
Emma finds her mate.

There were teary goodbye's from Shannon and Esme. Shannon who didn't know when she would see the twins again - though Rosalie promised to visit, and Esme who would simply miss the twins however long they spent in Denali. Rosalie and Emmett filled a few travel mugs for Carlisle and Esme but wanted to be there when the twins decided who to let have access to their Blood so they didn't let them take any with them.

The twins were still awake and Rosalie assumed it was the excitement of the trip, they had never flown before - except for the wing incident with Emma and she wondered if that would end up working against them when they got on the plane. The run took less time than they thought it would - or maybe it's because they had so much fun doing it. The twins insisted on turning it into a race and Emmett being over confident and competitive wasted no time in baiting Rosalie to join - not that it took much.

He soon learned that was a mistake because while both of them were faster than normal - something Rosalie figured was a result of the blood they were consuming, she was fast enough that she beat Emmett by a mile. When the boys had finally caught up to them, Rosalie was smirking smugly at a slightly pouting Emmett with her arms crossed across her chest and an eye brow raised in a 'you were saying' gesture. What made her begin to bust out laughing, was when she looked down to see Emma mimicking her stance.

"Alright little bear, next time we know not to bet against Mommy or Emma.." Emmett grumbled to the tiny blonde boy who nodded with a look of extreme concentration on his face- Rosalie knew he would take that advice very seriously in the future.

Bending down in front of Emma, Rosalie ran her fingers through a blonde pony tail, "Alright, what do we do if we get thirsty around the humans?" She asked softly,

"We close our eyes and ask for our cups," Both twins responded obediently causing a smile from both of their parents,

"And when we get inside the airport?" Emmett asked, placing Liam next to Emma so both twins could look at both of them,

"We stay with you the whole time and we don't run or conjure so we don't scare the humans," Both twins replied simultaneously with nods.

"Excellent!" Rosalie replied dropping a kiss on both twins cheeks before scooping up Emma, "I know you've never flown before but we'll be with you the whole time if you get scared." She promised whispering into Emma's ear when she saw the blonde grip Silas tighter. It was a sign she was nervous, anxious or scared.

Rosalie wondered if this was what it was like for humans with beautiful children because everyone seemed to want to look at the twins. She was used to turning heads - as both a human and a vampire but it bothered her that the humans eyes were drawn to the children before they knew what they were looking for and she kept a close watch to make sure it didn't make them uncomfortable.

By the time they were checked in and waiting to board the plane she realized she had two tiny blondes who were ready for the nap they had skipped so she wrapped Emma in her blanket before handing Liam's to Emmett and rocking Emma - and in what seemed like seconds the blue eyes that were fighting to stay open were closed.

(Time skip)

The flight passed faster than normal and Rosalie knew it was because she didn't feel an annoying burning in her throat. It was a constant reminder of the amazing gifts she had with her - not only was she now a mother but so many things were changing around her. She hoped the twins stayed asleep for the drive simply because they wanted to drive fast as they usually did and she didn't want to risk scaring them. The car Alice rented them was a Cadillac CT6 and Rosalie purred at the sight of it, it was black, sleek and gorgeous. Placing the twins in their seats and ensuring they were buckled safely, it may not be needed - they were practically invincible children after all but she was taking no chances with their safety, they began the drive from the airport to the Denali's house.

When they pulled up to the house, they could see Tanya, Kate and Garret waiting for them and Rosalie began to feel anxious. Alice said it was a good idea and they already knew of Renesmee but this was much different. She got out of the car with a cautious glance in the families direction,

"Rosie!" Kate exclaimed, either oblivious to the tension or trying to break it.

Rosalie couldn't help but smile back, albeit a wary one, "Kate, Tanya, Garret - lovely to see you all." She noticed Emmett was standing by Liam's door clearly waiting on her and she took a deep breath,

"Relax Rosalie, I'm assuming you brought humans?" It was spoken low, low enough that humans wouldn't hear and that was more proof they hadn't registered the twins scent yet.

"It's complicated.." She supplied before getting into the backseat and grabbing a still sleeping Emma, who released a purr when she felt the blonde's arms wrap around her small body. She kissed her forehead closing the door softly behind them, and chancing a glance at the three Denali's before walking slowly towards them.

"Not humans.." Garrett commented, looking between the little blondes rapidly, "Are they like Renesmee?"

"Yes, and no." Emmett said, "it would be easier to show you,"

The three Denali's nodded before leading the foursome into the living room where Rosalie unwrapped the blanket from around Emma - she didn't want her to get too hot, before draping it on the back of the couch and sitting with the small blonde in her arms. Emmett had made sure to grab both Silas and Zane.

Tanya, Kate and Garret sat across from them looking at them curiously, "What danger were you talking about rose? Like Renesmee, I'm assuming it doesn't come from the children but…"

"It comes from the men after them," Rosalie forced out between grit teeth tightening her grip on Emma, and Emmett's lip curled up in a silent snarl.

"Maybe you should start at the beginning," Tanya suggested with caution remembering the Volturi well,

"Shannon, one of the witness's who were there against the Volturi called us to come to Chicago immediately. Well, she called Carlisle and Esme but Alice insisted Emmett and I go with," Rosalie started, "We didn't know what to expect when we arrived, and we definitely didn't expect what we found." She motioned to the children.

"Twins!" Emmett had calmed and that was evident by his excitement,

"She found them and that is a story we we will get to explaining, but she called us because she knew we had experience with hybrids and wanted us to take the children back to forks with us -" Rosalie was interrupted by a tiny yawn and a sleepily whispered,

"Mommy, are we there yet?" Emma asked nuzzling her face in Rosalie's neck - she hadn't looked up so she hadn't noticed the three vampires watching her with soft smiles.

"If you turn around I can introduce you to them," Rosalie whispered in her little ear, aware of the eyes on the two of them, but not looking away from the small blonde in her arms.

"Silas?" was the half panicked question and Emmett came in clutch with a hurried, "Got him right here, Emmy-Bear!" before tucking him into the little arm that opened for him.

Looking up at the still smiling three some, and helping Emma turn around so her back was to her front, she wrapped her arms around a little body and spoke softly, "Emma, this is Garrett," She pointed to Garrett who waved at the little blonde who smiled at him, "Kate" who also smiled at the little blonde with a wave, "and Tanya. Everyone this is Emma."

When Emma locked eyes with Tanya the room felt the shift immediately, Emma who obviously didn't understand what was going on was looking at Tanya curiously, while Tanya had frozen - her eyes wide in shock. She had waited over a thousand years to meet her mate and had given up on hoping and here she was, this beautiful little girl sitting before her with innocent blue eyes - Tanya's heart swelled with love that she never would have understood if she hadn't looked into those blue eyes. Kate and Garrett were looking between the little blonde and their coven leader in barely concealed amusement and excitement,

"About time!" Kate called out, making both Emma and Tanya jump out of their staring contest, Emma who half hid behind her bear with a shy smile and Tanya who watched her with a loving one, rolling her eyes at her sister.

"They're hybrids?" Tanya asked, still watching her little mate.

"It's complicated," Rosalie supplied at the same time that Emma and Emmett said, "No."

Another tiny yawn broke out bringing the attention of the room to the small blonde boy slowly waking up in Emmett's arms, he sat up slowly rubbing his eyes and they watched as he immediately tensed before his eyes landed on his sister and he relaxed.

"This is Liam," Emmett introduced whispering the names of the other vampires in Liam's ear who was watching them closely. Similar to when he met them, he offered no smiles or nods - just narrowed eyes. Emmett made sure to inform them of that so they didn't take it personally.

Rosalie took note of the time and the rapidly changing eyes of the twins, and saw the Denali's looking at them in clear fascination. She reached into her bag and pulled out both of their sippy cups - handing one to Emmett and giving the other to Emma who took hers happily. Rosalie suddenly froze, making the vampires in the room look at her curiously before she was looking softly at Emma, "Why don't you ask her - out loud angel," She whispered to Emma, and then without looking up explained, "The twins have a power similar to Renesmee except they don't have to be touching you to talk to you in your mind."

Emma gripped Silas tighter, before she took her cup out of her mouth to look at Tanya and asked, "Can I please sit on your lap, Tanya?"

Ignoring the knowing look Kate sent her, while Garrett was still looking at the twins in wonder Tanya simply opened her arms for the little blonde but was shocked when she was on her lap before Tanya had even seen her move. Her arms wrapped around Emma without her permission, and she found herself nuzzling the blonde hair inhaling her scent greedily before looking questioningly at Rosalie.

"They're much faster than we are.." She shrugged, she really wanted to do this with everyone present.

"Kate, Cartoons will keep them distracted while they eat." Emmett supplied, and Kate grabbed the remote before turning on Sponge bob for the twins whose eyes immediately settled on the screen. The three vampires who didn't know, were curious about the cups of blood they could smell, but they didn't ask, yet. Tanya's smile widened when she heard Emma inhaling her scent and when she felt tiny fingers wrap in her shirt - like she was ensuring she didn't let go.

"Congratulations.." Rosalie supplied looking at one of her best friends and her daughter softly, part of her wanted to be over protective but she knew her little one couldn't have found a better mate.

"Thank you.." Tanya whispered with a smile, "I would have expected more of a mama bear reaction.." She chuckled with a raised eye brow.

"I think in any other circumstance you would have gotten it but I can't imagine someone who would be a better fit for her - and you can easily protect her." Rosalie was reluctant to bring the topic up again, but she knew it was an inevitability.