
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

The Salvis Officially Starts

The morning sun came shining through my window. I was woken up to a tray being slid into my cell.

"Eat up!! This will be your last meal ever!"

Two elf guards were passing through, handing out meals to everyone. I could hear a few crying. It looks like most of them aren't ready to face their death yet.

Valerie in the cell next to me was eating. She seemed unbothered by what the elf said. I also eat what they gave us. It was just a big bowl of porridge and day old bread.

Once we finished, many guards came in. Taking us out in groups. Valerie and I were a part of the last group to leave. In total, we were split into ten groups. Our group had mostly elves with a few humans and beastkin.

"Where are you taking us?!" One of the elves called out to the guards. The collar tightened around the elf that asked the question. "Ahhh!"

"That's for asking a stupid question. You all know how this works, many of you were alive for the previous Salvis. The ten of you will be put into one of the homes. Once the bell rings the monsters and the young, promising elves will face each other. Both of them will try to kill you. Your job. Die while fighting." The guard gave us an evil smile. The grin of a monster. Someone who looked down on all of us.




Third Person POV

The entire kingdom was celebrating. The Salvis Event was happening today! An event that only happens once every hundred years!

Merchants from all around the continent came here to attempt to make a fortune. Citizens from all kingdoms made their way to this event. For elves this event occurs 10-20 times in their lifetime, but for humans only some are lucky enough to live and see the event once!

It wasn't just the citizens, all the kingdom leaders were also currently present in the elf kingdom.

Queen Ivory of the Beast Kingdom, King Dan of the Nova Kingdom, King Charred of the Draco Kingdom, Emperor Solomon of the Issey Empire and Empress Momo of the Trisk Empire were all present in the Elf Kingdom.

They were all currently in the stadium, sitting in the private booths that Queen Roxy of the Elf Kingdom had made for them.




"I thank you once again Roxy for inviting us to this once in a life time event." Dan greeted Roxy as he sat down. He had four guards near him that he trusted. After he received the warning from Ivory, he made sure to bring the four guards that Atlas fought when he attacked his father. Atlas wasn't normal so he knew he was safe as long as it wasn't Atlas attacking him.

"Hm. Glad you are here." Roxy showed no interest as usual. This wasn't always the case. After Jonathan died, a part of Roxy died as well. She has been this way since his passing.

(Reminder that it was revealed to the readers that Jonathan was married to Roxy and Deios was his son during the Elf Prince chapter.)

Ivory, who was also surrounded by four guards, called out to Dan. "Come on Dan, don't bother Roxy. She has been busy putting everything together." Dan quickly took his seat. "You're making it sound like I'm annoying her." The two were both seated to the right of Roxy.

Ivory ignores the sad Dan. She looks into the seats and sees her daughter, Princess Eva. Eva was accompanied by Zen and three more of Ivory's personal guards. Lucy and Katherine were also with them. Ivory made sure that they both had a personal guard as well. She wasn't going to risk more of Atlas' loved ones. She wanted to show him that she wasn't a useless ally.

King Charred was sitting closed to Roxy on her right. He had two guards with him. He was informed of the Elf Prince's plans but didn't want to stick out so he had them with him. He also knew of the Elf Sage's promise but figured that it wouldn't matter since the prince would be proclaimed as the Sage after the event was done. Liza and his wife was sitting behind him.

To Roxy's left, the Emperor of the Issey Empire and the Empress of the Trisk Empire were already seated.

Emperor Solomon was a grumpy old man way pass his prime. He has been the emperor for years now and he had plans to give the throne to his daughter. He was about 5 foot 7, he had white hair and a white goatee. He was accompanied by two of his trusted guards.

Not much was known about Empress Momo or her empire even. The only things known is that they have many powerful warriors and that they were willing to do trade with other kingdoms. She looked like an adult woman. She was covered from head to toe in white clothing, even her face was covered. She had two guards that were also covered from head to toe in white clothing, their faces were also covered.

In the back stood Loki. He was the Queen's advisor so he was always close by. Loki seems to whisper a few words to a servant close by. The servant bows and leaves. He also says a few words to the extra guards. They all nod and hold tightly onto their spears, as if they were preparing for battle.




In the front of the stadium, there were hundreds of elves that were participating in the event. Many joined to gain honor and recognition. Others joined it for the prize. Either way, everyone here had their own ambitions. The Elf Prince included.

"Prince Deios! We will be working with you today!"

There was three guards assigned to protect Deios during the Salvis. Deios ignores them and prepares himself mentally.

If Atlas saw the elves, he would realize that one of them was the same one that caught him that night before he was sold off again as a slave. The other two were also his lackeys that was there that night.

'I will raise up to the top during the Salvis. Liza will finally fall in love with me and I can save the elves by killing all the humans.'

Prince Deios continues to live in his head, imagining the success that hasn't happened yet.




By 10 a.m. the stadium was completely filled. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation. Many were here to witness a remarkable battle between elves and monsters. Monsters that many of these regular civilians would never be able to face. But there were other problems.

"Don't fucken touch me human!"

"You ran into me!"

"Can you both quiet down?!"

With so many different races mixed together, a number of fightings were breaking out. But this didn't last long as the Salvis Event started.

The bell that symbolizes the start of the event rang throughout the stadium. The monsters roars could be heard as the crowd silenced themselves.

The Salvis Event has officially begun!

Did you know: Theo and Jonathan are also watching the event. They are watching it with Rowan from the World Tree.

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