
The Time Stopper Rampages

Sam, an antisocial man, despises everything about society and anyone involved in its construction. He suffers a harsh verdict on his freedom from the society's pre-drawn life path for him. He had tried to grab as much power in society as he can, but he failed miserably. He's just hitting a wall. Life leads him to a field he detests, to a job that he feels a profound sense of disgust towards. When he finally decides to put an end to it all with a mercy bullet to his brain, time suddenly hits the brakes...

Cthoanut · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs


Sam smiled gently and said, "If you believe in that, then it's the truth."

Christina felt her increasing embarrassment growing on her face, her heart beating strongly. Then she heard Mary calling out to her, "Excuse me, Sam. I have to go now." she said, sounding apologetic. She paused briefly before continuing, "I'll message you tonight if I'm free to... you know, watch another movie."

Sam almost swore her face turned redder than a tomato. A sly smile appeared on his face as he said, "Of course, if I can make it, I will."

Sam couldn't promise Christina that he would come. He didn't know exactly what Angela would demand from him. It could be something even crazier, like robbing a store that night.

Christina smiled charmingly, then waved goodbye to him and headed towards Mary. Sam saw Mary staring at him intensely. For a moment, Sam suspected he had committed a murder or violated her family's honor or something of the sort.

Sam gave a simple wave to her, then headed towards the door and made his way to his apartment.

When he reached the entrance of the apartment, he saw the cursed old man, Franklin.

Franklin was sitting on a beautiful chair, and judging by his sharp glares towards Sam, he had been waiting for him.

'Nonsense …' Sam thought as he rubbed his forehead.

"Money, you fu*ker!" Franklin shouted loudly.

Sam looked at him for a moment and said, "Just give me three days, and I promise on my dear mother's grave that I'll pay you."

Expressions of sorrow, pain, and despair appeared on Sam's face.

"Fu*k you, and fu*k your damn ass mother in her grave! This be the fifth time I done heard this shit from you!" Franklin continued shouting at Sam non-stop.

"I swear, sir, I was fired from my job today, and they haven't paid me my dues yet. Please, sir, please, just give me three days, and I won't disappoint you," Sam begged Franklin, his face almost in tears.

Franklin approached him and grabbed Sam's black shirt, lifting it up, or at least attempting to do so. However, the difference in height and size between them was massive.

Franklin didn't care about that as he continued to exert force on Sam, spat on his face, and said, "I ain't worried 'bout what goes down with your job, or who your girl messin' with, or whatever crazy stuff goin' on with your family. Just keep your eyes on the damn ass money. I ain't askin' where it's comin' from, just make sure I get mine. You got a whole day for that. If not, I'll bring... you know exactly who I'm talkin' 'bout, right? You peeped what went down with Michael, ain't ya?"

Sam looked at him coldly, 'Should I kill him right now?' but he quickly dismissed the idea and tried to compose himself and figure out a way to come up with the money.

Suddenly, Sam's eyes filled with gratitude, and he said, "Thank you, sir! I promise I'll bring you the money within a day."

Franklin looked at him as if he were looking at an obedient dog and said, "I'm chillin', waitin' on it." then he let go of Sam's shirt and went to the street.

'I will make sure you suffer harshly here before going to hell you fu*king bastard.' Sam swore silently in his heart, then heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Is it always like this with you?"

Sam looked behind and found Angela in a black coat and a stunning red dress that showcased her exposed breasts, small waist, and big rounded ass.

Sam gazed at her green eyes for a moment and stuttered, "Uh, yes, mostly."

Angela sighed and said, "I can deal with him a little if you want."

Sam looked at her vacantly and said, "No, I'll handle this son of a bitch my way. Don't concern yourself with it." Then he looked in the direction Franklin went.

Angela looked at him for a moment and said, "Fine, as you wish." then continued, "Since we met a little earlier than we should have, let's get to the point now. Let's go to my apartment."

Sam followed her and entered her apartment, which was still clean and tidy.

Angela carelessly took off her coat, then sat on the couch and revealed her bare, exquisite white arms.

For a moment, Sam was enchanted by her, before discreetly biting himself to stay focused.

Angela sat calmly on a simple yet beautiful couch and signaled to Sam to do the same. Sam followed suit and sat across from her.

"So, my dear Sam, how was your day?" Angela asked with a charming, perhaps mocking, smile.

Sam glanced at her breasts for a moment before answering, "Nice, I guess."

Angela noticed and said, "Your day or my breasts?"

Sam nonchalantly raised his head and said, "Maybe both?"

Angela smiled enchantingly and said, "Alright, let's get serious. Shall we?"

"Sure, give me the details about that store" Sam said plainly.

Angela got up and went to her room, then returned and handed some papers to Sam before heading to the kitchen.

"While you prepare us some coffee, read through the information gathered about the store." Angela said as she made Americano coffee.

Sam leisurely read the papers. The shop was a jewelry store called "The Rare Gem" and Sam smirked a little at the name. It was indeed close to here, just a few streets away. Sam was a bit surprised he hadn't noticed it or bumped into it before.

He also learned that the store had approximately five surveillance cameras. The first two covered the entrances from two angles. Together, they are covering all possible entry points without notice. The other two were in the corners of the store, opposite the cashier. The last camera was positioned behind the cashier.

'This... seems like a lot, doesn't it? What did she mean by hell when she said it's easy?' Sam felt a throbbing headache as he read about the cameras.

He learned that the street where the store was located didn't have many cameras. And also, the paper seemed to have the safe route from the apartment to the store...

'Did she do all of this alone?' Sam cast a glance at Angela and noticed her alluring red dress.

Sam returned his gaze to the papers and continued reading. He found out that the store was quite small, hardly crowded, and didn't have many customers, especially at night...

'Nonsense... should I rob the store tonight?' Sam rubbed his forehead vigorously.

"Here's your coffee, Sam."

Sam heard Angela's soft voice as she held two coffee cups and offered him one. Sam took it, thanked her, and then watched as she elegantly placed the coffee on the table and sat down calmly.

"So, what do you think about the operation? Can you do it?" Angela asked urgently, her expression thoughtful.

"Well, it's not impossible, but it's definitely challenging. The damn thing has five cameras, and they cover all possible angles." Sam remarked.

Angela looked at him deeply and asked, "Can you do it?"

Sam looked at her and smiled gently, "Certainly... with the right price."

Angela looked sharply at him and said, "How much do you want?"

As she brewed the coffee and he examined the papers, he had come to realize that the risks far outweighed the gains in this operation.

He knew that asking for more money wouldn't be of much help, and he would definitely make Angela upset for no real reason.


"I want you to teach me more about the abilities. It seems to me that you're already an expert in them. And of course, I hope you enlighten my insight with your wise words and... your beautiful dress."

Sam said with a smile that was not without a touch of slyness, as he noticed the clear grim expressions on Angela's face.

I never thought I would reach the tenth chapter of this novel. But here we are!

I'd like to thank everyone for their support. I am truly grateful and it gives me a great sense of motivation.

From here on, the story will expand exponentially and delve deeper into characters and the world. There will be plenty of introductions to new characters, while of course maintaining those that have already been introduced.

Thank you all.

Cthoanutcreators' thoughts