
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Atlas vs DK

**make sure to read the "author's thought" for this chapter

Atlas stood his ground. He was not entirely sure what this person was going to do.

'Sir! Watch out! He's super strong! I can sense all four affinities from him!'

Atlas was surprised. Most of the elves only have two affinities. But this person had all four. Atlas then realizes something. He can usually see the spirits but the elf in front of him didn't have any.

"No spirit and you can use all four affinities? You're a strange elf." The elf also seemed surprised.

"A human that can see spirits? Most elves have to focus just to SENSE them, you only glanced at me."

There was a pause. All the elves heard what he said and began focusing on Atlas, that's when one of them gasped loudly.

"That human has a spirit!!"

Atlas had a feeling this would happen but that's why he had Ceto hide.

'Ceto! I thought you were hiding?'

'Sorry sir!!! I can't completely hide my presences yet. To others, I look like a regular spirit!'

'It can't be helped then.'

Atlas turned his attention back to the tall elf. "My name is Atlas, would you like to make a deal?" The elf did a small half bow with his right arm across his chest. "My name is DK of the Trisk Empire. What sort of deal?"

This was good, if he was willing to listen to Atlas then this will be easier. "Let's fight each other. If you win, you can capture me but the others can leave. If I win, you let us pass through and this entire group forfeits the Salvis."

The elves were not happy about that. Shouts of disagreements were heard from them. On Atlas' side, they all remained quiet. They didn't know what Atlas was planning to do but they had to put their trust in him.

"Hmmm. I see. So in the end, I would be the real winner. If I win, I get you. If I lose, I keep my life and only forfeit. You certainly are capable. It would be good to have someone like you by my side. You got yourself a deal!"

"Huh? There's no reason for you to do this?! Besides he's a human! You think he will keep his promise?!" One of the elves shouted at DK. DK wasn't having any of it. His [Aura] leaked out and the elf was held down by DK.

"This human just gave you a second chance at life. Just stay behind me and cling onto that pitiful life of yours." His authoritative tone caused all the elves to flinch and quiver. DK turned to Atlas. "Sorry about that. I'm ready when you are."

"I am." Atlas tried to get a gauge on how strong DK was. He was most likely as strong as Prince Saul but not the same threat as when Saul used his Eyes of Kavac.

The two men stood facing each other. Their [Auras] clashed with one another. Atlas built a wall for his group to hide behind. The elves built their own wall and hid as well. The surrounding homes were being blown down by the [Aura] of the two men.

The [Death's Aura] kept pushing against each other, neither of them wanted the other to win. This went on for a minute. Both Atlas and DK retracted their [Aura] both seemed done sizing each other up.

"You have a strong [Aura] there. You're barely an adult and yet you've been in many real battles."

"I could say the to you. You know what it takes to live. You know what the real world is like."

It may sound like these two are giving each other compliments but they were not. They were both acknowledging how many people they had to kill to get to this point.

The physical fight began.

Atlas started off on the defensive side of the fight. He wanted to see how DK fought. DK didn't care if Atlas knew his fighting style. He planned to end it as soon as possible.

Atlas defended but every punch and every kick left him in pain. DK's fighting style was a mix of heavy punches and even heavier kicks that fit with his explosive speed. (Mix of Taekwondo and Muay Thai)

Now that Atlas knew what to expect, he tried attacking. He began by creating distances between him and DK. Atlas coated a thick layer of mana around his shins and arms to deal with the heavy blows.

Atlas approached DK this time. Taking a boxer like stance, he throws a right. DK just catches his hands and kicks with his right foot, aiming for Atlas' left knee.

Atlas counters by pivoting his left foot so he can remained balanced, he then kicks DK's foot away with his right foot. This causes DK to falter. He dips down on one knee, leaving his face exposed. Since Atlas' right hand was still being held, he swings with his left. Connecting his hit right across DK's face.

The handsome face looked back up at Atlas in amusement. DK lets go of Atlas' hand and backs up. Atlas also backs up.

"You're quiet the agile fighter Atlas. Capable of reading your opponent's fighting style and using it against them." He rubs the side of his face that was punched. He looks at the elves behind him. "It's too bad you weren't born an elf. You have the same potential as the Elf Sage.

"That's high praise. I'm only doing what anyone else should do." Atlas thought it was amusing that DK compared him to Jonathan.

The two once again, as if on cue, began clashing with one another. This time they were even faster than before. So fast that the two groups watching couldn't keep up anymore.




Valerie POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Atlas was fighting with DK. Not only that, he was keeping up with him!

"Ms? Is that boy really a human?" I turned around to see the beastkin, a wolfkin, asking me about Atlas.

"Yeah. As far as I know, he is."

"Atlas… Atlas… AH ATLAS!"

The wolfkin, the two humans and I looked at the elf. He had just exclaimed out loudly.

"What? Do you know him?" The human woman asked the elf.

"Yeah! We got a letter from the Nova Kingdom. They called him Atlas, The Blue Reaper!"

But, he's the Sage?! There's no possible way that he could have such a sinister name!

"Yo!! That's so cool! How did he get that name?" The human man seemed kind of… dumb. How else would he get that name?

"We don't know the official count, but after some digging around, we found that he killed a little over 200 members of the mercenary guild. He also attacked and killed an unknown amount of royal guards as well."

What?! I look back at Atlas. When I first met him, he seemed like the calm quiet type that protected you. Now looking at his demeanor, it looks like someone who was willing to harm anyone… isn't he the reincarnation of the Sage? The Sage would never kill that many people.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me? Do you know who he is fighting?" When I came to, the elf was shaking me. I apologized and asked him to ask me again.

"That's DK of the Trisk Empire. He's an A rank adventurer that was adopted by the Empress…"

The group has gone silent. They all understood. The person Atlas was fighting wasn't your average guy. He was established and had connections. We could only pray that they both get out of this fight alive.




Third Person POV

The two guys stopped fighting once again. Atlas' clothes were tattered up. He also had blood spilling from his mouth, a cut that he received after failing to dodge DK's punches.

DK wasn't much better. His white robe was now dirty and bloody. Atlas had landed a knee to his ribs. When Atlas noticed the small red circle, he knew DK was injured already so he kept attacking the same spot.

"You damn bastard. You sure did a lot to me!" DK may have sounded angry but he was excited. He lived for these kind of fights.

"Same here. You honestly almost killed me a couple of times."

'Sir! Please end this quickly!! A group of monsters are heading this way and Uri isn't back yet! There's at least 50 that I can count!! Most being between B rank and A rank monsters!!'

'I hear you.'

Atlas immediately starts to build up his mana. DK noticed the change, it didn't bother him. He also wanted to test Atlas' limits.

Atlas wasn't going to hide anything. He was going to use anything he could to fight DK.

[Eternal Wasteland]

Atlas used Jonathan's spell that he saw. Since Jonathan used it when he took control of Atlas' body, he quickly grasped and understood how the spell worked.

The ice started spreading forward through his feet. It quickly consumed the ground and the homes around. The elves behind DK could be heard letting out different remarks.

"That's the Elf Sage's spell! No one ever uses it since the ice would always freeze the user!"

"How good is the human's mana control?!"

"Maybe DK was right. We might have lived a little longer thanks to him."

"TRULY SHAMEFUL! It's such a waste that you weren't born as an elf!" DK shouted out in excitement.

[Eternal Sun]

[Nature's Golem: Absorb]

DK created a giant fireball that resembled the sun. He controlled it and dragged it across the ice, melting the ice instantly and turning it into water. The huge ice created a giant wave of water rushing towards him. He countered by using a Nature spell.

The spell brought the surrounding trees to life, the trees got up from where it was and walked in front of DK. They planted themselves down. When the water from Atlas' ice passed by, they began absorbing the water. At first the water was only disappearing but then the trees started to grow. By the time the water was completely absorbed, the trees had grown double in size compared to what they were originally.

"That was amazing! But can you protect yourself?"

[Breath of Life: Leaf Dance]

The trees suddenly stood up from the ground. They seemed to be stretching towards the sky. Suddenly, the trees fell over, all the leaves gently started to float towards Atlas.

The leaves circled around Atlas. Then they began flying at Atlas. He had his mana armor on but it didn't stopped the leaves. It pierced his skin and stuck there like a dagger.

'Shit. There's no way to touch the leaves.' The leaves were protected by DK's mana. He did this to keep flames from burning all the leaves.

"Show me Atlas! Show me how you will escape this!"

Atlas was concentrating and didn't hear DK. When he moved the leaves moved with him, when he jumped they jumped. He now realized what he needed to do. Pausing for a moment, more and more leaves began stabbing into Atlas. Face, arms, legs, everything was pierced.

After a few seconds, everyone was flabbergasted. Atlas and DK had suddenly switched places. The leaves were now focused on DK and began attacking him. DK wasn't expecting this so he couldn't defend himself in time.

How did Atlas do this?

Atlas had already placed an insignia onto DK's clothing while they fought. He then ripped out two of the leaves that were stuck in him. He placed two more small insignias on them.

Using a very small mana spear. He stabbed one of the leaves into the center of the leaf storm, he then focused on DK. He teleported out and grabbed him. He then tossed the other leaf down and teleported back inside the circle. He finished by teleporting himself once more outside the circle, back to the leaf that he had tossed aside.

This was all done in less than 10 seconds. Atlas had pushed himself to the max to achieve this.

(This reminds me of how Minato from Naruto moved and fought)

Honestly didn't think that I would get this done tonight.

*** NEWS ***

I have completed the character sheets for arc 1. They contain info about the most important characters from the arc. So please give it a read! (Chapter 61)

The character sheets also introduce Nathan, a character I created after reading "I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace."

I hope you guys enjoy!

SamChang1creators' thoughts