*Inspired by The Salvatore and Her Guardians by DementedEyeCandy69* Three years after Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Carlisle's friend finds a pair of what she assumes are hybrid twins and immediately calls the only people she knows who have experience with them. What happens when they arrive and find that not all is at it seems? Will Rosalie and Emmett walk away as parents to two children? How will their lives change and will it be for better or worse?
When he was done he put the glass down with a pleased sound, "That was amazing!" He told the twins who beamed at him before looking at the other three vampires, but Rosalie couldn't look away from Emmett. The letter was right, some changes were immediate.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" Emmett asked the staring vampires, and Esme swallowed before reaching into her purse and pulling out the tiny hand held mirror she carried with her before handing it to Emmett.
He looked nervously at Rosalie before looking in the mirror and he gasped, he looked human! Bright green eyes stared back at him, with the same tan skin he had before he had become a vampire. "Holy sh- Crap!" He corrected himself mid exclaim.
"I wonder if this makes your skin vulnerable?" Carlisle asked before grabbing one of his pens and handing it to Emmett, the request clear. Emmett simply shrugged before trying to stab the pen into his arm -the action simply crushed the pen into a pile on the floor the second it made contact. "Fascinating! just as Ms.Michaelson said, it just makes you blend in better!"
Rosalie didn't need to hear anymore, she grabbed one of the glasses and began to drink. It was an assault on all of her senses immediately. She had never tasted human blood, something that she was proud to say as hardly any vampire could repeat the claim, but she imagined it would have nothing on this. It was the best thing she had ever tasted in either of her lives, and she hadn't realized how thirsty she was until the cup was empty before she was ready to quite drinking. It was something she didn't even have time to notice, as the cup was suddenly refilled and she continued drinking sending a grateful look to the twins. Two cups seemed to do the trick and she finally put it back on the tray with a sheepish smile toward Esme and Emmett, before taking the mirror from Esme's waiting hands.
Staring back at her were the same bright blue eyes she had when she was human and her tan skin made her and Emmett match the twins, perfectly. It was something to know they looked like a human with the supernatural abilities of a vampire. She was the perfect hunter, and she no longer cared to eat her prey, how ironic.
She handed the mirror back to her mother, who had started to drink herself before rushing to the twins with vamp speed - okay so she was double checking! But she scooped them into a hug thanking them for the gift they didn't understand they had given her.
While waiting for Esme and Carlisle to finish admiring their own changes, which consisted of blue eyes for Carlisle and Green for Esme, Rosalie pulled out the twins pajamas for the night and took Emma in the bathroom with her to help her change. She wore a pair of soft fuzzy pink pajama pants with a white T-shirt that said, 'I woke up this cute' with a bear in a pink bow on it. She knew Emmett would love it, and that was before he started calling her Emmy-bear.
For Liam she had brought a pair of blue pajama pants with a white T-shirt with a picture of a T-Rex on it and the words 'Rawr'. Little boys liked Dinosaurs after all. When she came back into the room to brush Emma's hair for bed, the boys had taken the chairs so she simply sat Emma in her lap on the bed and started to brush out her long blonde locks.
Rosalie used to love when her mother would brush her hair, it was something she stopped doing when Rosalie turned around 8 and could do it herself but she vowed then she would brush Emma's hair every night before bed - at least until she asked her to stop. It was a good bonding experience, it was easy to see how much the little blonde enjoying when Rosalie would brush or run her fingers through her hair. She looked up to see Liam and Emmett playing fortnite together and smiled fondly, Emmett would love a little video game buddy - Nessie didn't like playing and she wondered if Emma would.
Before she put Emma's hair up in a loose bun, she noticed something new sitting in the corner of the room - a silver 2 door mini fridge that she is positive wasn't there yesterday, or even before she took Emma into the bathroom.
"Sweetie, what's that?" She asked the blonde sitting between her legs on the bed and she saw as Emma followed her line of sight,
"Liam and I brought it for you, daddy, grandma, grandpa and miss Shannon in case you get hungry. Tori always liked to have Blood in the fridge. She doesn't like hers warmed up like we do, we didn't want to forget to feed you again." Emma said with a determined look on her face and Rosalie pulled the little blonde tight against her.
"You are the sweetest little angel's, you know that?" She whispered to the blonde who ducked her head shyly. Checking her watch she realized it was already eight and she didn't understand how the days seemed to be flying by but maybe that was just the excitement of it all. So much had happened in only two days.
Around nine thirty Shannon entered the room looking like she could cry, "Oh god I am so so sorry! I was stuck in surgery and there was nothing I could - whats with the contacts?"
Rosalie had taken her shoes off and proceeded to lay in bed with Emma while Emmett was sipping a True Blood with Liam sitting in his lap, and they were all watching 'A baby's day out' - Which the twins and Emmett - found hilarious. Rosalie will admit she had chuckled a few times in between worry for the cute baby on the screen.
Rosalie didn't look away from what she was doing, "Esme and Carlisle went to the hotel to pack what little belongings we brought, they'll be back in about ten minutes and in the mean time you can read this and wait for them." She said, handing Tori's note to a very confused Shannon before sipping from her own Blood. Okay so she could admit it, their Aunt Tori was right, it was a small slice of humanity that she adored as much as the rest. When did they ever get the luxury of sipping from a glass of anything anymore? For almost 100 years her life had been monotonous, much of the same over and over again, and while Bella brought some much needed variety with Renesmee - nothing could have prepared her for the absolute insanity that was Tribrid Twins.
While Shannon started reading, the twins simply conjured themselves warm true blood in their cups, clutched their bears to their little chests, and proceeded to watch the movie as if nothing happened. They were getting much more comfortable using their powers around their family, something both Emmett and Rosalie appreciated. Rosalie knew Emma was tired, it was obvious she was fighting sleep - so Rosalie pulled out her loose bun and started running her fingers through the long blonde locks, slowly and softly - humming a lullaby she remembers her mother sang to her as a child. She smiled when those ice blue eyes snapped to hers and she watched as they started to droop, taking longer to force open each time they closed. A small purr came from the little blonde's chest when her eyes closed for what looked to be the last time and Rosalie let her own mix with her daughters.
She was embarrassed when it first happened, not because she purred with her little angel, absolutely not! But because it was so unexpected and she was Rosalie Hale - the ice queen - she had never purred a day in her immortal life! But how could she be embarrassed when it was a symbol of how happy she was? How much her life had changed in mere days, changed in ways she could never have imagined or even dared to dream or hope for. Smoothly, she slid out from under Emma, making room for Emmett to place a sleeping Liam next to his sister before tucking them both in with the large soft blanket Esme had brought when she arrived this morning. She placed a soft kiss on each of their foreheads before moving aside to let Emmett repeat the action.
When she had sat down, replacing her now empty bottle of Blood with a fresh one, she realized something else. She had doubted the reliability of Tori's experience with True Blood but she was right again, you just wanted to drink it. For Tori maybe it became an activity she enjoyed like reading or video games but for Rosalie, it was another slice of humanity gifted to her. Like a soft drink for a human.
A barely audible, "What the fuck." Broke her out of her inner musings and she looked over to see Shannon looking at the twins in reverent Awe. Carlisle and Esme were just now walking through the door. When Shannon saw that Esme and Carlisle also had human colored eyes and tan skin her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull.
"What else changed while I was gone?" She questioned softly, she was clearly in a state of shock - as they had been earlier. While Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle were thinking of where the hell to start, Emmett is the one who beat them to it.
"Let's see. The twins can conjure anything they want out of thin air which is how we got the TV and Xbox. We found out their full names, Emma Rose Michaelson and Liam Andrew Michaelson which - they're absolutely becoming Hales by the by! Uhh - oh yeah! They have their own blood which changed all of our eye color. Gave us warm, tan skin and doesn't make any of us want to drain the humans in the hospital anymore. Or any human for that matter. And are we just not going to talk about the fact that we not only have Tribrid twins but we have billionaire Tribrid twins who are half original vampire, half original shifter, and half Arch-Angel?!"
Everyone - except Rosalie was looking at Emmett like he had grown a second head, even Esme and Carlisle who knew the information was true, but to hear it said aloud, well it sounded crazy.
"There is some in the fridge if you decide you would like to join the TBC - that's what Liam and I decided to call it, True Blood Club. The twins will have to conjure you some to keep with you when we leave, or you'll have to call us when you run out." Emmett said ignoring the look he was still receiving from Shannon, but even she couldn't verbally argue with any of it - the proof was sitting right in front of her after all.
"The fridge?" Carlisle questioned, that definitely hadn't been there when he and Esme had left.
"The twins - they didn't want to forget to feed us again." Rosalie chuckled, remembering how determined Emma had seemed when she spoke, "Their Aunt Tori liked her blood in the fridge so they provided it for us." Rosalie spoke softly, staring fondly at the sleeping children.
"Oh the little angels, so worried about the rest of us." Esme cooed, dropping a soft kiss to each of their foreheads.
"Well, getting back to Emmett's question.." Shannon stressed
"I can see what Miss Michaelson, Tori - meant in the letter when she said they would be coveted. I mean, simply from what we have learned about them in the last few days - they are extremely powerful children. They've proved that in more ways than one and I can only imagine what they can do that we haven't seen yet. To control the twins would be to control their power. I'm positive that is why the men are after them." Carlisle grabbed Esme's hand as he spoke. He knew she was as upset as Rosalie was at the fact that men may come after the twins and he already loved them just as much as Renesmee.
"It doesn't matter how much they want them, no one will touch them." Emmett harshly interjected. No one in the room took offense, they knew he wasn't angry at them. It was interesting to see how fast he could switch from happy fun loving Emmett to fierce father.
Rosalie's phone ringing interrupted whatever Carlisle was going to respond, she put it to her ear, never taking her eyes off the twins, "Rosalie."
"I haven't seen anything yet and I have been watching so everyone can take a much needed breath before Emmett destroys the hospital wall." Alice's bell like voice spoke through the receiver
Everyone's eyes snapped to Emmett who looked sheepish, "Also can I just say holy shit Rose! I mean I knew that you and Emmett would leave Chicago with a pair of twins but I didn't have any idea about any of the rest of that!"
"Who else knows?"
"About the Twins? Everyone. About them being Tribrids? Also, everyone - although there are some skeptics." You could hear the way she rolled her eyes, "Edward thinks my power malfunctioned and I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing."
Rosalie grit her teeth, while Emmett scoffed, "Of course the king of we have no souls would be skeptical that a pair of angels could want us as parents."
"He didn't…say it exactly like that.." Alice tried to diffuse the situation, rather poorly.
"What else? There is something you aren't saying, Alice." Emmett narrowed his eyes towards the phone, he could almost see Alice's expression. The way her nose would scrunch and she would avoid eye contact.
"Edward and Jacob think the twins are dangerous and want them kept far away from Bella and Renesmee. Since Edward doesn't believe they're half angel, I'm not exactly sure what he thinks they are, but he's using the fact their mother didn't survive the birth as proof of his claim." Alice reluctantly explained,
"The same could be said for Renesmee in that case! Bella may still be here because she was turned but she didn't survive human! Renesmee's birth ended her life! What options did the twins Aunt have? She couldn't turn a half vampire half shifter, and she chose to give her life so the twins could live - the same choice Bella made!" Rosalie was furious, her lip raised in a barely concealed snarl and there was a fire in her eyes that Carlisle knew he needed to use the time the foursome spent in Denali to try to extinguish or bad things would happen when the twins arrived back at the house.
"I'll handle it when Esme and I return tomorrow night." Carlisle quickly interjected,
"Jazz and I want to join the TBC!" Alice chirped suddenly and Carlisle released a relieved breath, he knew what Alice was doing and from the way Rosalie's eyes narrowed - so did she.
"Hell yeah! But Edward and Bella can't join. This is a gift from the twins and if he can't accept them than he can't benefit from them." Emmett wouldn't budge on that, there was no way Edward was going to look down on his children with one hand and hold out his other for whatever other amazing things would happen in their time with the twins.
"Oh that's another thing! I haven't told them about the twins powers. Was that something you wanted? Or the True Blood? Edward hasn't been around much after the angel revelation since Jasper and I are very protective of Emma and Liam already!" One thing you could always count on from Alice was loyalty and Rosalie must be going soft because she wanted nothing more than to hug the tiny vampire.
"One thing is for sure, life around here will never get boring." Rosalie's twin chuckled and she laughed with him - that was the understatement of the century.
"I wonder if our skin still sparkles in the sun? It's still rock hard - but it's human color now." Emmett's question gave them all pause, they hadn't considered that.
"And what other changes will come? I'm assuming sleep is one of the things that will take time to show up, but if you think about it the possibilities are endless!" It was clear Alice was overjoyed and it made sense as to why, she didn't remember anything about her human life or even what it was to be a human. Of course she would be the most excited for a taste of humanity.
"Don't tell them about the rest of it Alice. Esme and I will explain about True Blood when we arrive, it'll help hold off any more protests from Edward. The proof is very easy to see -"
"Understatement.." Shannon mumbled exchanging an amused look with Esme,
"When you - well see it." Carlisle continued as if Shannon hadn't spoken.
All was quiet after that, Esme and Shannon were having a little conversation in the corner while Shannon joined the TBC - her eyes were now the same chocolate brown she had when she was human.
Carlisle was planning on how to deal with Edward. He didn't want any of his children to feel unwanted or unwelcome but he wouldn't allow Edward to disrespect the twins. They were family now, and everyone in this family mattered. Not to mention, as a highly religious man he felt it was some kind of destiny the twins were presented to himself, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett. As a family they were supposed to protect these precious angels - literally, and he refused to fail, maybe this was how he could prove to Edward they did in fact have souls?
Rosalie was flipping through the newest car magazine the twins had gifted her - she had forgotten to ask them how they knew what she would like. She didn't remember them discussing it in the last few days but it warmed her heart that they somehow figured it out and then wanted to gift her something. She inwardly rolled her eyes - if only they realized just how much they had truly given Rosalie already, she would have asked for nothing past being their mother - but it seems even that came with so many other things she never could have foresaw.
Emmett was busy playing one of the new X-box games the twins had given him but he was more lost in thought than anything - he didn't need the gifts. He was already so happy with the twins. Hell, he was happy the day they walked into the room and called Rosalie mommy. Just to see the way she has already changed - how others get to see a glimpse of the Rosalie only a few were aware existed was reward enough. Then to top it all off, he had the coolest kids that will ever exist - all because a horny angel decided to break the literal laws of heaven.
But it seems the rewards of parenthood for Rosalie, himself and even his family just kept on coming. He'd seen Edward, Bella and Renesmee together - watched how the older she got the more they seemed a separate family. It never bothered him, he was happy for them actually and maybe that's why he's so pissed at Edward. After all they did to protect Renesmee, now that he and Rosalie get a once in a lifetime chance for an immortal at least - he wants to take that from them? He ignored the disapproving glance he got from Carlisle, Esme and Shannon when he broke the controller in his hand, he'd need Carlisle to sort out Edward before they got home or he wouldn't hesitate to do it for him.