
The Time Stopper Rampages

Sam, an antisocial man, despises everything about society and anyone involved in its construction. He suffers a harsh verdict on his freedom from the society's pre-drawn life path for him. He had tried to grab as much power in society as he can, but he failed miserably. He's just hitting a wall. Life leads him to a field he detests, to a job that he feels a profound sense of disgust towards. When he finally decides to put an end to it all with a mercy bullet to his brain, time suddenly hits the brakes...

Cthoanut · Fantasy
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27 Chs


In truth, Sam was barely sure he could successfully rob the store with a 50% chance. The matter was simply difficult for him, especially since he lacked sufficient information about his ability. Sam wasn't foolish enough to take such a risk easily. He wanted to gather as much information as possible to increase his chances of success smoothly.

Angela looked at him with a complex and frowning expression. Then she sighed heavily and said, "It's okay, I can teach you a little about the abilities."

"No, not a little. I want a lot of information." Sam said, staring at her with a serious and determined look.

Angela stared at him for a moment. Perhaps she was taken aback by Sam's audacity. But her expression quickly changed to one of deep contemplation.

"Well, I can provide you with a lot of information since you're insisting on it. But you'll have to join my group." Angela said with an unyielding and extremely determined expression.

'I can't pressure her more.' Sam thought wisely. 'And she will be a great opening for my plans.'

"I'm fine with that. I'll be amazed by your organization or whatever you do." Sam replied nonchalantly before continuing, "but you have to tell me the information right here and now. Otherwise, I'll only agree to theft or entry."

Angela studied him for a moment and said, "Okay, Since you're so insisted, I'll lay out the information for you here and now as long as adhere to my organization"

"I'm now a proud member of the organization." Sam said with a half-sarcastic smile.

Angela looked at him strangely and pulled something out of her pocket, a folded piece of paper, and placed it on the table.

"Sign it." Angela said simply and without any embellishments.

"What? A contract?" Sam was immediately surprised by that. He had expected whatever Angela was running to be nothing more than a secret society. He had always thought that secret societies involved pledging allegiance with some devilish names, taking oaths of brotherhood. But now, becoming a true member of an actual secretive organization, he hadn't expected a contract at all.

Angela looked at him with a slight frown and said, "Of course, a contract. What did you expect, some kind of sworn oath or something? We're not in the 19th century to do that."

"Fine, whatever. Show me the terms of the contract." Sam said, his voice still carrying a hint of initial shock.

"Sure, I'll tell you now and here. They're not that many anyway."

She continued without giving Sam a chance to speak, "First, you're not allowed to talk about the organization in any form or with anyone. In the event of recruiting someone, that information must be communicated to the leader, that's me. Then, based on her decision, the person will join the organization or not."

"Second, you must complete the tasks assigned to you by the leader. Some tasks can be avoided for valid reasons, but each member must complete at least 15 tasks before gaining the right to refuse."

"Third, betraying the organization in any form is strictly forbidden. This includes divulging its secrets, harming its members, or its properties."

"Fourth, there's no regular salary for members. Funds are collected from 'operations' they undertake, where the member who conducted the operation receives 40%, while the remaining 60% goes to the organization and its assets. In the case of multiple members participating, the individual's share and the organization's share decrease to satisfy all parties."

Angela relaxed on the couch for a moment, then sighed and said, "And that's everything in a nutshell."

Sam thought for a moment. Everything seemed reasonable except the second condition; it was simply a form of enslavement. What if he had an important date? Would he hurriedly apologize and rush to obey and kiss Angela's feet? That was simply not reasonable.

"The second condition is absurd." Sam said firmly before continuing, "It's just a form of enslavement. I have my own life."

Angela looked at him and smiled a charming smile, saying, "The operations will be spaced out. It won't be your average regular job where you wake up at eight in the morning and slog until four in the afternoon. You won't be a paid slave. Essentially, you'll still have your personal life, and you'll give me some of your precious time to carry out some operations."

Angela looked at him for a moment, then said, "And as for the first operation, it will mostly be simple, something similar to the store that you and I plan to rob ."

'This is very tempting.' Sam thought strongly. The job was simply fantastic. Sam could already imagine himself robbing a bank for millions and getting a cut, repeating the process until he was swimming in money.

Sam rubbed his forehead and said, "Alright, I agree to your offer. Give me the paper, I'll sign it."

Angela smiled and handed him the paper.

The paper indeed contained the terms Angela had mentioned, along with additional rules dealing with death and the distribution of wealth acquired by the member...

'This...' Sam was slightly shocked for a moment, but quickly composed himself. The nature of these organization's activities was indeed very dangerous. Stealing a store wasn't just a trivial matter, and it was clear that its undertakings still held aspects Sam was unaware of. It was entirely natural that there were high risks involved.

Furthermore, everything in the contract was indeed straightforward. So, Sam took the pen Angela gave him and signed the contract.

As soon as he signed, a wide smile appeared on Angela's face, and she said, "Congratulations, you've become a member of my organization."

"Yes, I suppose so." Sam replied with a simple yet smiling expression. He wasn't enthusiastic about being an employee of sorts, but he was absolutely taken by the prospect of the money that would come through the operation.

"Now that you've signed the contract, there are two things I need to inform you of." Angela said with a serious tone.

'Bloody shit... I'm not being fooled or scammed, am I?' Sam thought intensely, his face turned pale, showing a great concern.

"First, in the event that you violate any of the rules, a penalty will be imposed on you. And by penalty, I mean physical harm inflicted upon you as stipulated in the contract. Both you and I of course. Yes, this contract isn't a regular contract. It's a contract created by ability. And as for the penalty itself, it varies depending on your violation. But most of them end with your death in a mysterious and often painful manner. Especially for divulging and betrayal."

"Second, you can leave the organization at any time you desire. However, all memories related to the organization will be completely erased. Also, you will handle 90% of your gains to the organization. And of course, we won't recruit you again. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Angela's expression softened and a very charming smile appeared as she extended her hand after finishing her explanation, saying, "That's everything. It would be a great pleasure for me to work with you, Sam."