to slash his throat.

"Oi, you shouldn't do that."

The wolf froze.

"I gave you the chance to live and look how you messed it up. It doesn't matter I guess, even if the warden knew it was me, he wouldn't say anything. Everyone will learn to fear the first prince you know."

The wolf now understood why the guard had killed his cellmate. He was the first prince! He should have known by now! There aren't many lionkin around anymore. Begging for his life was all he could do now.

"PRINCE! I'm sorry for offending you! I didn't know that the mighty first prince was here. Please I will take the blame for my cellmates' death!"

The wolf waited for an answer but he never got one, looking back up, I'm sure he could only see my crazed eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I've decided already. You blew the one opportunity I gave you. No matter how much you beg, your end is already here."

I move close to the wolfkin and end his life. He died with fear and regret in his eyes.

I once again check my Death's Aura. It was now at 17%.

'AHAHAHAHA. I see how this works now. I see what I need to do to raise it even faster.'

I lock up the cell and clean myself off. I head towards the exit where my carriage was waiting for me.


"Prince Saul! Have you heard! The two you asked about yesterday was found dead this morning! The warden can't seem to figure out what happened."

I see, so the warden is smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

"That's awful! I wonder what happened."

Ryan looks at me weirdly.

"Prince. I don't want to say anything weird but…"

Don't do it Ryan, be smart.

"Could I join you next time?"


I look back at Ryan. I see nothing but a normal man but when he said that I felt disgust.

"What do you mean Ryan?"

"Oh please, don't play dumb with me prince. You asked about those two, you stayed after with the permission of the warden and now those two are dead. It doesn't take much to figure out what happened here."

I see, so he's just a sick man.

"What do you want."

"Don't be so cautious prince! I just want to join you whenever you do this again… You… see… I have a thing… for stuff like this. I want to know what it feels like to do that as well."

Oh man, this guy is crazy.

He will be perfect when I take over.

I give him a simple smile.

"I see. I plan to do it again in a few days. Would you like to join me then?"

The man looks like he just finished in his pants. I take a step back.

"Now let's getting ready for the day."


It's been five years since I've worked in the prison. I've reached 40 % Death's Aura about a year ago. Apparently, I can't go above this. There are requirements that I have to meet to reach 50 % Death's Aura, it's just that I don't know what it is. I went from raising it every other day to only once a month. Anymore than that then the King may start questioning how these prisoners keep dying.

So, with that I had to stop my activities here. Any more suspicious deaths would cause the King to look into himself.

Ryan was not happy when I told him that I had to stop. I told him that things will change and that I'll make sure that he's by my side when it happens. It took a lot but I was finally able to convince him.

After my shift, I went back to the palace.

"Greetings Prince Saul."

"Great job today guys."

Everyone in the palace greets me the same. I know though. Behind my back, they all talk about how great Sunny is and how I've failed to be like the King. How Sunny is being praised as a worthy leader while I'm a failure who works the same job that a commoner would do.

Just you wait. You all wait.

After I reached my room, I cleaned myself up and prepared for bed. But before that I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

'My dear prince, it's been five long years. Isn't it about time you repay that favor? Meet me just outside the capital city. I'll be waiting for you near the eastern entrance. Don't keep me waiting.'

When I heard the voice, I had recognized it instantly. The voice belonged to the tall man. Demanding I repay that favor now huh. I guess as a prince, I should uphold my end of the deal.

There are always guards watching me when I'm in the palace. Looks like I'll need to jump from the window.

Dressing my self up for the cold night, I climb out my window and slowly scale down the palace walls. After a painstaking hour, I finally made it down the palace walls. Off to the east entrance!


After reaching the entrance, I walked along the trail until I heard someone call out to me.

"My prince. You're finally here. Come come, there are people here that I would like you to meet."

I follow behind him and we head off into the forest.

We reach a clearing and standing there were 4 other hooded figures.

"Who are these people?"

I unleashed all my Death's Aura. I could see the 4 figures hesitate, but the tall man stops all of us.

"You're strong now aren't you. Looks like you took my advice well. Looks like you are willing to repay the favor now huh."

He's unaffected by my Death's Aura, even though his is the same as mine. He shows zero signs of struggling. Even I'm struggling under his Aura.

I retract my Aura and face the 4 again.

"I am. Am I to assume that these 4 have something to do with this favor?"

"You are correct my prince. These 4 will be staying on this continent to order my troops in the future. The favor I am calling in involves these 4,

I want you to take over the Beast Kingdom so that it will be easier for us to move. Just give us a few days, we will begin the process after that."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I can finally take the throne? The throne that was meant for me? It's finally time for me to take what was rightfully mine?

"Ah! I forgot! Let me introduce you to these 4 here. They are just 4 of the many heroes that the Eastern Continent has summoned to this world!"

Heroes?? Eastern Continent??? The continent that just recently cut all communications with the Western Continent?? That means this tall man is from the East as well!

"I don't understand. Summoned? I heard that one of the human empires here in the Western Continent summoned three heroes. But the East did it as well? How? I'm sure they wouldn't share it with you guys."

Even though I couldn't see the tall man's face, I could tell he was looking at me.

"Please don't compare us to those apes. We summoned many heroes, not just these four. And to say that we did it AS WELL is an incorrect statement. We did it FIRST. We summoned FIRST. I just allowed for that empire to do it so that we could study it and perfect it."

I listen to the rant of the tall man. Then I think of something.

"Where did you get such a spell to do this? How could the Western empires also get their hands on it?"

There was silence in the air.

"It's because I gave them the spell. I created the spell and needed someone to test it."

I'm excited to write about the fight between Saul and Atlas but there is still one more chapter from Saul's pov. It's the events of Abe, Second Prince and Killian's execution along with other things the king talked about.

Thanks for reading this chapter of The True Dreamer! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment down what you liked and disliked about the chapter. If you really like the book feel free to rate it and leave a review so others will know what you think. You can also add it to your library so that you will never miss an update.

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