
chptr 8 My bad

she came back to her senses and continued 'umm hello everyone I'm Darcie and i'll be the stylist for the main protagonists'.

after that we where given scripts to review and we where sent for the script reading session as soon as we where done and I was about to sprint out there came a person holding box containing luchboxes? 'I have ordered these for all the staff don't bother to have some their's plenty for everyone ' Marie spoke with proudness filled in her voice as everyone screamed and cheered , The director came upto my ears and whispered 'must be lucky to have such a girlfriend ' I turned to look at my girlfriend the girl I love and whispered back 'yes'.

few weeks went by and things where starting to go south

when darcie would come up to us to fix our makeup after the cut Marie would show her disgusting attitude to her..it would make my blood boil not only abuse her as a stylist but also ask her to do her errands..I have stopped it a few times but...

At today's shoot where on break and randomly marie comes upto me and starts fixing my hair as darcie was right in front.....I....I just wanted to push her away and say that darcie was my girlfriend but held it in. 

when I reached my dorm and was about to turn the door knob I stopped and walked over to darcie's house as I had not been spending time with her these past days due to my heavy schedule. Without hesitation I went into her apartment but I saw that she was already asleep on the table kept in the living room with her head on piles of papers.. guess she was doing some work...as I got close to her I saw dried up tears on her beautifull soft face which broke my heart and made me fill up with guilt. 

I took off my coat and carried her body which made my heart drop...she was light as a feather and I don't remember her being this light . I laid her softly on the bed and walked towards the refrigerator all I saw was water, cider and few fruits.

I slowly crawled myself into the bed and pulled her close to me...she felt my presence as she turned around towards me and snuggled into chest and fell asleep holding me tight which made me want to protect her more.

She was having a hard time and I couldn't even notice it 'just because I was busy?!?' I'm such an assh*le and don't deserve this precious