
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

A Prophecy that Leads to The End

"What?" Liza, her mom and I were caught off guard by what he said.

"What did you mean by that honey?"

"Dad, did you do something?"

The king was silent. It looks like he just realized how loud his whisper was. He looks at us, he then sighs.

"I recommended that boy's grandfather's workplace so that you would stay away from him. You need to remember Liza you-."

"Are you telling me you did all that because you didn't want Liza near a human?!" This piece of shit! If I was all shackled up I would of done something to him. "Where's your fucken honor as a king!? They're dead! They-." That's when I felt a hit from behind.




Third Person POV

Atlas was knocked unconscious. He was causing a scene so the king signaled the guards to take him out.

"Lock him back up. Give him to the prince's people once we reach the elven kingdom." The king gave an order and the people followed. Once Atlas was locked back up, Liza and her mom began questioning the king.

"Explain to me! Why did you do this?!" Liza was pissed. She knew her dad didn't like humans but she thought he would never do something like this.

"You have no reason to know. Just know that they are better dead than alive bothering you."

Liza couldn't believe what she was hearing. She remembers every quests that her and Pollux went on. How he wanted to be as strong as Atlas and she remembered promising to protect his family while he was on quests.

Liza left the tent as she was sobbing uncontrollably. She didn't want to believe that she was the cause for the family's troubles. She didn't want to hear her dad say such inhumane things anymore.

The queen looks at the guards. "Have her personal maid follow her. Make sure nothing happens to her." She then addresses the other guard. "Make sure no one comes in here, if you even come in here I will kill you myself." The guards left quickly, afraid of the queen.

The queen then faces the king. She was also just as sad as Liza. On several different occasions, she has met Pollux. They had plans to meet the entire family soon but they soon left for the Beast Kingdom and disappeared.

"I thought you didn't believe in the prophecy? Why would you go that far?" Even though she was just as sad as her daughter. She knew she needed a clear mind to understand all of this.

"Do you remember the night we received that prophecy? It was just a few days before Liza was kidnapped."

"The young Princess will be taken when the moon is full. The Blue Reaper will save her. She will learn to love humans and will eventually marry the Blue Reaper." The queen repeats the prophecy given to them by the man that suddenly appeared and quickly disappeared after. "What's wrong? Do you think Atlas is the Blue Reaper? Didn't I tell you not to worry? Liza knows our traditions, she wouldn't go against them."

The king showed a bit of worry. He was willing to do anything to keep Liza away from any human. That's why he began his outward persona of someone who disliked humans. If the prophecy came true then the secret clause from the treaty will be fulfilled. He can't let that happen, that would bring the end of the world…

"I know but our team intercepted a letter from the Nova Kingdom. It said that Atlas had killed the king there and wanted to warn everyone to not get on his bad side."

The queen didn't understand what he was trying to say. That was nothing new. Humans kill each other all the time. Hell, the king that Atlas killed became king by killing his own father.

"What's the problem?"

"The problem is that Atlas was referred to as the Blue Reaper in that letter!" The queen felt her heart drop. Part of the prophecy was fulfilled already.

"What?… what will we do? Atlas is here! Why would you bring him along if you knew part of the prophecy was fulfilled?!"

The king calms his wife down. "He will die here. That way it will never be fulfilled. Liza will hate me but that's okay. As long as she lives, I will accept anything she throws at me."

The queen sadly nods. She knew how much her daughter liked Atlas but she can't allow for the him to come back. They couldn't allow for 'The End' to return.




Atlas POV

The next time I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I was locked in a cell. I looked around the room. There were a lot of other cells but I was the only person present. I could sense two people standing outside as guards. I guess I can only wait and see what will happen to me.

It has been a day. I haven't seen anyone, I haven't eaten or drank anything since that time. The guards haven't even moved. What the hell is going on?


I feel very weak. I haven't eaten since that night at the inn. I can't even drink water! These shackles are keeping me from using magic. I tried yelling again and finally, I hear the door opening.

"Give me some water at least!" I was suddenly hit with a powerful water stream. It hit me and pushed me back to the very end of the cell. I hear the door open but my eyes and mind were to dizzy to make out who it is.

"Pick up the nasty human. The Prince wants to hand down his sentence to him."

"You do it! I don't want to touch him!"

I hear two people arguing. After a moment, I feel my body lift into the air. The air was restricting my movement at the same time. I tried to focus on who it was and that's when I see it. Handsome face, pointy ears, long blonde hair tied up. Both had bows with them and even crazier, I could see four spirits close by, following the two around.

Elves! It looks like that bastard king actually left me to the elf prince. That fucken piece of shit.

The guards took me over to a building that was located right next to the jailhouse. The building reminded me of a court house. The inside was plain. Wooden planks, two benches set in front of a desk. At the desk sat someone that looked familiar. He had short blonde hair styled into slick back. He wore an outfit that was clearly made for nobles. He had a mocking smile the entire time, his eyes followed me from the moment I entered til I sat down.

"It's been sometime. I can't believe you somehow ended up in my hands again. The gods must be looking down in favor of me."

The elf Prince….

"Guards, use the stone. Check to see if he's capable of anything." The prince gave an order to one of the guards. The guard goes into the back and returns with what looks like the Infinite Stone. The only difference was the tip of the rock was white.

The guard forces my hand out and has me touch the rock. I felt my mana being forcefully taken into the rock. All the guards and the prince began laughing.

"HAHAHA! You're a Forsaken?! You really are useless trash!" The prince mocked and pointed at me. He got up from his chair and came up to me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"I will be the one to marry Liza. While you die, rotting away on the battle field."

He quickly gets up and returns to his desk. I was trying to understand what he said. Did he think I was going to marry Liza? She might look like my Liza from the past but it isn't her. This petty insecure bastard did all this because he thought I wanted to marry her?

"For your crimes of false accusations of not just I but as well as the Dragon King, I herby sentence to work in the Salvis Event. Take him away and lock him up with the others!" The prince chuckles at me as the guards drag me off. I kept my anger in check just like Ceto asked but now I was regretting it! I should of tried to land a punch or two on that smug asshole.

The Salvis Event though? I don't ever recall reading anything about this. It must be bad if I was sentenced to work in it right?




I was dragged into a dirty old building. The entire building was used as a jailcell. The windows had bars across the windows and there was no other exit in the room.

"Give us a show during the event human." The guards left, satisfied with their weak taunt.

This place sucked. There were many others locked in. There was both men and women. There were humans, beast and even elves. It seems like everyone here has their own circumstances.

I approach an elf. It seems some event is happening and I assumed the elves would know what it was since it seemed that the elf kingdom was putting it together. "Hey sir, could I ask you something?" He didn't even look at me so I reached out and tapped on his shoulders. That was when the elf just went off.

"Don't fucken touch me you disgusting human! Just because we are locked in here doesn't mean anything. You are still below me!!" He then hits me right across the face. I wasn't going to take that. I got up and was ready to fight back. However, I felt someone pull on me from behind. I look to see who it was and it was another elf. "Don't do it. It isn't worth it." The elf man just snickered. "Listen to that half blood. She might not be a real elf but she knows her place unlike you." The half elf wouldn't let me go until I backed off, so I did just that. She gestured for me to follow her.

She stopped in the corner of the room. Most of the people here were children. No one looked older than 15. The half elf herself though, looked like she was in her early 20s. The half elf introduced herself to me.

"My name is Valerie. I am a half elf that was locked here after refusing to serve a noble elf's son. You are?" She said all that unfazed. I didn't sense any resentment or hate at all from her.

"Atlas. The elf prince thinks I'm trying to marry someone so he threw me in here." We shook hands.

"So you are also a victim of those higher ups that think they are powerful as well. Welcome to the slaughterhouse." As disturbed as I was by her calm demeanor, I wanted to ask her about that Salivs Event.

"Thanks I guess. Could I ask you about the Salvis Event? I've never heard of this event before." The half elf looked at me like she saw this coming.

"It's not surprising that you don't know. This is an event only for the elves and the other countries leaders. The regular human population doesn't know about it." Valerie went on to tell me about the event.

The Salvis Event is an event held every 100 years. It is a mock battle that recreates the time before the Fall of Humanity. Right after Wrath had returned, he let monsters loose onto the world. The elves were already exposed so they were already living among the humans. These elves stepped up and stopped many of the monsters before they could reach many major human cities. They became heroes among the humans.

"But your story seems to show that the elves and humans had a good relationship? But I haven't met a single elf that likes humans." I look towards the elf man and the group of elves. They all stayed together and whenever a human was to close to them, they would smack them until they went away. That's when she explained it.

The event was created years ago to remind the humans about the time when they were weak and it was also used as a way to show them that the elves were still stronger and that they shouldn't be pushed around. It was not only a celebration but also a reminder to the humans. However, with the rise of elf slaves over the last 100 years, the elves this time around wanted to send a clear message. Humans will always remain below them. That was why many of the prisoners here were humans. According to Valerie, many of these humans had false charges put on them just so that the elves could use them as an example.

The prince's public hate for humans have also caused many elves, specifically younger elves to hate on humans as well.

That would explain why all these elves keep glaring at us. Whatever message the prince is spreading is causing their hatred to grow.

"Wait but what about the queen? She's the leader no? Why would she let the prince create such a rift between the different races?"

"The queen has given up. She just wants to step down now so she has allowed for the prince to go crazy like this."

Even the queen isn't doing anything? What is up with these leaders not wanting to be leaders?!

That's when I hear someone call out to me. It shocked me since I didn't expect for someone to recognize me here.

When I look at the person that came up to me, I couldn't tell who it was. A smaller person, very skinny and it looked like I could smack them and they would die.

"Do I know you?" The person suddenly hugged me. Holding on for dear life.

"Teacher! Teacher Atlas!! Why are you here?!" Only one person called me teacher.


Pollux was also a prisoner.

One more chapter from Atlas POV. After that we will be looking at the story from Lucy’s POV then elf prince after. Once all those bits are cleared, we will return to Atlas for the climax of the arc.

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