
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Atlas vs Prisoners

*thanks to a comment from the previous chapters, I realize that I don't always describe how some characters look. I will make sure to do so from here on out. The character sheet for arc 1 will be out later tonight or tomorrow.


Third Person POV

As Atlas and the others were being brought to their assigned building. One of the elves kept complaining.

"This isn't right! Why do I have to be locked with this human?!" He was pointing at Atlas since he was the closest human. He even spits at Atlas. Atlas keeps his cool.

"If you don't shut the hell up, I will beat you so bad that the monsters will have an easy time getting you!" The guard was shouting at the elf. The other elves began complaining. None of them wanted to be locked next to a human or beastkin.

"That's it!" The guard gestures for the others to bring them into the closes home. He brought out giant chain cuffs. He used his mana to keep them from moving and locked them up. All ten of them were now locked together.

"What is-." The guard smacks the elf. Beating him until he didn't move anymore.

"You will all die. You should of just kept quiet, at least you would have survived longer." The guard then attaches the chain to the walls of house. They were currently sitting in the living room.

After the elf guards were done, they left. All of them were chained together. The guards left without deactivating the collars so no one was able to use magic.

The elves were all placed in between a human or beastkin. The guards did it out of spite because of their complaints. Valerie was on Atlas' right but the elf that started arguing with the guards was to his left.

"Ah! Fucken shit! Those assholes! I will make sure father learns of this!" While the group sat there, not sure what to do, a bell rings throughout the stadium. A monster roar echoed. The crowds cried out in excitement. The Salvis officially started.

The entire room goes quiet. This is the perfect time to start working.

'Uri, please go around the stadium and set up insignias.'

'Already on it!'

'Ceto, remain next to Valerie and protect her.'

'Yes sir!!'

Atlas used his mana manipulation to break through his chains. He also broke Valerie's chains off since she seemed to be struggling.

She seemed surprised that Atlas broke through so easily. The others were also surprised. None of them could break through. The chains didn't stop mana from flowing, only the affinity from surfaces. This allowed for Atlas to easily break through. The two were about to leave when one of the elves called out to them.

"Get us out too! How dare you only take the half elf instead?!" Atlas felt someone kick his shins. It didn't hurt but it left a quick stinging sensation.

Atlas goes ahead and break all the chains. The elf that kicked him smirked. He got up and pat Atlas on the shoulder.

"Good, you know your place. I will take the lead from here. Without me you wouldn't survive." Besides Atlas and Valerie, there were five elves, two humans and one beastkin in the room. The five elves stuck together. The two humans and the one beastkin came over to Atlas' side.

One of the humans came up to Atlas. It was a man. "Thank you so much dude. Without you we probably would of died! You think you can get this off too?" He was tugging at his collar. "My wife finds it unbearable and has been complaining about it. I would appreciate it if you helped me out."

The man was almost on his knees. He was a husband doing all he could to help his wife. Totally not because he was tired of hearing her complain to him.

Before Atlas did anything, the collars suddenly fell off of everyone, it seems like they will be able to use magic now.

"Alright humans! Get your asses over here!" The elf that kicked Atlas tried smacking the man talking to Atlas. Atlas moved forward and stopped him from doing so.

"No reason to keep hitting people." Atlas was getting sick of this elf. He has been the only one openly hostile to everyone else. The elf spit on Atlas face once again. "Get your hands off of me." Atlas has had enough.


This was a spell that Genesis taught to Atlas. It was a spell that broke down the life force of a living being. Genesis said this about the spell.

'No matter how long something lives, it will have to die. This spell speeds up that process.'

When Atlas touched the elf's arm, the arm began to disintegrate into ashes. It was the fingers first, then the hand and within a minute, the entire arm was gone.

Everyone stared in horror. The elf looked on helplessly as he couldn't stop it. Valerie was the one that was the most shocked since she thought Atlas wasn't the violent type.

"Woah man, I didn't expect that." The human man, took his wife to his side away from Atlas. The beastkin also had Valerie behind him, feeling the need to protect her. The four elves behind also started circulating their mana into the air. Ready to strike Atlas down. The elf that had his arm disintegrated, was shouting. Something about his father again.

"I should of just taken in your life instead." Atlas placed his hand on top of the elf's head. The elf suddenly froze up. He knew what was going to happen.

"Wait Wait Wait!! I get it!! I was rude!!" Everyone else was trying to speak their mind, saying a few words in, trying to calm Atlas down.

"Hey! No need to kill him! We are all just tired!"

"All of us are in this together! Shouldn't we focus on surviving rather than killing one another?!"

The other elves tried to convince Atlas to not kill the elf. Atlas however, wasn't having any of it. He made sure to use a lot more mana this time.


The elf began screaming for help. His entire body began turning into black ashes. He grabbed onto Atlas, begging for forgiveness. Regretting everything he had done up til now.

Atlas just waved his hand, a strong wind passed by. Once the wind pass through, the elf man had completely turned to ashes and flew with the wind.

(Spoilers for Infinity War: Imagine that scene at the end where everyone just poofed, that's what happened here to the elf.)

The other elves began shaking. They all looked down on humans as well. Now that they witnessed a young human easily overpower a strong elf, they began to fear for their lives.

Whispers came from their side.

"What should we do?"

"He just killed him!!!"

"Can we get him if we attack together?"

One of the elves stayed out of the conversation. He was the youngest elf out of the group, at the young age of 102 years old. The other three elves looked at Atlas. They all charged forward at once. Atlas was ready.

He had Ceto appear in front of them. She waved her hand and the three were immediately incased in ice.

"A evolved spirit?! You're a Sage?!" The three elves were now shaking. Elves practically worshipped the Sage as their god. Now they just attacked their god.

"Please my Lord!!! Forgive us!!!" Atlas didn't care though, he like his hand up and shot out three mana spears.


The moment the spears touched them, it caused their bodies explode. The other elf and Valerie saw what Atlas did since they sensed the mana better but the other three didn't. To them, Atlas just lifted his hand and the three elves combusted right in front of them.

"Valerie, let's go. If the rest of you want to live longer then I suggest you come with us."

'Ceto, go invisible again. Keep protecting Valerie and watch out for any monsters that come our way.'

Ceto disappeared and Atlas left. Valerie was scared but she still had trust in him. If he could take on four elves that quickly, she knew she would be safe. She followed behind.

The other four followed. The husband and wife followed closely. They were happy to see a fellow human who was so strong. The beastkin followed those stronger so he had no problems following Atlas. The remaining elf also followed, he was like any other elf. He wanted to do whatever was possible to work with the Sage. It was an honor for them.




They weren't even that far from the house they were in before they came across something horrible.

About half a mile from the house they came from, the strong smell of blood filled the air, a little further ahead there were many dead bodies laying about. It was a mix of fallen dragons, beastkins, humans and elves. But that didn't matter to Atlas. There was a group of elves alive, about 1/3 of them were dressed in rags. Atlas figured they were the surviving prisoners.

"Look! There's more of the prisoners we were suppose to fight!" One of the elves shouted in excitement. Another elf pointed something out to him. "But we are suppose to fight the monsters as well! What if we fall behind in points chasing the prisoners?!"

The elf smacked the back of his head. "Don't be stupid! You know that behind closed doors we also get prizes based on how many prisoners we kill! Who cares if we don't kill the most monsters?"

Atlas was listening closely so he could gather more information. He has been locked up since coming to the Elf Kingdom. He wanted to learn anything he could.

Valerie came up behind Atlas to talk with him. "Atlas, I don't think we can fight them. They have actual armor and weapons. We are only wearing regular civilian clothes, plus our firepower isn't enough."

She observed the group in front of her. There were 20 individuals in front of them. 7 of them weren't wearing armor but they were beat down and bloody. It was safe to assume they were prisoners. That meant 13 of them were participants in the event. She thought that their 6 wouldn't be able to face the 13, even if Atlas was a Sage.

"Atlas we should-."

"No. I will take care of this, Ceto, stay hidden and protect them." Atlas already came forward. He has been circulating his mana around his body and around the area.

He ran towards the group without waiting. Atlas uses wind magic and shoots himself into the air. He aims at the slaves and shoots.

[Air Scythe]

The [Air Scythe] flies right into the middle of the group. Killing those prisoners instantly.

"What the hell was that?!" The elf that was with Atlas' group yelled out in both anger and confusion.

"They betrayed the prisoners they were with! All 7 had guilty faces. Probably because some of their elf companions were killed in the mix."

The elf wasn't satisfied with Atlas' answer but he quiet down. He knew that Atlas was his best chance of surviving the Salvis.

Atlas however lied. They definitely betrayed their fellow prisoners but he didn't figure it out by their guilty faces. Atlas could see all the spirits of the dead prisoners. Every single one of the souls were latched onto the prisoners. He just wanted to quickly give them peace and have them pass on.

"You're ruthless huh? Humans really are despicable. You kill so easily." One of the elves in the front called out to Atlas.

The elves despised humans for many reasons. One being that humans seemed to kill so easily. The Elf Sage taught to never kill. It was wrong and you would be punished for committing unnecessary kills.

Even if Atlas killed prisoners, they were still elves. It left a bad taste in their mouths.

"I guess you're right. But you have to when that is the only way to protect those around you. If you have someone you love, be prepared to protect them by killing me."

As much as Atlas wanted to win the elves over and keep his promise, he wasn't naive. He expected pushback and even threats on his life. He will protect himself and fulfill his promise to Jonathan, Rowan and Theo.

The elves took Atlas' words as a threat. The remaining elves unleashed their [Death's Aura]. Every single one of them had 40%. Atlas remained unfazed. He has stared death in the eyes far to often now.

The elves charged! Battle cries and howls could be heard all around. Atlas braced himself, prepared to protect the group behind him.

However, this epic battle wouldn't happen. It was stopped by an elf that appeared on the battlefield.

The elf appeared between the group of elves and Atlas. He was standing at 6 foot 7. A very tall elf. He had jet black hair and a handsome face. He had no armor on but was wearing a white robe instead.

"Oh dear. I'm afraid that I can not let you touch my fellow brothers. Even if I didn't grow up here, I still consider myself a part of this kingdom!"

The tall elf addressed Atlas.

Will this man cause trouble for Atlas?

Next chapter will be a long fight. 1000-1500 words.

Did you know: this was event has 1,000 total participants. All of them are elves, with some of them coming from outside the Elf Kingdom to partake in the Salvis.

SamChang1creators' thoughts