*Inspired by The Salvatore and Her Guardians by DementedEyeCandy69* Three years after Breaking Dawn Part 2 - Carlisle's friend finds a pair of what she assumes are hybrid twins and immediately calls the only people she knows who have experience with them. What happens when they arrive and find that not all is at it seems? Will Rosalie and Emmett walk away as parents to two children? How will their lives change and will it be for better or worse?
No one needed to hunt and it was refreshing as hell that their throats weren't burning because of all the humans, so they didn't bother to leave the hospital that night, they simply hung around talking and doing their own things waiting for the twins to wake up.
It was eight am - Esme and Carlisle's flight was at 11 and that would also be when Emmett, Rosalie and the twins would leave. Two small and simultaneous yawns broke the room out of their individual activities and two sets of ice blue eyes popped open. Rosalie didn't have to look up from her Magazine she was so in tune with Emma - she simply lifted it enough to prepare for the little body that was suddenly on her lap and then wrapped her arm around the young blonde still flipping pages.
Emmett did the same with his controller and both of them placed a kiss to the temple of the twin on their lap. They had each accepted that while they each loved both of the twins, and the twins loved them - Emma's bond is strongest with Rosalie while Liam's bond was strongest with Emmett.
"How did you sleep, angel?" Rosalie asked rubbing small circles on Emma's back while she rubbed her still half asleep blue eyes.
"Good mommy, I really want to show you our meadow soon, please?" Liam perked up hearing this, he wanted to as well. Rosalie looked up to see Carlisle and Esme looking at them curiously, Shannon had left for her shift.
"You can take someone to the meadow in your dreams?" She questioned softly,
Emma and Liam both nodded proudly and in their excitement spoke simultaneously, "We used to take Aunt Tori all the time! You have to meet Astra and Nahn!"
Exchanging a curious glance with Emmett, Rosalie cautiously asked, "Who are they?" while playing with Emma's hair.
"Our pet Unicorn's! They were a gift, but Aunt Tori wouldn't tell us who from." Liam said with a shrug of his little shoulders.
"Unicorn's? You have pet unicorn's in your meadow?" Carlisle was flabbergasted.
At the twins nod, Emmett continued unable to hold in his shock and excitement, "Can you bring them here?!"
Liam and Emma locked eyes. By now they knew when this happened they were having a non verbal conversation. Rosalie knew they didn't do this to keep secrets, it was just easier for them to communicate this way with each other. Similar to Renesmee and her power - she still chose to talk that way more often than speaking aloud.
"We've never tried.." Liam started with a thoughtful look on his face,
"But we think we can," Emma finished.
Rosalie thought the way they spoke simultaneously sometimes, or finished each others sentences others was absolutely adorable - but she supposed she thought that a lot when it came to the twins.
"Can we see?!?!" Emmett exclaimed and he looked like a kid in a candy store,
"Can we get dressed first?" Emma asked, looking at Rosalie with hopeful eyes.
Rosalie nodded with a soft smile and a kiss to Emma's cheek but when she went to stand up to get their clothes Emma stopped her with a small hand on her chest, "Can we pick out our clothes today?"
Rosalie wasn't sure what she meant, because they only had one extra outfit for the twins today - they were planning to go shopping in Denali, but she nodded anyway and was even more confused when the twins stood in front of the bathroom door facing each other. The weightless feeling over took the room and Rosalie understood a second before the twins stood before them wearing completely different clothes.
She heard Esme and Carlisle's loudly exclaimed, "Awwww." and she couldn't help when she did too, and she didn't know whether to be surprised or resigned - what were these two turning her into? But seriously, they matched! Both twins had a white T-shirt on, on Liam's shirt were the words 'Daddy's Little Man' in black lettering and she didn't have to look at Emmett to know he was beaming. She wasn't far behind honestly, because on Emma's shirt were the words 'Mommy's Princess' in Black lettering with a Gold crown. They each had on a pair of ripped Black jeans with a pair of white and gold Air Jordan's. Finishing off the look were matching Black jean jackets.
Emmett let out a low whistle and a slow clap, "I love it!" he said to the shyly smiling twins and Rosalie was amused by the way the twins could be so confident and self assured sometimes and so shy others. "Unicorn time?!" Emmett exclaimed and the twins giggled,
"Unicorn time!" The twins replied.
"We should go to the room where we showed you our wings, its too small in here." Liam said looking around. Emmett nodded, accepting Liam into his arms.
"Wait!" Emma said, and Emmett and Liam turned to look at her. She ignored them, grabbing her brush and a scrunchy, "Please mommy?" She asked Rosalie sweetly.
Rosalie would have done it without the prompt but she wouldn't have been able to say no to those big blue eyes anyway, she put Emma's hair into a quick pony tail with bangs and then placing her on her hip - with Silas tucked into her little arm, of course - followed Emmett and Carlisle to the activity room while Esme left to go find Shannon.
When they reached the activity room where the couch and chairs were still waiting, they set the twins down before sitting in the same spots they had taken the day before. It wasn't much longer until Esme and Shannon were seated next to Carlisle, who nodded encouragingly at the young blondes.
As the twins went to close their eyes, Esme interrupted, "Do you have to close your eyes when you conjure things?" She asked softly. It was a good question, Rosalie was curious herself but didn't think to ask.
"No." They said simultaneously but cautiously. "We don't want to scare you.." the last part was whispered but Rosalie was kneeling before the twins before the sentenced was completely finished.
"You won't scare us at all, We want you to be comfortable showing us anything you can do, and anything you want to do, okay? We will never think any differently of you." She told them, holding each of their little faces in her hands to ensure they make eye contact.
Each of the twins kissed their pointer and middle finger before offering them to Rosalie, "Big Promise?"
Rosalie simply smiled, repeating the action and wrapping her fingers around theirs, "Big Promise, my angels." and then she retook her seat next to Emmett.
"You don't really think.." Shannon started, but was interrupted by Emmett,
"That our Tribrid children have pet unicorns?" and Rosalie fought the face palm she wanted to perform. Emmett just had a way of making this shit sound ridiculous!
The twins didn't close their eyes this time and she understood why they were worried - she didn't think any differently of them, they were still her children and she wasn't afraid of them, how could she ever be afraid of the children who were so worried about everyone around them? But she realized why they closed their eyes, because their entire eye - Iris and all was engulfed in a bright glowing unearthly white, while their hair seemed to blow softly with a breeze that none of them could feel.
If they didn't already know they were angels, it would be clear that they were something because Rosalie had never seen anything like it - and she was positive - besides the twins, she never would again. Instead of feeling unnerved, she felt privileged but before she could finish her thought two small horses were standing in front of them. Okay, they looked like horses but on their foreheads were two very easily distinguishable bright white horns.
"Holy shit." Emmett whispered, and Rosalie wondered how often those words would be spoken by a member of her family - or herself - when it came to the twins. She would usually scold him especially because of the young children in front of them but she was frozen in shock.
"Astra!" Emma suddenly exclaimed wrapping her little arms around the neck of one of the small horses - unicorns. Rosalie silently amended. Astra was a beautiful young black foal - was it still a foal even if it was a unicorn? She had a white patch in the shape of a heart on her forehead with her bright white horn directly in the middle of it with one white back hoof and a bunch of white spots right before her tail.
"Nahn!" Liam followed a second later, Nahn was spotted like a dalmatian puppy and one of his spots was star shaped in the middle of his forehead with his bright white horn in the middle of it.
The tiny unicorns who were whinnying excitedly around their little owners - burying their faces in little hair causing giggles from the two blondes - froze upon hearing Emmett's whispered exclaim, they veered back - huffing angrily at the five strangers in the room using their bodies to shield the twins.
It was amusing more than anything and Rosalie's shoulders shook with silent laughter - they were so small and honestly even angry they were cute as hell but it warmed her heart how protective they were of the children.
"Astra, wait they're not like the bad men!" Emma said, appearing in front of Rosalie and taking her hand in hers to show she was okay, "This is my mommy!"
"Nahn! This is my daddy!" Liam said, repeating the process with Emmett.
The little unicorns stopped huffing and tilted their heads once, twice, before dancing forward excitedly, "Mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, miss Shannon, these are Astra and Nahn!" the twins said simultaneously.
Rosalie reached out and ran her fingers through Astra's mane - it was soft like silk and they had a similar smell to the twins - otherworldly, heavenly even. She had never pet a horse - as a human she was actually afraid of them and as a vampire, well animals aren't fond of them and that is putting it mildly. So she smiled widely, yet another thing the twins didn't even understand they were gifting to them all.
She ran her fingers along the horn, noting it was as hard as a vampire's skin - it would be quite deadly to be poked with such a weapon, before she suddenly felt a string and followed it to a little note that was wrapped along with a bow in Astra's mane. She looked over and saw another like it in Nahn's.
It read: Though we may be far apart, you will always be in my heart. These will grow as you grow, love as you love, and protect you with all they have. - Michael.
Rosalie motioned to Emmett - who was busy cooing at Astra - and had him read the note. It was sweet to know their father had given them a present, and it explained why the unicorns were so small. She couldn't help but wonder what exactly the meadow was, if Michael could give the twins gifts there - it obviously wasn't a made up dream land they visited every night.
Pushing away her thought for now she looked up and smiled at her family. Esme and Shannon were cooing at Nahn who was practically in their laps with his eyes closed while they doted over him, and Carlisle was busy feeling his horn and taking notes in that manila folder that seemed glued to his side this trip. Again, he looked like he could cry and Rosalie couldn't help but think this trip made each of them more emotional than they had been in decades - but also was more rewarding than anything they could have imagined. Rosalie pulled Emma in her lap, wrapping an arm around her waist before whispering in her ear, "Have you ever seen this note before?"
Emma looked at it, taking it in her little hands before nodding, "Yes, but we don't know how to read and Aunt Tori said we would understand when we were older."
Another difference between the twins and Renesmee, but then again while the twins were exceptionally smart, they were still only three. Renesmee already looked like she was eleven, though she supposes she was born around the same time as the twins. Rosalie decided she would wait until the twins were old enough to tell them about their real parents - it was a lot to handle at their age, and if Tori made that decision too it was clearly a good one.
"Alright, I know we are all enjoying ourselves, but I think we have two little ones to feed and if any human were to come by we would be hard pressed to explain two unicorns in the room. I'd say we could claim horses with fake horns but it wouldn't be much better to have horses in a hospital." Shannon regrettably brought the fun atmosphere to an end.
Rosalie checked her watch and realized, yes it was already ten and the twin's eyes were rapidly changing. By the time the twins finished eating it would be eleven and on the run to Anchorage - the twins would fall asleep and most likely sleep until the plane had already taken off. It was obvious Astra was Emma's while Nahn was Liam's because they whined a little when it was time to go and nuzzled their twin.
Emma and Liam promised to see them tonight and a second later the unicorns were back in the meadow, while the vampires were heading back to the room with the twins for the last time.
The twins didn't have Shannon bring then breakfast today, as soon as they were sitting on the bed they had food in front of them - Waffles, sausage and of course, Bacon with a warm sippy cup. Rosalie figured the safest bet was to have the twins sippy cup ready in case they get thirsty when they were out. She grabbed two of the four travel ready mugs that kept your liquids cold or warm for up to eight hours that the twins had gave them with the fridge full off Blood and began to fill two of them up. She knew the twins were watching some show with Emmett while Carlisle and Esme were saying good bye to Shannon who was about to get called into surgery when she heard, "What the hell!"
She turned quickly to yell at Emmett for once again swearing in front of the twins when the words died in her throat - there was Emmett, sitting in a chair by the bed, sipping from his blood and eating bacon.
"Are you…eating?" She asked her husband. She knows she's watching him as he shoves piece after piece into his mouth, but she can't quite believe what she's seeing. Having heard her from outside the room, Esme and Carlisle were suddenly standing next to her. Looking as dumbstruck as she felt.
A third plate filled with Bacon and Waffles - because Emmett was eating off the twins - was suddenly placed on the bed and Emma looked at the three vampires staring wide eyed. "Want some?"
Rosalie hesitantly reached out for a piece of bacon before taking a small bite, a distracted part of her brain noted that the smell wasn't revolting like it usually was. She closed her eyes when the taste registered in her brain, and she knew if she opened them they would be tear filled. She could eat. It didn't taste like dirt - it tasted good. She could hardly remember what bacon was supposed to taste like but it tasted good and she could fucking eat and she didn't know how to process this information. Simply put, Rosalie was overwhelmed.
A tiny hand on her cheek made her open what she knew were teary blue eyes and she found a concerned Emma looking at her, "Are you okay?"
Smiling, a small smile but a smile none the less, Rosalie nodded, "Yes Angel, I'm just.." She trailed off, because she didn't know how she was feeling, she just knew she was so overwhelmed. Before she could spiral anymore, she was pulled into a tight hug by the little blonde like she knew exactly what Rosalie needed - which she found funny because Rosalie didn't even know what she needed until she felt the hug by her little princess.
"Thank you for being my mommy, I love you." Emma whispered in her ear and Rosalie was not going to fucking cry again but she did and for once in her immortal life they were tears that fell down her cheeks.
"Oh my sweet girl, thank you for being my daughter." She forced herself to keep her voice steady as she replied and pulled the tiny blonde tight against her while wiping her face. She was finished eating so they were just waiting for Liam and Emmett who seemed to have an endless appetite right now. She didn't blame Emmett at all, he hadn't eaten human food in almost a century.