
The Time When I got summoned to a fantasy world

This is a story about a person who got summoned to another world but unlike other legendry tales of summoned hero adventures, our Main Character is an emotionless character who doesn’t want to do anything with Emperor or the Gods, but things never go the way you expect them to be! Let’s see what holds for this person.

Fcatilizer · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs



I somehow controlled my anger towards the king or it could have been bad.

Was my demonstration today enough to avoid more troubles in the future?

It was not in my calculation that just having someone more powerful than a hero will cause this much chaos inside the palace.


Things are out of place today. I just wanted to live peacefully at least in this world but ended up causing so much trouble.

I hope girls are okay back in their rooms.

After coming back to the inn. Girls get back in their rooms, I feel out of place so I just stayed in the lobby after helping out Ms. Mia cleaning around a bit.

I was afraid that I might have scared everyone whereas in reality girls were okay.

"How are both of you? Did you guys recover back the exhausted mana?", Cho – Hee enters Emma's and Sakura rooms.

"Yeah, we have recovered most of our mana.", Sakura creates some space on bed for Cho – Hee to sit.

"Glad, Alvin came right at that time or we would have been trouble. Well, I did try to break the spell but I was in need of more mana."

"Wait, what do you mean you tried to break it?", Emma's replies put both Cho – Hee and Sakura in confusion.

"Ah, I was trying to over load the spell, if it absorbs mana then their should be a limit as well, right?"

"Wait, that's what you were trying to do? I saw you your eyes closed but I didn't knew what you were doing."

"Well, end the end Alvin overloaded the spell with his mana and destroyed it. He really have a lot of mana as he is level 100."

Wait, Emma said Alvin overloaded the spell? He just found a way to break that spell on the spot?

I mean Emma was finding a way so she tried this method but Alvin who just arrived at that time had no idea of the spell beforehand was able to figure it out on the spot?

Just how far or deep his thinking goes?


The rain started again at night time as Alvin is standing outside because as always he is unable to sleep like always.

"huh?... it's raining again. Weather is surely weird lately…"

Well at least at night this Rain is refreshing.

Should I go to the guild tomorrow?

"Uhh... What am I doing standing outside in the middle of the night when it's raining heavily. Feels like I am some sort of nightwalker. There are not even stars to look at today."

Sighs… Maybe standing in this rain not that bad.

[Next Morning]

"Hey Alvin, what are you doing in the lobby all alone?", Cho – Hee came downstairs with Emma and Sakura.

"Nothing much, did you guys have good sleep last night?"

"Yeah, I slept with them last night and we also had a long chat."

"Good to hear. Let's have our breakfast so we can go to the guild."

In a surprise, Emma asks, "you are going back to the adventurer guild?"

"Yes! So let's get back to being a adventurer."

It might be weird but the most logical answer is, to get back to how we were before that raid. From now on I will make sure to hide my power as much as I can.

I will try not to get more attention from now on…

… or that's what I have thought.

After breakfast, when we arrived at the guild. Everyone was staring at us, looks like rumors are already circulating between adventurers.


"Adventurer Alvin, guild master is asking you and your party to meet him. Please follow me to his office.", Receptionist calls us out as she sees us.

Just when I wanted to lay low and relax. What does the guild master want from me now?

"Welcome back, it's nice to meet you again!"

"Yeah about that, let's just talk about the main topic."

"Okay then, you are being promoted to a D rank adventurer and I want to ask you a favor."

Oh, he really skipped to main topic


"So, what kind of favor are we talking here? And why a sudden promotion?"

Guild Master stands from his table and slides over our new guild cards across the table.

"We are promoting you since you have more than enough achievements but the favor, I want to ask is something different. Would you like to travel to – "

"Nope, thank you! I don't plan on traveling anywhere at the moment."

There is no way I am going to travel anymore, I am done with travelling.

"Okay, then you guys can go back."

I can imagine what he is thinking right now but I don't want to stand out anymore by going on special missions.

"Alvin, is it okay to leave like that? We didn't even hear the request completely.", Cho – Hee asks me as we were on our way to the guild's main hall.

"Yes, didn't we plan to avoid more troubles from now on?"

"I guess you are right. We can always live a normal life while doing adventuring."

As we were talking, I noticed a faint smile on Cho – Hee and it was not only her, everyone is happy as they can enjoy like before.

I guess we all are quite happy in this world just like this. I wonder am I also smiling?

"Alright, let's take on some request today as we just got promoted.", Let's start again and have a normal life even if it's another world.