
The Time When I got summoned to a fantasy world

This is a story about a person who got summoned to another world but unlike other legendry tales of summoned hero adventures, our Main Character is an emotionless character who doesn’t want to do anything with Emperor or the Gods, but things never go the way you expect them to be! Let’s see what holds for this person.

Fcatilizer · Fantasy
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23 Chs

CHAPTER 16 – Threat?

CHAPTER 16 – Threat?

[Cho – Hee Pov]

Ever since I came to this world, I met new people with different personalities. I started to enjoy each day to the fullest, almost to the point I forgot how I use to live.

I didn't realize a person who had no friends, always all on my own. I forgot how it feels to be betrayed by my own fate.

Haha… In the end, coming to this world and experiencing new things were for a short while before there is another big problem.

"Bitch, tell us who are you guys and how did you guys defeat the Ancient Orc King? Tell us your identity."

Our identity he says.

This delusional knight who shares the same blonde hair as Hero. He is the one responsible for capturing us with this paralyzing spell.

A little while back when I was eating breakfast with Emma and Sakura. There was a sudden invasion of this guy in the inn. He came barging in with soldiers while saying under the emperor's authority you guys are under investigation.

As we tried to act, in the middle of conflict one of his soldiers used a spell on us to bind with a paralyzing spell.

Shit, fighting all these monsters till now was enough to let my guard down in front of these monkeys. No matter what, fighting humans is more difficult than a monster.


I wonder what's Alvin doing right now. Did he already find out that we are missing?

I wonder, will he …

"Ah, so you are not gonna speak anything. Fine, I will have to ask that guy when we capture him."

This delusional guy,

There is a level of being stupid.

"Very well, I would also like to see you try.", As a challenge, I looked in his eye.

No one can control that guy and he is thinking of capturing him. There sure are many stupid people in this capital city.

"Cho – Hee, what should we do now? This spell is using our own mana to keep the spell strong."

"Don't worry, they won't do anything to us without the emperor's order, before that I will find a way out."

Time is running out as this spell keeps on absorbing our mana. At this rate will eventually pass out of mana exhaustion at this rate.

Even Sakura is worried at this point, I wonder what happened to Emma. Is she okay?

Uh… looks like Emma's mana is already exhausted. Did she pass out?

Wait... huh?

No, looking closely Emma is just closing her eyes.

What is she doing? Is she trying to stay calm?

Suddenly, the Emperor arrives along with the hero.

"Start the session? Start telling me about them.", Emperor sat on his throne while the knights and hero stands on the left side of the hall while officials gathered on the right side of the hall.

Session? We are treated like criminals?

Before the session, the hero suddenly lifts his hand up and says, "I'm sorry to interrupt your majesty but this might be a total misunderstanding and they are just normal people."

"Normal People? Brother, you are too kind. Tell me what kind of normal people possess monstrous strength like that?", The knight replied out loud to the hero.

"But…", Hero steps back as he has nothing to say anymore.

What a mess…

They were actually brothers. Looking at a hero being pushed back by his own brother shows who is in power.

Sighs… is there no way out?

"I heard you guys defeated The Ancient Orc King? Are you guys some spy? Or maybe assassins?", Emperor speaks in a low-pitched voice.

Eh? Wai- what?


Is this guy actually an Emperor? Does he even think before he speaks?

"sighs… I have a suggestion your majesty, please use your brain so that you can talk logically.", Emma slowly opened her eyes and looked at the emperor as she speaks.

Before, I can react Emma has already started to talk down to his majesty which causes the knight and his soldiers behind him to get furious.

"What did you say you little brat? Want to die? Don't you know who you are speaking to?"

"I'm talking to a moron who is supposed to be able to think with his head. If he is an emperor, then he should thank Alvin for saving the life of his precious hero and soldiers.", A sudden silence prevails after Emma's words.

At this point, the knight had lost his cool and draws the sword towards Emma.

"Stay at your position. Don't dare to move without permission", King speaks up stopping the knight.

"But your majesty…"

Even if it hurts, the knight sheathed his sword while gritting the teeth.

"Then, little miss you said Alvin. Is that the guy who killed that monster? So, where is he?"

"I'm here.", Alvin voice echoed throughout the assembly hall which left everyone silent and confused as who speaks suddenly.

As we look behind, Alvin was standing with a sword in his right hand with a completely blank face.

Looking at him like that I don't know if I should be happy or be scared. Even if he rarely smiles, he never had that expressionless face.

This is not good. He might be already out of his mind.

"Who are you kid? How did you get in? What are the guards doing?", Emperor stands up from the throne as he speaks.

"Don't worry no one will interfere with us right now, be it, soldiers, guards, knights, or the hero himself. It's just you and me."

As Alvin slowly walks with each thumping sound, the closer he gets the clearer his face becomes.

It was just for a moment before he passes me, but did I see red eyes?





Wait, are these bloodlusts are targeted towards Emperor? Is he actually planning to kill him?

"K-Kid, do you know what is there for punishment? Not only you, but even girls will also have to go through that.", King collapses with all these direct bloodlusts.

I don't know how the emperor is resisting but this much bloodlust aimed directly should be enough to suffocate him.

Even though this is not aimed at us but I can understand the real pressure.

"Your majesty, I would like to say this once, Mind your own fucking business.", Alvin stops in front of the collapsed emperor. He crouched down and looked into his eyes.

"You asked why we had this much power, it's because we are not from this world. Happy?"

Alvin stands back up while keeps looking down on the emperor. Then he turns around and looked at us also collapsed from the paralysis spell.

He is walking over here? Alvin I...

"Sorry I was late everyone." As Alvin touches, our spell suddenly breaks with a huge glass shattering sound.

What was that? He just broke the spell-like it was nothing.

"Let's leave. I'm sure everyone is also tired."

As we leave, Alvin suddenly stops and glances back at the emperor.

"Never try to pull a prank like this again or it will be hard for me to control this power as this city crumbles. For last I'll be expecting a compensation."

After we all left, the soldiers, knight, and the hero somehow pull themselves back up as they realize they messed with someone who is able to create this much fear without lifting a finger.

"Your Majesty, are we going to let them leave like that? Who knows what they will do at this rate?"

"Shut up before it's you who regret living. Hero, follow me in my study."

I don't care what the public thinks of someone more powerful than the hero itself. If I take the wrong step there will be no one left to worry about.

I remember that kid's eyes looking right at me. It was almost as he stared into my soul.

From another world? Interesting.