*Inspired by The Salvatore and Her Guardians by DementedEyeCandy69* Three years after Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Carlisle's friend finds a pair of what she assumes are hybrid twins and immediately calls the only people she knows who have experience with them. What happens when they arrive and find that not all is at it seems? Will Rosalie and Emmett walk away as parents to two children? How will their lives change and will it be for better or worse?
The twins woke up at six but they all heard the huge accident Shannon had gotten pulled into so they knew they would have to wait for their dinner.
"Shannon is a little busy right now, do you think you can wait?" Rosalie asked Emma when she sat on the bed next to her and while the tiny blonde nodded, she watched as the blue in her eyes glowed and the white was once again engulfed in black. Liam's eyes were the same.
"Mommy?" Liam suddenly asked, looking up at her and she brushed some of his hair out of his face before she answered,
"Can Liam and I do it?" Emma finished for him, she noticed they often finished each others sentences,
"Do what sweet heart?" Rosalie asked, Emma looked at Liam who grabbed her hand before they both asked,
"Can we use our power?" Rosalie didn't think telepathy or telekinesis would help in this case, so she assumed it was a new power they wanted permission to show them. She moved out of the way, sitting in the vacant chair next to Emmett before giving the twins her full attention. She noticed Esme sat at the edge of her seat, while Carlisle was ready with his folder once more.
Both sets of blue eyes closed, and the room felt different for a minute. Rosalie didn't know how to explain it but it was almost like walking on air, before the feeling disappeared and suddenly sitting on the bed in front of the hungry twins were two trays.
On each tray sat a full plate of Eggs, Bacon and Toast with a napkin and plastic cutlery, along with each of the twins Sippy cups filled with what was obviously Blood - but it didn't smell Human, or Animal. The hungry twins didn't wait for them to ask questions, they simply ignored - their once again - shocked faces, and tucked their napkins into their shirts before digging into their dinner.
"Conjuring!" Carlisle looked like he would be crying if he could, and he was writing notes faster than they had ever seen him write.
"Hold up!" Emmett suddenly exclaimed, resulting in three vampires looking at him, while the twins set down their forks, placed their cups in their mouths and tipped their heads letting him know he had their attention. "You're telling me, you guys can simply think of what you want, and make it appear?!"
Two sets of blue eyes locked before looking at Emmett and nodding simultaneously. Either they weren't afraid of their reactions anymore, or they were simply too hungry to care.
"Can you bring an xbox and some games here?" He asked so hopefully, Rosalie didn't have it in her to reprimand him, but she absolutely rolled her eyes. The twins once again locked eyes, before linking hands, closing their eyes and the weightless feeling returned. Seconds later, before Emmett sat a large TV, similar to the one he had at home, with an Xbox one, 10 different games and two controllers.
The twins simply nodded to themselves, satisfied they had given their father what he wanted, before they went back to their food. When Emmett picked up the first game, he noticed two fashion magazines and a car magazine mixed in, and handed them to a confused looking Rosalie who studied her twins. She didn't know how they would have known what to give her without her asking for it, but she knew they did - if she was at all in denial about that fact it was proven by the way they both looked at her with beaming smiles before returning to their food like nothing happened.
Emmett crossed the room to hand an equally confused Esme two different new interior design magazines and again, the beaming smiles the twins gave her when she looked at them let her know they had figured it was something she would want.
Emmett had gotten the game and TV hooked up pretty fast and when the twins attention shifted from the cartoons on the smaller television to Emmett playing fortnite, Rosalie had shut the smaller TV off. The twins seemed as immersed in the game as Emmett was, and she found it hard not to smile at the three of them.
It didn't take long for the twins to finish their dinner and when their plates were empty, they simply closed their eyes again and the trays vanished. It was truly amazing to witness them being able to make things appear and disappear at will, and they must have refilled their cups because they started drinking once again. Suddenly Emma put her cup down, and looked at Rosalie, who looked up from her magazine when she felt her eyes on her. She didn't say anything, she just looked at Emmett and then Esme and then finally Carlisle. She tugged on Liam's sleeve to get his attention and it was clear she was telling him something in his mind because he suddenly frowned - before looking at them all as closely as Emma had.
By now, Esme and Carlisle had also sensed the shift in the twins, while Emmett was obliviously playing his game. She watched as they linked hands, eyes closing before there in front of them sat four tall glasses of blood, the same blood they had in their sippy cups. With two red roses. Emma, who was sitting closest to Rosalie, picked up one of the flowers before offering it to Rosalie with a smile while Liam offered his flower to Esme.
Both made eye contact, absolutely floored speechless by the gesture but for only a second before they made their way to the bed and took the flowers offered to them by the twins. Rosalie smelled her flower and it was unlike anything she had ever smelled before. She inspected it further and while it was in fact a red rose it had an almost unearthly glow about it that made Rosalie wonder where the twins had found it.
"Can you tell mommy where you got this flower, angel?" Rosalie asked Emma, sitting next to her on the bed.
"It's from our meadow.." She whispered to Rosalie, "There's all kinds of pretty stuff there."
"Meadow?" While Emma nodded, Liam spoke, "We go there when we are sleeping!"
Making eye contact with Esme they had their own mini non verbal conversation and decided to table that discussion for later, "and did you get these there?" Rosalie asked, motioning to the glasses of blood she knew were for the four of them. Somehow the twins knew they needed to hunt.
"We felt bad we ate while you didn't, we should have offered you some.." Liam looked down sadly,
"We were selfish and we got you some 'True Blood' to say sorry.." Emma also looked down.
Emmett shut off his game, realizing the twins were upset and made his way over to them, "You weren't being selfish sweetheart and no body thinks you were. We couldn't have ate what you ate, we can't eat the same kind of food that you can."
Both of the twins looked at him, releasing relieved breaths and Rosalie felt her heart fill with love for the tiny blondes. How could anyone think they're monsters when they felt selfish simply eating human food in front of vampires?
"What is True Blood?" Carlisle asked the small children, approaching the foursome and standing next to Esme eyeing the glasses filled with blood. It smelled amazing, even better than human blood and that made him both curious and cautious.
"We made it!" Liam boasted proudly puffing out his chest while Emma nodded in support.
"Made it?" Carlisle again asked softly.
"Yep! Tori helped us make it, and we get it from the Meadow!" Emma told him, looking between him and the glass. It seemed like the twins were confused why they weren't already drinking it.
"Can you tell me how you make it?"
The twins furrowed their eyebrows before shaking their heads, "We just do.." Liam told a disappointed looking Carlisle before a note suddenly appeared on the tray with the glasses, it was after the weightless feeling so they knew the twins had conjured it.
Carlisle picked up the note and began to read aloud,
To whom it may concern:
My name is Tori Michaelson - really that is all you need to know, because if you're reading this I am no longer alive and in your possession you have the very last two Michaelson's in existence. Three year old, Emma Rose Michaelson, and Three year old, Liam Andrew Michaelson. The worlds first and only Tribrids. The reason you have this note is because my niece and nephew have deemed you trustworthy enough to share their secrets. Secrets that put themselves and you in a lot of danger, ask yourselves if you're ready for that before you continue. ----- If you're still reading, thank you for caring for them. They are the most special children you will ever meet. A little back story, Their mother's name was Arabella Michaelson and she was the worlds first Hybrid - part Vampire, part Shifter. How that happened? She was born with the shifter gene, and we were both cursed into vampirism. We are the Originals."
"Originals?" Esme asked,
"The original Vampires, the vampires who are responsible for the creation of vampires." Carlisle explained breathlessly before continuing - the discoveries they were making in one single day were outstanding,
We lived for around fifteen thousand years and she was extremely unhappy with her immortal life. If it wasn't for me I think she would have ended herself long ago, but instead we survived together - I say we survived because it is what we did. Living and surviving are two very different things. One day we came across an injured man, at least we thought he was a man. He was Arabella's mate, she knew immediately, so we took him home and spent three months nursing him back to health. When he awoke he was extremely grateful, recognized Arabella as his mate immediately and he told us his name was Michael - and he was an Arch-Angel. My first reaction was to call BULLSHIT, no way, right? Well it's easy to say that - and much harder to deny it when not even a second later he is sprouting a full pair of angel wings. If I was human I would have had a heart attack, let me tell you!
"Who is Michael?" Emmett asked and while Rosalie wanted to tell him that was a dumb question they wouldn't know the answers too Carlisle shocked her with his awed look at the twins,
"One of the seven princes of heaven…He is repeatedly depicted as the "great captain," the leader of the heavenly hosts, and the warrior helping the children of Israel. Sanctuaries to Michael have been built by Christians since the 4th century, when he was first seen as a healing angel. Over time his role became one of a protector and the leader of the army of God against the forces of evil."
"Well Shit.." Emmett exclaimed, and Rosalie and Esme both shot him a stern look,
"Language!" Esme reprimanded, but she was thinking the same thing.
Picking up where he left off, Carlisle continued..
He stayed with us for about three years before he told Arabella he had to leave, he couldn't stay here anymore. He was needed back home. Arabella was devastated but she understood, who could be selfish enough to ask an arch angel to give up their very essence to live a mortal life? Who was she to ask him to fall from grace for her? So we simply watched as he left, and I watched as my sister lost all the light in her eyes. It wasn't long after that we found out she was pregnant, and I think it gave her whatever will she needed to continue to live. She may have lost Michael but a piece of him would always stay with her. Me? I was confused, vampires shouldn't be able to procreate and okay she was a hybrid but were angels even supposed to procreate? Who even made these stupid rules that seemed to only apply to some of us and not others! Anyway, we were excited none the less. I was happy to become an aunt and she was happy to become a mother. That lasted around 4 months before everything went to hell. The twins, as we had figured out she was carrying - please please please leave if you're reading this with them close by!
Carlisle paused glancing at the twins who were watching cartoons - he wasn't sure if they were listening but he wouldn't chance it! Deciding to read the rest in his head and pass the note to the other four when he was finished, he cleared his throat and said, "The rest of this looks rather uneventful so I'm just going to read it in my head, and anyone who wants to read it with me can simply read over my shoulder or wait until I'm finished.." He said with a meaningful glance at the twins. Rosalie understood immediately and shot him a grateful look.
After the first four months it was clear something was wrong, not only was she craving human food all the time - which we weren't supposed to need to eat! but she needed a lot of blood, it wasn't like we couldn't get her blood, and we weren't against killing humans - but it didn't seem like any blood we gave her was enough. She was starving, slowly starving and I am ashamed to say I wanted her to abort the twins. What else could I think? She was my only sister - the only family I had left and she was dying a slow death. It didn't seem like the twins were suffering as she was - we could easily see them on the ultrasound. Instead it was more like they were taking all the nutrients she was taking in. Which is why she wasn't getting any herself, but despite that she loved them just the same. I wanted to hate them, they were killing my sister but I found I couldn't blame them. It wasn't their fault, they didn't choose to be born and they weren't choosing what to take it was just going to them! Despite the fact that she spent nine months wasting away, she made it through the pregnancy, but she didn't survive the birth. She held the twins once before she died and I was so angry. How fucking dare Michael come here, impregnate my sister, abandon her and then watch as she died, because Arabella was sure he was watching over the twins. She said he wasn't allowed to interfere, but I knew that was bullshit, whether true or not. So when the twins were asleep, I ranted, raved, cursed and screamed until finally he showed up. We fought, and I am proud to say I fought an arch angel and only got my ass beat by a tiny bit - at least I lived to tell the tale. When we were finished I was going to call him a coward, a bastard, threaten to kill him and I don't know what else but I saw the dead look in his eyes. He had died when Arabella died, it wasn't hard to see. He apologized, told me he couldn't interfere. It was an absolute law, angels weren't allowed to interfere or procreate. He didn't know how the children were conceived. It was a miracle even among angels, there had never been an angel that was born and not created and he didn't have anyone he could ask. He didn't want to take the chance one of his brothers would deem the children a threat and try to destroy them. He did warn me they would be extremely powerful and extremely coveted. So expect no help from Daddy Michael in anything Angel twin related! Now that the depressing part is out of the way, the only thing left to discuss are the twins themselves. They grow normally, like normal human children which I didn't expect at all. They eat a lot of human food, and drink blood. Warm blood! The first and only time I gave them cold blood I had twin spit up all over my new dress - it was one of the most awful situations I had been in and I have been alive for 15,000 years!!!! While they are tan and soft, don't let that fool you! They are as impenetrable as a vampire. Of course I tested it, how else was I supposed to know what to protect them from? I can't tell you all of their powers, I'm sure they still have some even I don't know about and I feel like as they grow to trust you they'll show you what they can do. It'll be a sign of how much they trust you really, which will be good for everyone involved. They're powerful but so fucking sweet. I don't think they have a mean bone in either of their bodies, I would kill to see the day one of them got an attitude and I'm rather sad I will miss out on that. They cannot drink animal blood - I repeat, they cannot drink animal blood! It will make them sick, very very sick. They were sick for a week after the first time I gave them animal blood and just please never do it. They like human blood - it keeps them full and satisfied but if they trust you enough to show you True Blood then please ensure they drink that instead. It's better for them, hell if they trust you enough to offer it to you, I would recommend you drink it too. Because I know you'll be curious little bunnies, ill tell you all about True Blood or as much as I can anyway. It was created by Michael and the twins when they were very young, the only time he had come to see the twins himself -they were one and I highly doubt they remember. He had seen how sick they had gotten after animal blood and wanted to give them a better alternative, basically True blood is synthetic angel blood, made from enzymes in the blood that runs through Michael's very veins. Yes you read that correctly, synthetic angel blood. There are pros and cons of drinking it and please read before you do, although we may differ on the idea of cons. The very first time you drink it you will notice a change - your throat will no longer burn. If you struggle with the smell of human blood, you never will again because while you can still drink it, you won't want too. It will still taste good if you choose to drink it although I don't see why you would since you won't crave it anymore. That was a con for me, I've been a human drinker since before you were a sperm in your daddy's balls. As much as I would love to go through and list all the pros which if we're being honest and you are a normal vampire that misses anything about your human life, were as I hated my human life - you will love drinking True Blood. If we're offering a comparison in human terms, I'd say it's similar to soda or beer. While you won't have to drink more than one a day, you'll want too. Not as an addiction but just because it'll become a natural part of your day. There is no limit to how many times the twins can provide it for you and it can and does usually appear in a 'helps hide it from humans' ready made bottle. I found myself drinking about 4 to 6 per day, just because they're extremely good to pop open while playing a video game or watching television or even reading a book. Maybe all of that made you apprehensive, or maybe it was a selling point but I'm going to sum it up for you really quick, nothing can ever turn you human. You are now immortal, full humanity is out of reach for you - but the perks of drinking true blood, is that it will give you parts of your humanity back. I will tell you it won't give you the ability to have children, that's something that can never be given back, but plenty of other changes will head your way. Including but not limited too the consumption of human food and sleep.
"SLEEP?!" Emmett yelled suddenly, causing the twins to look at him and three glares from the vampires around him, "Sorry.."
You won't NEED to sleep, but you can absolutely CHOOSE to sleep. I won't spoil the other changes, it'll be more fun for you to find out on your own. Some will happen immediately, while some will happen over time. Anyway, there isn't much left to tell you except the only way to kill an original vampire is with a werewolf bite - so whoever killed me either was a powerful werewolf or had access to one. Attached you'll find a key to the Michaelson Mansion that now belongs to the twins along with the number for the family lawyer - he will be able to help you (bring this letter as proof) get access to any money you may need for the twins. While they won't have access to the money until they turn 18 - Liam and Emma are sole heirs to the entire billion dollar Michaelson estate. Cherish them, they deserve it.
With love to my angel twins,
Tori Michaelson.
Rosalie had tears in her eyes when she finished reading the note, this was overwhelming at best… the twins had been through so much in there short lives but now…not only did she get the children she always wanted but she could have some of her humanity back? She was just about to ask if she was alone in her decision to drink it when she looked up and saw Emmett was already half way through his glass. The twins were smiling at him, while Esme, Carlisle and herself were simply watching. Was she wrong to think of her husband as the lab rat in this moment? Maybe, but he had put himself in that position.